Page 131 of Predestined Hearts

Earlier, when the branches had blown on their tree, I knew Sophia was there with her beloved Daniel.

Hearing her words from the last tender moments had me spent, reliving all they had endured. Beside me, Gael was lost in his own thoughts as I remembered Daniel’s entry from this day. It had shattered me. On top of it all, I had been in a dark place at the end of his journal because of having to break up with Gael.

So much happened in life that wasn’t fair. But I had to hold faith that everything happened for a reason … otherwise why take a chance on living.

“She was such a strong person, Gael.”

“Like you, sweetheart. She knew it was coming, yet she lived each moment to the fullest until she took her last breath.”

Through the entire journey I felt like I had been on a parallel course with Sophia in so many ways. Because of her, I took a chance on finding my dream of having a love like no other.

The next page was blank. Gael flipped the page again and noticed an envelope.

My fingers traced the words as Gael and I both looked at it. “Do you think this is from Annabelle?”

“I do. Do you want to find out?”

More emotions caught in my throat. What had Annabelle turned out like? What had she thought after reading her mother’s journals? What had come of the relationship of Daniel and Devlin?

It was almost too much as a few more tears escaped. I snuggled back into Gael’s chest and stared up at the words. “Yes.”

With delicate fingers, Gael opened the envelope and began to read.

My Dearest Mother,

I sit at my desk, as a young woman about to embark on a life changing experience. I find myself longing for you in these types of moments. You are with me, though. I feel it in the very depths of my soul.

Uncle Daniel gave me your journal on my sixteenth birthday along with the painting of the two of you. I sat for hours staring at it. The love captured in your portrait moved me beyond anything I had ever experienced. I felt as if I were looking into your soul. We look so much alike, Mother. I have your hair and the color of your eyes. Father and Uncle Daniel often tell me how much I look like you. There are times I also see the sadness in their eyes, for I know I remind them of you so.

Father and Uncle Daniel have filled my heart with stories of you. Your caring heart, which they both profess I have inherited from you entirely. The fighting spirit to which you captured both of their love is one of Uncle Daniel’s favorite traits of mine. Father and Margaret always made sure you are somehow there for me. Whether it was a story of you, or a picture Margaret would set on my drawing table. She never tried to take your place, but she was indeed a wonderful stepmother. She has done her best and I’m so happy that she has made father such a happy man. They have given me three younger siblings. Ruth, MaryAnne, and Eli. Our house is always filled with such glee.

I see the sadness in Uncle Daniel’s eyes when he speaks of you, though. I worry sometimes when he drifts away from us. Aunt Colette says he is spending time with you. I love that she so freely shares his heart with you. Still, even with Aunt Colette and their two children, Gael and Robert, I see the missing part of him. He truly loved you with his heart and soul. There isn’t a day that goes by that he is not speaking of you in some manner. It is the most romantic thing ever.

Oh, I should share my news! Aunt Colette suggested taking me abroad, to Paris. Uncle Daniel and father were unsure at first, but after I begged them both, they agreed it would be a good experience for me. Aunt Colette, Uncle Daniel, and I leave in three days. Gael and Robert will stay with father and Margaret at their request. The idea of shopping was not pleasing to them. I’m terribly excited. So much so, I fear I will talk Uncle Daniel’s ear off before we leave!

One of the main reasons Aunt Colette suggested we go is for me to look for a wedding dress. Yes. I’m getting married! I find it hard to believe even as I write this. His name is Benjamin and his father owns a cotton plantation. Father is very happy with the pairing and says that I will be well taken care of. Uncle Daniel, on the other hand, has said that no man will ever be good enough for me. I do believe he secretly likes my Ben, though.

Oh how I love him, Mother. He makes me so happy. My prayer is to have a love like you and Uncle Daniel had. To be so blessed as the two of you … it is all I ask for. When I gaze at my reflection I see the same look in my eyes as I see in the painting of you and Uncle Daniel. The way he makes my body feel … well it’s almost too wicked for me to even think it, let alone share it in a letter! Goodness, my cheeks heat as I write this. I have no doubt this is what you felt for Uncle Daniel. The day my Ben makes me his is the day I know I’ll feel almost complete. For I could never truly feel totally complete. A part of me is missing, the part you took with you the day you passed on. I wish I could have known you, Mother. To have been able to see how truly beautiful you were. Aunt Colette tells me I can see it, I only need to look at my reflection for you are me and I you.

Uncle Daniel suggested I write you a letter. He has written many times to you and holds them in a special place that he says is close to you. I shall place my letter behind the painting of you and Uncle Daniel. For there I know you will keep it against your heart. I have your last journal pages there as well. Tucked away safely.

The sadness I feel closing out my letter to you is almost more than I can take. I will close my eyes and stand under the trees in the park. Uncle Daniel said when I’m lonely and missing you, this is where I will find you.

Under the trees with the wind blowing.

I love you my darling mother.

Until one day….


I STOOD IN front of Daniel and Sophia’s picture. Last night, after Gael read the letter again, we put it back behind the picture. Annabelle wanted her letter behind Sophia’s heart. The words from Annabelle resonated within me. She had the gift of writing also. If only she had journals we were able to find.

My eyes drifted over to the shadow box with their journals, which changed my life.

Their journey.

Our journey.