Page 63 of Predestined Hearts

“You are clearly unhappy, Father. You are not in love with her. You are comfortable with her.”

“Child, do not attempt to tell me how I feel.”

Placing my hands on my hips, I turned and faced my father. “Do not call me child. I’m a grown woman who happens to be growing a baby in her womb. I do believe the days of calling me that are long over, Father.”

The flutter in my stomach happened again. Placing my hand over the baby, I stared my father down. My nerves were a mess.

My father threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, Sophia, you always did have such passion running in your blood.”

Facing me, my father took my hands in his. “You are correct, Sophia. I do not want to start over. I am very much comfortable in the sad situation I have allowed myself to be in. I stay for your sister.”

I shook my head. “I would never want to go through this life being without someone I did not love. Please, Daddy, for me.”

Looking away, he said, “The scandal would devastate my business, which is already in turmoil, Sophia. Covington is looking to attempt to buy me out.”

Placing my hand over my mouth, I let out a gasp. “Father, what are you going to do?”

Shrugging his shoulder, he glanced my way. “I shall pull through. I always have and I always will. Now enough of all of this sad talk, Sophia, I want to talk of happy things. How is my grandchild doing?”

Smiling, I took his hand and placed it on my small baby bump. “She is doing wonderful. My stomach keeps giving me problems. I’ve been having flutters all evening and …” My father smiled the biggest smile I’d ever seen spread across his face. Stopping my chatter, I looked inquisitively at him.

“My darling, you’re feeling your child move about within you.”

Lifting my hand to my mouth, I felt the tears building. “Truly?”

Pulling me in for a hug, he whispered in my ear, “Truly, my sweet darling girl. How happy will Daniel be when he returns and find his wife swollen with his child, and I’m going to guess it’s a boy with how active you say he is this evening.”

Laughing, I gazed into my father’s eyes. “Danny wants a girl. I’ve been praying hard every night for God to bless us with a little girl.”

Kissing me on the forehead, my father looked into my eyes. “Let’s pray for a healthy pregnancy for my daughter and a speedy return of my son-in-law.”

“I like that prayer.”

Father kept me company most of the night until he was forced to talk business with a few other gentlemen. Standing there alone, I smiled as Devlin approached me. “A beautiful woman such as yourself should not be standing in a corner all alone. I think Daniel would agree and want me to offer you my company, Sophia.”

Shaking my head, I chuckled. “Mr. Covington, surely you have better things to do then stand here and keep me company. Why, you have a line of ladies lining up to dance with you.”

Rolling his eyes he leaned closer to me and whispered, “Truth be told, I hate parties. I’ve never enjoyed them.”

Pretending to act surprised, I gazed at him with a shocked look upon my face. “Devlin, don’t you know high society does not allow you to dislike anything. You smile and act like you are having fun right this instance!”

Throwing his head back and laughing, Devlin looked around the room. “I’ve grown tired of all of this, Sophia. I’d love to be able to just get on a ship and sail off somewhere. Go exploring and find new things. Sleep with women from town to town and

not have to worry about being proper.”

I began choking when Devlin mentioned sleeping around. That was not what I was expecting him to say.

Touching the side of my arm, he asked, “Are you okay?”

Raising my hand, I nodded my head. “Wasn’t expecting you to admit you wanted to be so … open to the um … courting of um … women.”

Devlin laughed again. “I do so enjoy your company, Sophia. I am only teasing you, though.”

Fearing people would start talking of how Devlin was paying such attention to a pregnant married woman, I decided I’d had enough of the party. “I’m going to go find my in-laws. I’m tired and in need of a comfortable bed.”

Devlin escorted me to Danny’s parents, then out to the carriage. Helping me into the carriage, I took note that he had held onto my hand longer than was needed, and much longer than I cared for. Giving him a look to let go of my hand, Devlin flashed a wicked smile my way. Shaking my head, I gave him a stern look.

“A man can dream, Sophia. A man can dream.”