Sue sat quietly while she fed Luke oatmeal.

“You’re still planning on staying here, right? I mean, Luke will be more comfortable in his own bed,” Ari stated as she glanced between her parents.

Facing Ari, Sue answered, “Of course we are. It will be nice to spend some time in the fresh country air as well as see Jack and Grace.”

“Where are you going to sleep?” Mark blurted out.

“In a tent,” I replied.

He glared at me. “No shit. Where is my daughter sleeping? On the hard ground?”

“Dad!” Ari cried out. “Stop being so mean.”

“I’m not being mean. The boy promised to take care of you, and I want to know how he plans on making you comfortable during this little camping trip.”

It was then Mark glanced down at my T-shirt and rolled his eyes. Taking a quick peek, I read my shirt.

“That’s probably the most accurate shirt I’ve ever seen you wear.”

“Daddy, please!” Ari pleaded.

“We’ll have a blow-up mattress, Mark. I’ve made sure that Ari will not want for anything on this trip.”

Mark huffed as Matt came walking into the kitchen eating an apple. He smiled when he saw me.

“Hey, assmole.”

“Matt!” Sue and Ari said at once.

With a huge grin, I replied to Matt, “Hey, buddy. You want to see the horses?”

He nodded and handed his apple to Mark. “Here, Dad. I’m going to go learn to be a mudder-fucking cowboy.”

Mark groaned and it was everything I could do to not laugh. Ari flashed me a dirty look that was quickly replaced by a smile when I winked at her.

“For Christ’s sake. Don’t teach him any more of your special words, Jeff!” Mark called out.

I lifted my hand and replied, “I’ll try not to!”

Before the screen door shut, I heard Mark ask, “Why did you marry that boy? Why?”

With a wide grin, I glanced down to Matt. “Buddy, this is your time. What do you want to do?”

Matt’s smile spread from ear to ear. “I want to be just like you!”

I nodded. “Sounds good to me. That ought to make your dad really happy.”

The smell of bacon filled the air as I made my way into Luke’s room. Slowly opening the door, I grinned when I saw him sitting in his crib. “Good morning, handsome boy.”

He smiled and called out, “Mama!”

I never knew I could love someone like I loved Luke. He was my entire world. Reaching into the crib, I picked him up. “Let’s get you all cleaned up and join Daddy downstairs for breakfast.”

“Dada!” Luke yelled out. Kissing him on the cheek, I grinned. “But who is the boss?” I whispered.

Luke let out a sweet laugh. “Mama!”

Tickling his stomach, I nodded. “That’s right. Mommy is always in charge.”