Chapter 4

Cash drove Rider and Razer back to the clubhouse, trying to ignore Rider’s description of Holly’s tits. Shifting uncomfortably on his seat, he tried to take his mind off Rachel’s voluptuous ass.

He pulled into the parking lot of The Last Riders clubhouse, cutting the motor.

“Thanks for helping out,” Razer said.

“No problem.” Cash slammed his truck door harder than necessary, taking his frustration out on the truck. Climbing the steps to the large house that housed all the brothers, he entered, giving a sigh of relief at putting the woman who was periodically stealing her way into his thoughts behind him.

He grabbed himself a beer from the bar before going to the pool table in the corner. It was still early, but the room was beginning to fill.

“Want a game?” Nickel came up to the table, picking up a cue stick.

“You break.” Cash took a step back from the table, letting the brother go first.

Nickel was good; it would be a challenge to beat him, and it would help take his thoughts away from Rachel. She was too young for him, and worse than that, he despised her brothers. He couldn’t even remember how many fights he had gotten into with Tate and Greer, not to mention the few he’d had with Dustin. The more he thought of her brothers, the less attracted he felt to Rachel, and by his third beer and second win at pool, he had mellowed out.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bliss sucking off Rider’s dick. He was sitting on the couch with the sexy blond leaning over him, her ass in the air. He took his last shot as he heard Rider groan.

Cash lay down the pool stick. “I’m done for the night. You can pay up tomorrow.”

“Damn, Cash. I’ll have to pay you when I get paid,” Nickel complained.

Cash nodded, already forgetting about the large sum of money, his mind only on one thing right now. Striding to the couch, he leaned over, picking Bliss up and tossing her over his shoulder.

“Hey!” Rider complained. “I wasn’t done with her yet.”

Cash turned back. “Did I say you couldn’t join us?”

As Rider grinned, getting to his feet, Cash turned to the stairs, going up them with a giggling Bliss. His stiffened cock was bursting at the seams of his jeans. He was about to go into his room when he noticed Lucky’s door open. Looking inside, he saw Raci kneeling on the floor as Lucky pounded his cock into her mouth. Cash went inside the room, tossing Bliss onto the bed.

Jerking off her tight shorts, he spread her thighs, seeing the little dew drops of her passion already clinging to her pussy lips.

Cash took off his jeans then reached into his pocket, pulling out a condom and sliding it on. Notching his cock at the threshold of her pussy, he then adjusted her hips to take him. Bliss’s pussy was always tight as hell, and he didn’t want to hurt her; he wanted her to enjoy the experience as much as him, instead.

Wrapping her thighs around his hips, he gave the squirming woman the length of his cock in one hard thrust. She arched under him, grinding her clit against the base of his cock.

“Harder,” Bliss moaned.

“Don’t talk,” Cash moaned, sliding his cock out, only to pound it back inside of her.

It was a relief to have his cock in a warm pussy, driving the need for another woman out of him. He liked his sex dirty and raw, and virginal Rachel would run screaming if he treated her like Bliss.

Picking her up from the mattress, he held her while he lay back against the bed, turning her ass up to Rider who slid his own condom on before sliding into Bliss’s ass, tightening her pussy around him even further.

Cash groaned as he reached to grab one of Bliss’s tits, squeezing it until the nipple turned a bright, cherry pink. Bliss grabbed his shoulders, digging her nails into him, tearing into his flesh while her mouth went to his neck, sucking on it. His dick lengthened even further in her, forcing a small gasp from her, but Bliss followed directions by not talking.

As Rider began to climax on the other side of her thin wall, Cash felt his own climax build and release into the condom. Then the three lay still, catching their breath on the large bed.

After Rider slid out of Bliss, removing his heavy weight, Cash moved Bliss to his side, removing his condom and throwing it into the trashcan. Then, making himself more comfortable on the bed, he lazily watched Lucky fuck Raci next to him as he played with Bliss’s nipple.

“I’m done for the night.” Rider zipped his cock back in his jeans before taking off.

Cash’s cock began to harden again, watching Raci take Lucky. He loved watching a woman get fucked. Unlike some of the brothers who had married and become monogamous, Cash knew himself well enough to admit to his sexual needs.

He had been in two serious relationships; one before he left Treepoint and one after. Both had ended when he had expected their sexual relationship to not change. The women had enjoyed sharing their bodies before they had become serious, but they couldn’t understand his lack of jealousy at watching them be fucked by men of his choosing. Cash had learned to keep his heart to himself and keep the relationships casual.

Lucky stiffened on Raci as the woman screamed her release. She then started to close her eyes and go to sleep.

Lucky rose off her, going into the bathroom, and then came back to stare down at the bed. Raci and Bliss were both almost asleep.

“Should we let them rest for a few minutes?” Lucky asked, grinning at him.

“No, let’s give them something to wake up for,” Cash answered, reaching for Raci.

* * *

Rachel misted her plants lightly, walking up and down the aisles of her greenhouse. When she finished, she cleared away the dead ones then repotted others that were growing too big for their containers. She hadn’t worn her gloves again, so when she began getting hungry, she quickly washed her hands. As she noticed they were becoming rough and cracked, she opened a jar of her hand balm, smoothing it into her hands. She clenched them into fists when she realized she was thinking of The Last Riders’ women and the manicured, soft hands they had.

She went into the house, making herself another cup of green tea before starting breakfast. Her oldest brother came to the table, yawning.

“Late night?” Rachel noticed the dark circles under his eyes.

“Yes.” He gave her a lopsided smile as he picked up his cup. “But not because of what you’re thinking. I spent the night in the fields.”

“Any luck catching anyone?”

“No, but I set some traps.”


“They have to practically be on top of the pot before they would get caught in one.”

“You’re asking for trouble,” Rachel warned.

“No. Anyone stepping on our property despite all the ‘no trespassing’ signs is the one asking for trouble.”

Rachel fixed him a plate of food. It would do no good to argue with him since his mind was made up. Greer came in looking just as tired.

“It’s your turn to watch the field. I’m going to bed. At least I was up all night working,” Tate said unsympathetically.

“I was, too. It was hard work to satisfy Diane,” Greer boasted.

“You promised to stay away from her, Greer.” Rachel glared at her horn-dog brother.

“She’s calmed down. She promised she’s not seeing anyone but me.” Greer avoided her accusing eyes.

“Diane’s promised the same thing twice before,” Rachel reminded him.

“Well, she means it this time.”

Rachel and Tate both shared a glance.

Diane was incapable of being faithful, yet Greer kept giving her chance after chance. He often came across as the meanest of her brothers; however, he was the most softhearted. He wanted to fall in love and have a big family, but the women he chose never had settling down in mind.

“Morning.” Holly came in the kitchen, wearing jeans and a yellow top.

Rachel caught the expression on Greer’s face before he could hide it. He cared abou

t Holly, but he wouldn’t make a move on her because he still held a grudge against her keeping Logan a secret after the boy’s mother’s death. Rachel, nor the rest of them, blamed her because she was trying to protect the boy, but Greer couldn’t let go of the fact that she had nearly left town with Logan. Greer took their family’s protection more seriously than his own breathing.

“I’ll grab a bite to eat. Then I’ll go sit in the deer stand awhile,” Greer stated.

“Be careful of the traps I set,” Tate warned.

“I will.” Greer buttered a piece of toast.

Rachel sat down at the table with her green tea and oatmeal.

“If you would just listen to me, we could bring in more money with Ginseng roots. I could expand the greenhouse to include…” Rachel began her usual speech only to stop as Tate and Greer both shuddered in mock horror.

One of these days, her brothers would have to see that it made more sense to listen than ignore her. She only hoped they weren’t behind bars when that time came.

Rachel had no appointments today, so she used the time to clean the house and make Logan’s favorite chili in the crock-pot. Afterward, she decided to go back to her greenhouse where she potted several more plants she had taken from the woods that she wanted to experiment with for their medicinal value.

Going to her grandmother’s journal to make notations of her own, Rachel ran her hand lovingly over the old book. She was proud of her heritage. Her great-grandmother had been full-blooded Cherokee, a descendent of one who had crossed the Appalachian Mountains during The Trail of Tears. She had passed down her gifts and knowledge to Rachel’s grandmother, who had taught them to her as soon as she was able to walk. Rachel would hand down the same knowledge to her daughter someday.

An image of a strawberry-blond little girl flashed through her mind, making her drop her hand tool.

Shakily, Rachel went to the sink to wash her hands. The likeness to Cash in the little girl had been obvious. Her attraction to Cash had been building over the years to the point her mind was making images of a child in his likeness. She had to put a stop to her wayward fantasies.

Seeing it was getting dark, she headed back to the house. She had spent hours outside, becoming lost in her work. She would back up her notes on the computer before she went to bed, though.

She ate a bowl of chili and was about to take a shower when her cell phone rang. Recognizing Cheryl’s number, she answered.