Page 103 of Predestined Hearts

“Daniel, Sophia has Scarlet Fever and the doctors are not giving her much time. She wanted to feel closer to you and asked to be taken to where you had spent your last night together.”

I didn’t even wait for Devlin to finish talking. I quickly ran from his house to my brother Thomas’s house.

Rushing through the door and up the stairs, I ran to the guest room. My brother sat in a chair outside the door. When he looked up, he fell backward. “Daniel?”

“Not now, Thomas,” I said as I opened the door. The moment I saw her, I about fell to my knees.


Dashing over to her side, I dropped to my knees and began praying. “Please God, please don’t take her from me. I beg of you. I’ll do anything, but please do not take her from me.”

Dropping my head to the bed, I began crying. I wasn’t sure how long I knelt there for before I heard her sweet voice.

“Danny …”

Jumping up, I looked into her beautiful chocolate eyes.

“Have I died?”

Shaking my head quickly, I whispered, “No darling. I’m here. I promised you I would come back to you, Sophia. I promised you.”

Her eyes filled with tears as she gently bit onto her lower lip. “Truly? I am not dreaming?”

Nodding my head, I said, “No. I’m here, Sophia. I fought like hell to get back to you sooner, darling.” Wiping my tears away, I smiled. “I’m home.”

Sophia let out a small sob as tears fell from her eyes. “Kiss me, Danny. Kiss me so I know this is not a dream.” Slowly moving to the bed, I leaned over and placed my lips against hers as I kissed her. I knew she was weak, but our kiss quickly turned deeper. Sophia cried harder as her fingers pushed through my hair and she pulled tightly, cradling the back of my head in her hands.

Pulling my lips from hers, she spoke between her sobs. “I thought … they told me …” Closing her eyes she whispered, “I knew it. I knew in my heart … you weren’t gone. Everyone said … you were dead.”

Crawling into bed next to her, I held her in my arms. “I’m so sorry I got on that ship. I’m so sorry I left you, darling.”

Sophia held onto my shirt and cried. “I thought you were gone … my heart was destroyed. I prayed every night you would come back to me. God answered my prayers! He brought you back to me. He brought back my one and only true love.”

Lifting her eyes to mine, they filled with horror as she whispered, “Devlin.”

Trying to keep the sick feeling buried deep in my soul, I shook my head. “Sophia, darling—” My voice cracked and I closed my eyes.

Gripping my shirt more, she pulled at me until I looked back into her eyes. “I lost our child. I was so lost and … I love you, Danny. You must know this before I leave. I’ve only ever loved you with my whole heart. Please know this! Please!”

Kissing the top of forehead, I shuddered when I felt how hot she was. “Shh … please don’t be upset. I understand, Sophia, I’m here now, my darling, I’m here.”

Burying her face into my body, she said, “Make love to me. Please.”

My heart dropped. “Sophia, you’re sick and can barely move. I can’t—”

Her head slowly lifted as her eyes met mine. “Please, Danny. I’ve waited so long for you.”

Tears fell as I listened to Sophia beg me. Opening my eyes, I glanced over my shoulder and saw my brother Thomas standing at the door. He looked older than I had remembered. Like he had aged ten years since I had last seen him.

Nodding his head, he said, “I shall stand outside the door, Daniel. No one will disturb you.”

Opening my mouth to argue with him, I felt Sophia slowly sit up. She looked so weak, fragile.

“You promised, Danny. You promised you would come back to me. I want all of you. I need all of you.”

“Sophia, you are married to—”

“You. I am married to you. My one and only true love is you. Danny, do not make me beg for you.”