The following includes some terms you will see throughout this book.

candy-ass—a wimp

cool cat—a nice guy

ditz—a female idiot

easy—a girl who will sleep with anyone

eat your heart out—be jealous of me

fast—a girl/guy who will sleep with anyone

flog your log—to masturbate (masculine)

fuzz—the police

heat—the police

knuckle sandwich—a fist in the face

on the stick—someone who is bright, prepared, and pulled together

paper shaker—a cheerleader

passion pit—drive-in movie theater

sides—vinyl record

square—someone who is not cool

stacked—big breasts

swapping spit—kissing or making out

thicker than a five-dollar malt—someone who is not very bright

virgin pin—a pin a father gives his daughter for her to wear until she is married, a promise to remain a virgin until married

wazoo—rear end

what’s your bag?—what’s your problem?

I sat down at the kitchen table and looked at all of them. Ten faces were staring back at my beautiful bride and me.

“So?” Ari said as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

“So…what?” I flashed them all a smile. I knew why they had come over. “You’re all kid-free tonight, and you’re sitting here with two old people.”