Page 100 of Predestined Hearts

Taking in a deep breath, Colett blew it out and said, “I see being back on home soil brought out the southern gentleman in you, Monsieur.”

Colett was about to walk out the door when she turned and looked me in the eyes. Seduction still dancing across her face as she spoke. “As far as the bed goes, I can tell you, your statement is true. You can be fucked … good … and hard.” Winking, she walked away.

Holy shit. My Colett has a dirty side to her. Laughing, I turned my attention to the window on the other side of the room. I could hear the hustle and bustle of New York. I wondered if Colett would like Tybee Island. She seemed to love the country and hated being in the city. A part of me thought she only stayed in New York City because of her fiancé. Colett had told me that he had worked for his father here in the city at some big time bank.

Opening the door back up, Colett ca

me walking in with a tray. Setting it down on my lap I saw it was soup.

“Dig in, Mr. Stowe. We have a train to catch in a few days to Savannah and you need to be healthy.”

Lifting the spoon, I was swept away by the smell of the broth. “Hmm … what did your cook put in this broth, Colett?”

Laughing, she climbed up on the bed and tucked her legs under. “I’m insulted that you would assume a servant made that.”

Lifting an eyebrow, I asked, “They did not?”

“No! I did.”

Setting the spoon back down, I made a funny face. “Truly? You made this broth, Colett?”

Reaching over and hitting my shoulder, she said, “Yes, Daniel! Don’t be so surprised. I keep a fresh herb garden all year for my cooking.”

Taking another sip, I moaned in delight. “Will you share the recipe with me?”

Throwing her head back, she laughed which caused me to laugh. “Oh, my dear sweet, Daniel. Maybe someday I’ll share it with you.”

“Why won’t you share it now?” I asked as I kept spooning the broth into my mouth. It was heavenly.

I’d never noticed how the left side of Colett’s mouth barely rose when she was being silly. She was a beautiful woman, not as beautiful as my Sophia, but beautiful still.

“Only the man I marry will get to see my recipes.”

Making a sad face, I dropped my head. “Damn.”

“Rest, we have a trip in a few days, Daniel.”

Taking the tray and the empty bowl from me, Colett instructed me to get more sleep. I did just as she said. The sooner I got better, the sooner I was back to my Sophia.

Colett and I had taken her carriage to her aunt’s house in Philadelphia and stayed the evening so we could board the train early in the morning. A train had jumped the tracks between New York City and Philadelphia, causing there to be no service between the two cities. It was yet another setback.

Letting out a frustrated moan, I sat in the seat as Colett sat opposite of me, giving me that damn smile of hers. “Stop giving me that chipper smile, Colett. Sometimes I just want to be mad.”

Pressing her lips together, she held her smile and laughter back.

Dropping my head back, I asked, “What is the date today, Colett?”

“It is the tenth of August.”

My heart was pounding in my chest. In less than three days, I would be reunited with Sophia. Lifting my head off the back of the seat, I stared at Colett. She had already pulled out her book and had her face buried in it. She informed me that she had sent a letter to my mother and to Sophia’s parents’ house as soon as she was able to once we arrived back in New York. She informed them of our arrival in Savannah, pending on if I was well enough to travel as scheduled.

“Daniel, everything is going to be okay.”

Attempting to give Colett a smile, I failed. “I fear something is wrong. I feel it in my heart.”

Dropping her book down, she got up and fell to her knees in front of me. “Daniel Stowe, we have made it this far. Do not give up hope now.” Shaking her head her eyes filled with tears. “She’s waiting for you, Daniel. I have to believe that she received one of our letters and she and your child are waiting.”

Placing my hand on the side of Colett’s face, she leaned into it. “Do you know what a remarkable woman you are, Colett?”