Page 111 of Predestined Hearts

There was no hiding how upset I was when I spoke, “Umm … sh-she’s stable f-for now.”

“What’s wrong, Ashlin?”

I dug deep. Amelia’s life was at stake. I’d sort mine out when she was okay. “Gael, I’ve been thinking and we need to take a break. It’s all been too fast. I’m going to stay in New York.”

“No! No! No! What the fuck is going on, Ashlin? Something’s not right. I’ll be there tomorrow. Don’t do this.” His voice was panicked. I was panicked. I didn’t want to do this.

Gael, I’m so sorry.

Harris jutted his finger at the phone and mouthed, Sell it!

Time was running out. “Gael, don’t come. It’s really over. I know this seems sudden, but I tried to force something that wasn’t there. I realized that when I got to the hospital. Seeing Amelia and Steven again made me realize I can’t keep doing this to you.”

I was greeted with silence. More silence.

Gael cleared his throat. “I promised I’d never break your heart, I guess I should have had you promise the same thing.”

The line went dead. And with the silence my soul died too.

I held the phone and sobbed as Harris spoke, “Yes, please have the helicopter ready for Dr. Tibowski. He’s coming to New York Presbyterian. Make all the other arrangements we discussed.”

Still staring at the blank screen, I felt like my entire world had been yanked from me. At least Amelia has a fighting chance. A new wave of hurt came over me. Amelia had wanted to be a mother and now she was going to have to deal with the loss of her baby with everything else. My sacrifice seemed small in comparison.

I saw Harris’ legs come to stand in front of me. “I’ll know if you contact him and tell him everything. I won’t hesitate to act. No further communication with that fucker.”

Still looking down, defeated, I responded, “Why are you doing this? Why now?”

“Like I said outside the restaurant, I’m a patient man. I had to wait for the right opportunity. I knew the moment Amelia had her accident. I’m the reason she’s still alive. If it hadn’t been for my guys, no one would have known what to do to keep her alive. Amelia presented a means to an end. That Christmas party for Gael was staged. There’s connoisseurs showing up and there will be an article to sell it in a magazine I’ve purchased space in. I had to act fast to get you alone. The incident with his mother was only an added bonus that showed me it was the right time to make my move. I know you guys stopped using a condom a few weeks ago. We couldn’t have any accidents happening. Other plans were in motion if this hadn’t happened.”

The last couple of comments had me looking at Harris. Shocked. He continued. “Someone’s trash can be very telling. You’ve been monitored closely since the day you broke up with me, Ashlin.”

I remained silent. There was too much for me to process. Harris headed for the door. “Did you ever read the note I left you after your Aunt Leelyn died?”

“No. What did it say?”

He cracked his neck. “So much of this could have been avoided. I wanted to start fresh. Find our way. Figure things out. I would have compromised to have you back in my life.”

There were no words. Knowing how much I loved Gael now, it didn’t make a difference. Harris continued and any gentleness was gone. “We’ll work out when you’re moving back in with me and becoming my wife. I think it should be a slow reconciliation so Steven doesn’t see through it.” Harris grabbed the doorknob before giving me one last warning. “I mean it, Ashlin. No contact or you will regret it.”

With the finality of the door shutting, I cried a lifetime’s worth into my hands. There was no beginning and no end to the hurt I felt. My whole body ached.

My phone vibrated. I looked down, wishing it was Gael.

Steven: Where are you at? Doctor came out with good news.

A happy sob came from me through all the sorrow.

Me: Heading up.

Looking in the mirror, I knew there was nothing that could be done with the train wreck my face had become.

As I walked to the elevator, my phone vibrated again.

Gael: Please tell me that my world did not just fall apart.

Wanting to respond, but knowing I couldn’t, I closed out the message and head

ed upstairs.