Cash reached over, turning out his bedroom light. He wanted to see that expression on her face when she was staring at him.

* * *

Cash wiped the sweat off his face with the towel Donna handed him.

“You’re doing good, Cash. So much better. You don’t need me anymore.”

Cash lowered the towel in surprise to find her grinning back at him.

“It’s true; you don’t. You’re almost back to full strength. Your workout sessions have really paid off.”

Cash threw his towel onto the washer across the room. He had worked out incessantly, attempting to drive Rachel out of his mind. It wasn’t working, but his body felt normal again.

“I couldn’t have done it without your help.”

“I’ll call Steve and tell him I’m releasing you.” Donna picked up her folder that marked his progress.

“Tell him I said hi.” Steve was his physical therapist from the rehab center.

“I will. Of course, he’s not going to be happy with me releasing you; he’s going to miss Rachel.”

Cash stopped stretching, straightening to look at Donna. “Rachel?”

Donna tilted her head quizzically at him. “Yes. She called everyday to check on your progress. Of course, he never gave away any of your medical information, but Shade gave his permission to share your status with her.”

“I wasn’t aware she called.”

Donna nodded, packing her folders into her bag. “I believe she wanted to see if you were progressing. She called several times when you were beginning to walk again.”

He had thought she hadn’t given a shit, that he hadn’t crossed her mind the entire time he had been in therapy. He had been wrong.

Cash hadn’t bothered to look at the paperwork Shade had signed for him, trusting his brother implicitly, but there was obviously something he hadn’t told him.

He showered and changed before driving to his grandmother’s house. Once there, he sat outside several minutes before going in. He had wanted to see her after finding out she had cared enough to keep track of his progress, but he still didn’t know how to get past the barricade she had put up against him or why he even wanted to.

He was about to put his truck back in drive when he saw Rachel hand Mag a drink through the front window. The last few months hadn’t treated his grandmother well. She looked older and more worn than he had ever seen her.

Rachel bent over and picked up something then moved behind Mag’s wheelchair. He realized she was brushing her hair; gently stroking the old woman’s hair as they talked.

Not even his mother had been able to get along with Mag. In fact, they had hated each other. Rachel, on the other hand, was developing a close relationship with Mag, and it affected him strangely. He wanted to go in and join them, see what they were talking about. Instead, he drove out of the parking lot, heading back to the clubhouse.

He was concerned over his grandmother’s appearance. He needed to spend some time with her and make sure she was fine. Her neighbor was actually paid by him to keep an eye on her and drive her when she wanted to go out, but he would take a few days, assess her health, and see if she needed more care.

Cash refused to acknowledge to himself that it wasn’t only his grandmother that he wanted to spend time with. Rachel wouldn’t be happy with his presence in the house. However, she would soon realize that he was tired of being ignored.

Chapter 14

Rachel was steadily busy during the day. Lily had started taking off one day a week as her pregnancy progressed. Rachel was sure it was to provide her with more hours, even though her friend denied it. She was seven months pregnant, and her beauty had only increased with her pregnancy. Rachel wasn’t jealous of her friend’s happiness; she more than deserved it from the hell she had survived.

“Are you busy, Rachel?” Brooke’s casual question had her rising from the toys she was separating by age.

“No. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“I cleaned out my closet since I bought some new clothes when I went home to Atlanta last month. I also have some bags of clothes that Jeffrey has outgrown. Can you pack them down for me?”

“Of course.”

Rachel wondered why she hadn’t brought at least one down with her. Although, with the regal attitude Brooke always showed, she shouldn’t be surprised. Brooke would have probably thrown the clothes away if not for her husband. She had to know he would ask Rachel or Lily about the clothes.

Rachel followed her through the quiet church into the pastor’s house, which was attached to the church by a private hallway. The house had gone through a transformation since Pastor Patterson had taken over for Dean. Rachel, nor any of the congregation, had been invited to Dean’s private home, but several times, Rachel had brought food to him and had seen his modest furnishings. Brooke, on the other hand, had decked out the home with expensive furnishings and state-of-the-art electronics. The television alone would have fed two families for two months.

Rachel saw the bags sitting in Brooke’s bedroom; it was going to take several trips. Rachel bent and picked two up while Brooke picked up her purse.

“I’m having lunch with Daffney Cole. Just lock the door back to the hallway when you’re done.”

“All right.” Rachel gritted her teeth all the way back to the store.

It took several trips to finish carrying all the bags. By the end, she decided she would go through them tomorrow.

Pastor Patterson came in just as she sat down on a stool to do the day’s receipts.

“I see Brooke carried the bags down. I told her I would take care of it, but she never listens. She takes on too much as it is.”

Rachel’s mouth dropped open at the man’s obtuseness toward his wife.

“Are you busy, Rachel?”

She hesitated, dreading packing more bags of clothes. “Not right now. What can I help you with?”

“Brooke has been overworking herself so much lately. I was wondering if you would mind asking your friend Willa if she would bake a cake for Brooke’s and my anniversary next month. Every time I ask, Willa doesn’t have any openings. Since she’s your friend, I was hoping she would be more inclined to make it if you asked.”

“I’ll give her a call, but I can’t make any promises. With King’s restaurant having opened, her time is pretty committed.”

“That will be fine. Just anything she whips up would be great, but chocolate is her favorite.”

“I’ll tell her.”

His beaming smile made Rachel feel small-minded. She might not personally like Brooke, yet she did like her pastor. He was no Dean; nevertheless, he was a good man.

“Let me know so I can make arrangements if she can’t.”

“I will.”

Rachel got busy. Instead of calling, she decided to stop by Willa’s house on the way home. A car was in the driveway when she pulled in. Regretting she hadn’t called ahead, Rachel decided to knock anyway.

Willa answered her knock minutes later, right as she had been about to leave.

Her flushed, upset face had Rachel’s eyes going over her shoulder to see Lewis.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Willa, but I wanted to talk to you about a private matter if you have the time.”

“Come in, Rachel.” Willa’s relief was obvious as she opened the door wider for Rachel to enter.

Lewis’s expression darkened. “Willa, we were talking—”

“And we’re finished talking. I think you should leave.” Willa’s voice trembled.

“I’ll see you later, then.” Rachel heard the threat in his voice and saw the shudder Willa couldn’t hide.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Rachel turned to Willa. “What was he doing here?”

“He thinks he can bully me into marrying him.”

Rachel knew the man had been pestering Willa, but not to that extent.

“Have Knox talk to him, Willa. Don’t let him intimidate you.”

“I’m not. I told him no. I’m actually proud of myself.” The woman couldn’t hide her fear.

If she wouldn’t talk to Knox, then Rachel would.

“Why did you stop by?”

Rachel told her of Pastor Patterson’s request.

“I told him no because Brooke hates my cakes. She tells me so all the time. Give him the bakery in Jamestown’s number.”

Rachel sighed. “It’s an anniversary cake. I think he’s planning a surprise party. Her favorite is chocolate.”

Willa sighed. “Have him text me the size and how he wants it.”

“Okay.” Rachel felt guilty for getting her to change her mind, but she knew she would have been the one he asked to drive to Jamestown to pick it up. She was slowly becoming their errand girl.

She stayed and had dinner with Willa, worried Lewis would come back.

She was tired when she finally let herself into Mag’s house. Taking a quick shower, she fell into bed exhausted, promising to let herself sleep late in the morning. Lily’s day was tomorrow.

Rachel stretched out on the soft mattress, letting her mind go back through her day. She reminded herself to stop by and talk to Knox about Lewis. She didn’t trust Lewis around Willa. She underestimated her attractiveness, and he had been one of the worst bullies in town. If Willa couldn’t get his ass under control, Rachel would see that someone else did.

Chapter 15

Rachel padded barefoot into the kitchen. Yawning, she started the coffee, surprised Mag hadn’t already. She pulled a cup from the cabinet.

“Grab one for me.” Cash slowly walked into the room.

Rachel screamed, nearly dropping her cup. “What are you doing here?”

“This is my grandmother’s house, remember?”