Page 123 of Predestined Hearts

“Yes, you are princess.” Gael walked toward me and kissed me quickly on the lips. “I missed you this morning. Sorry I had to leave before you guys woke up.”

I leaned into him as he wrapped his free arm around me. The restaurant wasn’t open yet, but the place was in the process of being setup. Food prep had begun as the aroma drifted through the air. Maybe I would stay for lunch before I ran some errands.

At the entry I saw the sign of Gael shaking the Mayor’s hand last month. Sophia and I stood to the side while Gael received the reward for becoming the number one destination to eat in Georgia. Since then, business had quadrupled. And prior to that, business had been doing fantastic. “Did you get done what you needed?”

“Yes, the investors have agreed to all my stipulations. This restaurant would remain mine and not be connected. The franchises would have strict regulations on how they would be run.”

As a chef, Gael had officially achieved his dream. A month ago, an investor contacted Gael about franchising his restaurant. It had been a decision he’d agonized over, but essentially wanted … on his terms and standards. “Congratulations. We’ll have to celebrate later.”

“Party! Party! Party!” Sophia exclaimed.

I got a wink. “I can’t wait.”

The insinuations definitely brought desire to the surface. Maybe having Sophia stay the night at her grandparents would turn out to be a benefit after all.

“How’s our baby this morning?”

“We’re good. No morning sickness today. I think I’m through the worst of it.”


I was ten weeks pregnant. Gael became fiercely protective over me when I was pregnant. With Sophia, I barely convinced him it was okay for me to travel to New York for Amelia’s shower. I loved the sentiment, though, he had to be reminded from time to time I wasn’t made of glass.

The door chimed. Erica and Dave walked in. A little dimple formed on Sophia’s cheek as she smiled and scrambled out of this arms. “Gamma, Gampa.”

Her little legs found the floor and she ran into Erica’s arms. “Hey, sweet princess. Are you ready to stay the night?”

“Yes! Momma packed my bag. It’s in her car.”

Next she ran to Dave as Gael put his arms around my waist. Our little girl was growing up.

“Did you make cookies, Gampa?”

A chuckle left as he gave me a wink. “I sure did. I made all your favorites.”

I turned my focus to Erica as she walked up. “Thank you for watching Sophia tonight. She’s excited about her first sleepover. If you need anything, I’m a phone call away.”

In return I got a hug. “I don’t know if Dave or I are more excited about the sleepover. I’m glad she’s old enough, and hopefully you get some rest.”

About four months ago, we had decided to try for another child. We were blessed not having to wait. Honestly, I had expected it to take longer since I had been on birth control shortly after Sophia was born. Amelia was six months pregnant with her second. We planned on going up there for the shower next month. Sophia loved playing with Ashton.

“What are you guys doing with your free time?”

A slight blush crept on my face as I thought about our celebrating comment from earlier. “I don’t think we’ve planned that far ahead. I may try to work a nap in there. I forgot how tiring the first trimester can be.”

Chasing a three year old during the first trimester was exhausting, but I wouldn’t change a minute of it. I still worked some on web design, but devoted most of my time to being a wife and mother. It was my choice and I loved having the opportunity to be with Sophia so much.

A sweet smile spread across her face along with a knowing smile. “I can’t wait to meet this new addition.”

I chuckled and tucked an escaped blond hair behind my ear. “Me too.”

In response, Gael kissed my cheek. “Me three.”

Not having parents of my own, it was nice having Erica and Dave. They truly brought me into their family—I was like a daughter to them. And they fully embraced being grandparents.

Sophia ran up to me and wrapped her legs around my leg. “Bye bye, Momma.”

Squatting, I brought her into my arms. “Bye, sweetie. Have fun. I’m going to miss you.”