“Ah…Feels. So. Good. ” As we both came together we captured our moans with passionate kisses. I swore I’d never had such hot sex in my life.

She looked at me and said, “Oh my God! Meg!” I quickly looked over my shoulder to see our princess sound asleep snuggled up on top of her giant Tigger.

“She’s sound asleep, baby,” I said as I winked at her.

“Brad,” she whispered. “That was probably one of the hottest fucking moments of my life. ”

I threw my head back and laughed. “Yes. Yes it was, baby. ”

She let out a giggle and said, “I feel so naughty. I can’t believe we did that with Meg right here. ”

“I’m pretty sure she’s not going to remember,” I said as I watched her putting her panties and sweats back on.

“You feel better?” I asked.

She spun around and gave me a look that about dropped me to my knees.

“Oh yes. Thank you so much. I wouldn’t mind um…doing that again sometime. ”

I couldn’t believe it but I actually felt my dick jump. “Trust me…we will be doing that again and very soon. ”

As we sat in Rick Thunder’s office, the builder Gunner had recommended and said was the best in the area, I kept glancing at Amanda. Gunner had drawn up some rough plans of the house we were wanting. I couldn’t believe how fast he had them drawn up and the suggestions Jeff had blew me away. Those two could be designing some pretty damn awesome homes if they wanted to. No wonder the fuckers had the most unique barns that I’d ever seen.

Amanda’s smile never once left her face. Her parents were keeping Meg for the evening while we stayed in Fredericksburg to spend time on the property and get some alone time.

After the builder went over a few things with us, we all headed out to our property. As we walked around I thought Amanda was going to skip the whole time. She was beyond thrilled. We walked up over a hill and she let out a gasp.

“Holy hell. Look at that view. ” She spun around and looked at me and then ran into my arms and jumped up as she wrapped her legs around me and began kissing the hell out of me.

“Oh baby, it’s perfect. ” After another round of kisses she whispered into my ear, “I’m having naughty thoughts about a blanket, some sparkling water and a present Ari gave me. ”

My heart dropped into my stomach and I just looked at her.


“I think we might have just found our building site,” Rick said with a chuckle.

I slowly put Amanda down as she winked at me and turned around. “This is perfect, Rick. I mean, don’t you think it’s just breathtaking?”

He nodded and said, “I do. And it faces north and south, but if we angle the house a little you will get amazing sunsets up here. ”

I stood there trying to figure out what the gift was that Ari had given Amanda while the two of them continued to talk about north, south, east, west and sunsets.

After a few seconds I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I walked up to Rick and slapped him on the back.

“So, do we all agree this is the spot?” I asked as Amanda started jumping up and down.

“If it were my land, this is where I would build. It’s flat, close to that barn and the view is beyond amazing. ” Rick said with a grin.

The property came with a thirty-by-ninety barn that wasn’t too far from the location we were at.

I took a deep breath and let it out as I looked at Rick and said, “Let’s do it then. ”

Rick held his hand out to me and as we shook, Amanda began talking about all the ideas she had. We walked back to the truck and by the time we got there it was decided by Rick that Amanda was going to be required to take five-minute breaks between her ideas.

Amanda got in my truck and I walked Rick over to his truck.

“It’s a gem, Brad. You did a great job and I’m not even going to ask how you got it at the price you did. ”