Gunner, Lark and I all leaned forward. Oh, this was gonna be good.

“What about Twilight?” Gunner

and Lark said at the same time.

Josh gave Jeff a smirk and said, “Jeff here, who claims not to be pussy-whipped, watched all the Twilight movies with Ari. Might I add…all the movies one right after the other. Twilight marathon. ”

Gunner leaned back and let out a chuckle. “Damn Josh, you’re reaching now. ”

“Oh, I’m not done,” Josh said. “Not only did Jeff watch the movies with Ari, he invested hours into reading the books. ”

All of us busted out laughing as Jeff rolled his eyes. “Fuck you, Josh. You read Fifty Shades of Pink. ”

Josh shook his head, “It’s Fifty Shades of Grey, you stupid shit, and you had Ari read it to you!”

“Hey, that was a good book. I let Amanda read it to me, too, and my dick had never been so exhausted in my life as it was when she was reading that book to me,” I said with a smile and wink over towards Josh.

“Shit dude, tell me. Ells wanted to try almost everything in the book. That book should be like some kind of required reading for men,” Gunner said with a laugh.

“Dude! Jesus H. Christ. That’s my sister. I don’t need to hear that shit. I think I might have just thrown up a little in my mouth,” Jeff said as he punched Gunner in the arm.

“Oh hey, you know what are good books? It’s that one series where the guys eat a lot…damn, what’s it called again?” Josh said as he tried to remember the name of the books.

“Oh hell, Amanda and I read those, their last names are Bradford, right?” I said with a chuckle.

“Yes!” Gunner and Josh both said at the same time.

Lark stood up and looked around at all of us. “Holy hell. All of y’all’s man cards are officially revoked for twenty four hours. ”

We all looked around. “Wait. Dude, are you serious?” Jeff asked with a panicked looked on his face.

“Hell yeah I am. You’re all a bunch of pussy-whipped, chick-flick watching, and romance-reading girls. Give them up. Now. ”

“Son of a bitch. Good going, Josh!” Jeff said as he reached for his wallet and took out his man card and gave it to Lark.

“Gunner? Fork it over. ” Gunner cursed under his breath as he took his card out of his wallet. “You don’t know what it’s like though, Lark. I mean, if you just gave it a try you’d like watching…”

Lark held up his hand and stopped Gunner from talking. “No. I’m pretty sure I’d rather jack off in a field of prickly pears then watch a chick flick. Guaranteed sex or not, no fucking way. ”

Josh and I handed Lark our cards as he put them in his wallet. “Thank God Scott’s talking to Garrett, because if I ever find out he has watched a chick flick…oh I don’t even want to think about it. ”

“He has,” we all said at once and then laughed.

Lark’s mouth dropped open. “This is exactly why I like being single. ” He began pointing to all of us. “This reason right here. Pansy asses. ” He turned and walked toward the large bonfire of Christmas trees, mumbling something about chick flicks, books and pussy-ass men.

Jeff looked around at each of us and then down to the ground before looking back up. “Damn…I feel lost without my man card. Just knowing it was there in my wallet and now…damn. ”

I glanced up and saw Amanda talking to Heather. She was smiling about something and just seeing how happy she was caused me to smile. I was shocked when she had come home from dinner with my mother with a box full of baby pictures of me, and a smile on her face. When I asked her how it went she replied back with. “Great!” and then told me all about her dinner with my mother.

She must have sensed me watching her because she looked over and winked at me. I winked back and gave her the best panty-melting smile I could muster. She smiled bigger and then said something to Heather. Heather nodded her head and Amanda started walking toward me. She walked right up to me and then sat down in my lap.

“Hey baby,” she purred into my ear as I moved my hand up her sweatshirt.

“Hey back at ya,” I said as I kissed her gently on the lips.

Amanda looked around and said, “Jesus, did a puppy die or something? What in the hell is wrong with all y’all?”

“Got our man cards taken away by Lark,” Josh said as he kicked the dirt. Heather came walking up and must have heard him, because she started laughing. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and whispered something to him, causing him to smile from ear to ear.