Page 48 of Predestined Hearts

Biting on his lip, my heart dropped. “I think we should rid you of your clothing then, my darling.”

The wetness between my legs grew; to hell with feeling like I overate. To hell with it all. I had other plans for dessert.

Standing, I turned so Danny could unbutton my dress. It didn’t take him long to remove all my clothing as he stood there and took in my body. The way he would look at me made my insides tingle.

Placing his hand gently on the side of my face, he whispered, “So beautiful. I do love your body. I see the subtle changes every day, Sophia. Evidence of my child growing in you.”

Closing my eyes, I squeezed my legs together. The intense feelings had me wanting to relieve my own ache.

“I desire you to walk around naked for the rest of our honeymoon,” Danny said as he gently lifted me up. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I rested my head against his shoulder.

“I simply desire you always, my love,” I whispered.

Setting me on the sofa, I curled up under the quilt as I watched Danny build a fire in the fireplace. My husband quickly stripped out of his own clothing. Walking across the room, I watched in awe as he moved away from me. His ass was glorious. Perfect in every possible way. I chewed on my lip as I had begun to work up my courage.

Danny spread a quilt on the ground and then tossed a few pillows down. I watched his hard length as he moved. I couldn’t wait to feel his bare skin on mine. Narrowing his eye at me, Danny walked up and held out his hand. I pushed the quilt off of me and placed my hand in his. He quickly pulled me to him, his hard cock pressed against my stomach. I would never tire of being so intimate with him. Never tire of his warm skin against my mine. Never tire of having passionate, romantic, sex with him.


Placing both hands on the sides of my face, Danny brushed his nose against mine as I giggled. Then, he placed gentle kisses all over my face; after each kiss he would profess his love to me. Grabbing a handful of my hair he pulled back, exposing my neck to him. I loved when he did this, especially while he made love to me, even more so when he fucked me. Brushing his lips against my sensitive skin, he whispered, “Mine.” My breathing picked up as a low moan formed at the back of my throat.

Danny took a step back and motioned for me to lie down on the quilt. I did as he asked and the warmth from the fire felt wonderful. Lying on my back, Danny sat next to me. Placing his hand on my stomach, he smiled as he leaned in closer. The moment his lips touched my skin, gooseflesh appeared everywhere. Danny placed tender kisses all over my stomach. “I can’t wait to meet you someday, little one. I wonder if you will have your mother’s eyes? Or perhaps my temper?”

Smiling, I closed my eyes and let the moment take over my body. Hearing Danny talk to our child warmed my body more than the fire ever could. “I promise, sweet baby, to protect you with every fiber of my being. I will shower you with attention and tell you every day how much your daddy loves you.”

Opening my eyes, I looked at Danny. His lips were barely against my skin as his hands lightly moved across my body. “Danny,” I whispered.

Looking into his eyes, I sucked in a breath of air. Danny’s eyes danced with nothing but pure love. Smiling, he spoke softly. “On your stomach, my darling. I want to shower your body with attention.”

And shower me with attention he did. Danny touched every inch of my body with his hands. He massaged me almost to the point where I drifted off to sleep. Then, I felt him over me. Danny was kissing my back as I felt his hard dick against my skin. I wanted desperately for him to take me, but I was so completely relaxed. Danny pulled another quilt over us; pulling me to his side, I slid in next to Danny’s body. I felt his hard cock against my backside. I knew if I asked him to take me he would, but I also knew this felt perfect for him as well. Wrapping his arms around me, he held me tight.

“I love nothing more than being held within your arms, Danny.”

Kissing my shoulder, he let out a low rumbled growl. It moved through my body and relaxed me even more. “I could die right now and be the happiest man on Earth, Sophia.”

Smiling, I lifted his hand that was draped across my stomach and kissed the back of it. “Promise me, Danny that we shall have hundreds of nights like this. Even after the baby, promise me you will wrap me up in your arms in front of a warm fire like this.”

Kissing me gently again on my shoulder, Danny said, “I promise you, Sophia.”

Walking up to the carriage, I stopped when I noticed Michael holding Lucy’s hands. My mouth parted when I watched him wipe a tear away from Lucy’s cheek, feeling as if my own heart was breaking. He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. Had he done that in Savannah, whispers would begin, rumors would start. I began chewing on my lip. Lifting my travel dress, I made my way over to them. Michael saw me approaching and took a step back. He bowed slightly as I walked up, causing Lucy to spin around.

“Sophia … um … my lady, I mean, Mrs. Stowe.”

I laughed and tilted my head as I looked at her kiss-swollen lips. Turning my attention, I took Michael in. At first, I only knew of him as our neighbor who loved to fish with my husband any chance they got. It didn’t take long for Michael to confess to Danny that he was royalty, a duke of something back in England. He was hiding on the outskirts of Savannah from his overbearing father and mother. Not really hiding; they very well knew where he was. He had more money than he knew what to do with, yet, he lived the simplest of lives. Lucy had no idea he was a duke. She thought him a mere fisherman. And I could see it in her eyes. She loved him.

Standing taller, I looked back at Lucy. “You are excused from ou

r services, Lucy.”

Her eyes widened. A look of pure freight moved over her face. One glance at Michael and I saw nothing but pure happiness.

“But … I do not understand, what did I do … Sophia, I promise you …”

I placed my fingers to her lips and smiled warmly. I had known Lucy for as long as I could remember. She honestly was like a sister to me. She knew my dreams, secrets and how to do my hair up in such a fancy way, every man in the room couldn’t take his eyes off of me. I also knew she wanted a life away from the demands of my overbearing mother.

“Lucy, stay where you want to be.” Peeking up at Michael, his smile grew to a full-blown grin. “Stay with the man you love.”

Tears spilled from Lucy’s eyes. She quickly dropped her day bag and threw herself into my arms as she let out a sob. After a few seconds, she pulled back and looked into my eyes. “Who will help you with the baby, Sophia? Your mother surely will not.”