Taking a strawberry off the plate, I dipped it into the creamy dip. Flavors burst across my tongue. It was an understated sweet that mingled with the fresh fruit. “Wow, you are a good cook. I wish I could boil water.”
Gael made a stabbing motion to his heart. “Those are blasphemous words to a chef. I’ve now made it my mission to teach you to cook.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t wish that on you. I’m afraid I would make you seriously question your abilities as a chef. I cannot do that to you. I can’t even make coffee unless it’s in a coffee pod machine. Trust me, I’m doing you a favor.”
Gael walked toward me and I popped another strawberry in my mouth. He spun me around. “I may have to get creative, but I’ll figure something out. Do you want to see the rest of the house? Afterward, we can take the food into the living room.”
“I’d love to.” I got off the stool. Gael grabbed my hand. I loved the contact. The butterflies in my stomach, the need to be closer to him, the desire to have all of him, it was an exquisite torture. We walked toward the front door and turned for the second level.
The stairs let out soft creaks as we climbed. Sophia had climbed these stairs with Daniel. In her love for a man she barely knew, she had disregarded the antiquated rules of society. I admired Sophia for following her heart versus her head when it seemed irrational and impossible to have the love-at-first-sight feeling. For those who didn’t believe that falling in love quickly could happen, I felt sorry them. Love doesn’t work on a timeline. Love happens and we have no control over it. My head and heart constantly battled each other.
“You seem lost in thought.” Gael looked back at me as we rounded the landing.
He stopped and looked at me. “I was thinking about how Daniel and Sophia climbed these stairs together—how their love was palpable on the pages of the jo
urnal. I admire them that they gave in to their desires, even though it could cost them everything.”
“Me, too.” He squeezed my hand. “This first door is my bedroom.”
I peaked in and noticed a dark, wooded bed with a black comforter. It was stunning against the slate-blue walls.
“These next two rooms are more bedrooms.”
Glancing in as we walked by, the rooms were simply done with their cream bedspreads and nautical-themed décor. Those rooms had a different feel to them than the rest of the house and I wondered if Gael had actually been the one to decorate them.
We made it to the last door and Gael walked us in. “This is my office and I think the room Daniel and Sophia were in.”
A small desk sat against the opposite wall. A brown leather couch was to my right. Gael let go of my hand and I walked around the room. I could picture Sophia asking Daniel to make her his. I wanted to be someone’s everything—to consume their thoughts. I turned and ran into Gael, not realizing how close he was to me. His hands came out to my sides to steady me.
The sparks flew around us again. “I want to kiss you again, Ashlin.”
“Then, do.”
At my words, his lips came to mine. The feel of him was better than I remembered. His hands slid into my hair and fisted it. My head tilted giving him better access to my mouth as he walked us backward toward the couch.
We tumbled on the cushions as Gael’s body pressed into mine. My insides ignited as I pulled him to me. Our hips ground together and his hard length provided friction through my leggings. Gael’s strong mouth owned me. My brain was unable to form any coherent thoughts as his hands slipped underneath my shirt—slowly trailing their way upward. The tips of my nipples hardened in anticipation.
He pushed slightly back and we were gasping for air. Fingers from Gael’s right hand came up and grazed my cheek. “I know we want each other. Trust me, I want you—badly. But not like this. Not on my couch in my office. I don’t want there to be any doubt of my feelings for you when we make love to each other.”
His words stirred a longing within me. A longing to have something more than I’d ever experienced.
“I don’t want you doubting me or my motives either.”
We continued to look at each other. The ache within me throbbed. Gael was still hard. I squirmed and his eyes darkened as he pushed away. I missed the contact, but understood and agreed with Gael’s reasons.
“Why don’t we go downstairs, get our wine, and I’ll make a fire. Did you bring the journal?”
I followed Gael out of the room as he grabbed my hand. “Yes, but there’s still no way I’m reading to you.”
My face would be ten shades of red if I were to speak the thoughts Sophia had as Daniel made love to her.
Gael’s deep voice resonated deep within me as he spoke. “Grab the journal. I’ll get the wine and food. I’ll meet you in the living room and build a fire.”
“I’m not reading it. There’s no amount of wine, delicious food or tempting kisses that will change my mind.”
He gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “I like that you think my kisses are tempting. I want to read it to you.”
“Really?” Imagining Gael’s deep voice reading to me had the feelings from earlier in his office returning. The attraction was undeniable.