Cheryl almost fell, but Cash managed to grab her arm, preventing it. Cheryl then transferred her affection to Cash, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her breasts against him.

“Where’s your car?” Cash asked, making no move to remove Cheryl’s arms.

“We drove hers.”

Rachel had grabbed both their purses when she left the table. She dug through Cheryl’s as she walked toward her car. Pressing the unlock button, she opened the back car door. Cash sat the woman in the backseat, closing the door before she could ask him if she could go home with him again.

“What are you going to do with her?”

“Take her back to my house. I don’t think her facing Jared in this condition would help their marriage any.”

“I don’t know; Jared likes women any way he can get them.”

Rachel silently agreed but still wasn’t going to take Cheryl back until she sobered up. Looking in the backseat, she saw Cheryl was already passed out. She would wake the whole house up packing her inside.

“I’ll ride home with you and carry her in for you,” Cash offered.

Rachel bit her lip, not knowing what to do next. If her brothers woke up and saw her with a drunk Cheryl, they would throw a fit. If they woke up and saw Cash, there would be a killing.

“No, thanks. I can handle it,” she said firmly.

Cheryl stirred, slamming her hand against the window. “Where did Nickel go?” she yelled.

“Obviously not,” Cash retorted, getting into the driver’s seat of the car. “Give me the keys.” Rachel handed them over after getting in the passenger seat.

“How are you going to get home?” she asked, seeing his truck in the lot.

“I can walk. It’s just a mile back to the bar to pick up my truck. I know those woods like the back of my hand.”

Rachel was sure he did; he had helped his grandmother bootleg until the county went wet.

“My brothers have traps set up in the woods to catch poachers,” she warned.

“Your brothers are morons.”

Rachel didn’t try to dispute the fact because they usually were.

As Cash turned up the hill to her house, it was a lot smoother ride than the last time she’d ridden with him.

“I see you’re learning where all the biggest potholes are.” Rachel smiled at him in the dark.

“That isn’t a good thing.”

His smart ass answer had her snapping at him. “I didn’t ask for your help. You offered.”

His hands clenched on the wheel. “Be quiet, Rachel, before I stop the car and get out, leaving you with Sleeping Beauty in the backseat.”

Rachel glanced back at Cheryl. Sound asleep with her blond hair and rosy cheeks she did look like Sleeping Beauty. No one could question Jared’s taste in women; he had married the prettiest girl in town. Cash had obviously noticed.

Rachel took a deep breath, calming herself. With any luck, she needed his help for the next ten minutes. Then she could send him on his way.

Chapter 5

Cash pulled the car close to the house, turning off the lights and motor. It was dark, but the porch light was on. Getting out of the car, Cash lifted Cheryl into his arms while she opened the front door.

Rachel made sure everyone was sleeping before motioning for Cash to bring Cheryl inside. Holly and Logan were spending the night at Mrs. Langley’s, so Rachel led him down the hall to Holly’s room. Quietly opening the door, she turned on the light to give Cash a view of where the bed was. Rachel turned down the covers then covered her up once he laid her down.

“Thanks, Cash. I appreciate it.”

“Stay out of Rosie’s, Rachel. You had no business being in there. If I hadn’t been there—”

Rachel could tell she was about to get the same speech about being careful from Cash she had to listen to from Tate; therefore, she cut him off. “I don’t need a lecture from you, Cash. If I wanted to listen to one, I would have called my brothers. I don’t know why you aren’t best friends with them; all of you are jerks who think you can order me around.”

“I don’t know why I fucking try, Rachel. That’s what I get for feeling sorry for—”

Rachel reached out and punched him in his stomach. “I don’t need you to feel sorry for me.”

She thought he would smack her in retaliation. He looked so furious with her that Rachel took a step back, but then found herself caught in his arms before she could make a move.

“Which room is yours?”

“Go to Hell.”

“Shh... or you’ll wake everyone up. Either tell me which room is yours, or I’ll turn you over my knee here and Cheryl might wake up and see.”

Rachel felt ashamed of herself. She couldn’t understand why she had overreacted in the first place. Maybe because he had compared Cheryl to Sleeping Beauty and all she got was the reproach for protecting a friend.

“The next door on the left.”

Cash turned out the light. Then, holding her arm tightly, he dragged her into her bedroom, flipping on the light switch before he closed the door with a quiet snap.

Rachel tried to forestall the fury that she saw had a hold of him. “I’m sorry, Cash. I apologize.”

“I’m tired of taking the shit you Porters dish out.” Cash sat down on her bed, pulling her over his lap. Rachel gasped, barely able to stop herself from screaming out loud.

His hand lifted her skirt, showing her frilly pink panties.

“I always wondered if you wore panties or boxers.” She deserved the sarcasm he was throwing her way, but it still hurt her feelings to be compared to a boy.

When his hand smacked her ass, Rachel jumped, but a hard hand pressed down on the middle of her back, holding her in place as several more hard smacks landed on her butt. She remained quiet, though; determined that, no matter how much it hurt, she wouldn’t make a noise. If her brothers ran in here and saw Cash, they would shoot him, and as bad as she hated him right then, she didn’t want him dead.

The spanking suddenly stopped.

“What’s this?” His finger pressed against the damp crotch of her panties.

“You might not act like a girl, but you have all the responses.” His thumb slipped underneath the thin material, finding her clit and swirling around the bud, causing another rush of dampness for his fingers to find.

Rachel felt his cock hardening underneath her belly. She tried to close her thighs, embarrassed by her revealing response, yet Cash simply lifted her up, laying her down on the bed.

The unexpectedness of his move had her thighs splaying open. Before she could close them, Cash had a hand on each thigh, spreading her wider. Rachel felt a blush cover her body when she looked down; her dress was up around her waist and her thighs were held obscenely open with Cash kneeling on the floor beside the bed.

Before she could stop him, he jerked her panties off and buried his face in her crotch.


“Shh… Do you want one of your brothers to come in and see you like this?”

Frantically, Rachel shook her head against the mattress. That was all the encouragement Cash needed before he lowered his head again, latching his mouth onto her clit.

Rachel shoved her fist in her mouth at the ecstatic pleasure taking over her body as his tongue searched and discovered each and every crevice of her pussy before shoving into her pulsing sheathe. Unable to help herself, Rachel buried her hands in his hair and lifted her hips, pressing herself harder against his mouth.

Rachel had never been able to bear the thought of self-satisfying herself, but that didn’t mean her body hadn’t felt desire. Now Cash was storming her defenses, rising longing that had been suppressed until she shuddered, wanting him inside her.

As his tongue found her clit and began sucking on it once more, Rachel whimpered.

“You need to come?” He raked his teeth along the inside of her thigh.

Rachel’s hands in his hair tried to bring his mouth back to where she n

eeded it most; however, Cash rose from his kneeling position, placing her farther back on the bed before he lay down between her thighs.

Swiftly unbuttoning the front of her dress, he unsnapped her bra, freeing her small breasts. Rachel had always felt like her breasts were nicely sized until she had compared herself to Holly, but Cash didn’t seem disappointed when his eyes narrowed in desire. He took the tip of one breast in his mouth, suckling on her roughly while his hand buried itself between her thighs.

“Have you ever been finger fucked before?” Cash asked against her breasts.

“No,” Rachel whispered, and one long finger speared her sheathe as soon as the word left her mouth.