Page 126 of Predestined Hearts

He gave me a gentle smile. “I know you are. That’s what makes you such a wonderful person.”

We smiled at each other as he walked out of the room. Maybe in the

future this apology would lead to a distant friendship. One never knew what the future held. Time would tell. As Sophia said in her journal … time moves on.

Gael wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. “I never expected that in a million years.”

“Me either. I’m still trying to process it all. I can’t believe that was the same Harris. He’s softer than I ever knew him.”

Introspectively, we stood there thinking about the past and the demons that had lurked there for years. In a matter of minutes, they disappeared, lifting the weight of worry that lingered in the back of our minds without us realizing it.

Gael turned me and kissed me. As we separated I said, “All of the suffering and stress was worth it, though, because it brought us together.”

PULLING UP TO the house, I sighed as I thought about our day. After Harris left, Gael and I had some lunch in his office as we talked about what happened. I’d researched him and he had all but disappeared off the grid. There was one picture of him and Christina, probably the night they conceived Rachel. She was gorgeous with her brunette hair and stunning green eyes. Together they looked like they were meant to be.

We would be leery, but I truly believed it was all behind us.

The branches from Daniel and Sophia’s tree swung as the wind picked up. I loved that tree. Every year, on our anniversary, we had a picnic under the tree to remember them and the journey that brought us together.

My phone vibrated with a text message from Gael.

Gael: Checking on you.

Me: Just pulling up to the house. Can’t wait for you to get home.

Gael: Me either! Love you.

Me: Love you, too.

I loved Gael to the depths of my soul. He was worried about me. Another text message came in. It was from Erica. Sophia was taking a nap in her bedroom at their house. Even though the rules were more lax at their house, they maintained the schedule I kept. While I was pregnant with Sophia, they sold their house in Hilton Head and moved into downtown Savannah near Aunt Leelyn’s house on Oglethorpe. Responding, I told Erica how much I loved the picture of Sophia she sent.

Clouds turned gray in the distance. It looked like we were going to have a storm later on today. We weren’t in the season yet for hurricanes so the storm would likely dissipate quickly.

I grabbed my purse from the passenger seat and made my way to the front door. Pausing, I took in our white home. It was perfect.

Together, we had all we ever wanted.

The stroll to the front door was taken at a leisurely pace. The wind gusted as a cold front came in, confirming my suspicions of a storm. I quickly texted Erica.

Me: It looks like there’s a storm coming.

Erica: Dave already has the news up. We don’t think it’ll be bad. Do you want us to bring Sophia back home?

I loved her for asking, but knew that would break everyone’s heart.

Me: Thank you for offering, but I don’t think that’s necessary.

Erica: Sounds great. We’re going to create a fort in the living room when she wakes up and watch movies.

Me: That sounds amazing. Have fun.

Erica: You too. Are you almost home?

Me: Yes, walking up to the door now.

Erica: Good. I’ll text you later with a picture of the fort.

Me: I can’t wait.