Page 114 of Predestined Hearts

Harris: When do you plan on leaving? I want us spotted at lunch together.

All he cared about was a PR stunt. My patience had reached its end, but I still had to play nice.

Me: Harris, let Amelia wake up. Let me start feeling like a human again. If I met you now looking like I did, they’d think I was miserable being with you. There’s no amount of makeup or pleasantness than can hide how distressed I am. Let me deal with things. You’ve forced my hand. You’ve won. Give me at least a week.

Harris: You have three more days and then I expect a lunch date.

Me: Like I said, you’ve won.

Harris: I’m glad you’re finally ready to take your rightful place.

There were not enough bad words in the English language to describe how I felt about Harris Huntington.

Amelia’s parents had gone back to their hotel to rest. Steven walked out. “I’m going to get some lunch. Would you mind keeping Amelia company?”

“No, not at all. There are some new Cosmo articles to read.” I put aside the magazine I had been reading.

As I passed Steven, he stopped me. “Are you and Gael having problems? I haven’t heard you talk to him and thought he was coming. Now with Harris coming by, something feels off.”

Covertly, I checked around. The last thing Steven needed was to worry about my love life and trying to mend something that couldn’t at this point. No one was here except us. Giving Steven a hug, I whispered to be on the safe side. “Don’t worry about us. Erica fractured her hip. He’s been helping his mom and hopefully can come soon. I think Harris is trying to help.” He’s helping in a fucked up psychotic twisted sort of way, I added mentally.

“Oh, I didn’t know that. Okay. I’m glad Harris isn’t being such a dick. He’s seems like he used to back in the day, ya know?”

If only Steven knew the truth.

I nodded my head. “Yeah, I’m glad he’s been nice.”

Walking back, I greeted the nurses who were becoming familiar faces to me. They’d been beyond gentle and kind to the family. Amelia’s bruising was lessening and her color was returning. The doctors were hopeful as the swelling in her brain continued to go down.

Sitting where I’d been for the last two days, I spoke, “You’re looking good, Amelia. I see you getting stronger. I think what we are in need of is a little more Cosmo. Today, we get to learn how to tell if a guy is really into us. I’d say you have this one in the bag.”

Three-quarters of the way through the article a scratchy voice spoke, “Ashlin?”

I froze. Hoping, I heard her I stood up next to the bed. Her eyes fluttered. “Amelia! Amelia! Are you awake?”

“Head hurts …” The voice was weak but it had definitely come from Amelia.

I hit the button above her bed. “She’s awake! My best friend is awake! Please come! Hurry! Call Steven!” Turning my attention back to my friend, I spoke more calmly, “Hey, sweetie. You got a nasty bump on your head. Doctors are going to check you out. We’ve been worried about you.”

She was weak and tried to speak. I stopped her attempts. “Shh, Amelia. Don’t waste your energy. Steven and your parents are on their way. We’ve all been here.”

She nodded as the doctors came rushing in and looked her over. Steven followed shortly and fell to her side. “Oh, thank God you’re here. Baby, I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you so much. I love you.”

Steven cried and tears came from my face as I watched the love unfold. The doctors continued to look Amelia over and asked us all to step to the far side of the room. Colleen and Winston arrived as they finished their initial assessment.

They addressed the room. “She’s tired, but this is excellent progress. Her motor functions are intact and she’s remembering the wreck. As of now, it doesn’t seem like she’s got amnesia which is common in these cases.”

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Amelia’s weak voice spoke, “Baby. How’s the baby?”

This was the one thing I couldn’t fix. The baby was gone and I wanted to take the hurt that was about to happen. If only the sacrifice I made could make this better too.

Colleen and Winston drew in shocked breaths. They hadn’t known. Steven got on his knees beside the bed. “Hunny, the baby has gone to Heaven, but you’re here. We’ll have other chances to have a baby. Let’s get you better.”

A sob came through her hoarse voice. “No, not the baby. Please, no.”

As weird as this may be, I asked silently, Sophia, if you can hear me, please take care of Amelia’s baby until she can see her one day. Please take care of her. Sophia knew the pain of losing a baby.