“I’ve never seen something so hot,” Knox groaned, and for several seconds, Lily thought that if Diamond and she hadn’t been cuffed together, they would have bounced off the bed with the strength of the men going at them.

As Shade’s hand went between her thighs, rubbing her clit, Lily could hear the slap of flesh against flesh filling the room. The erotic sounds heightened her arousal.

A second later, Shade’s thumb pinched her clit, the pain lifting her ass higher against him.

“Fuck me back,” Shade grunted.

Lily began thrusting her ass back at him as he thrust forward while he teased her clit, rubbing away the small sting of pain in a move that had her panting.

“Shade, I need to come,” Lily begged, needing just a little more to bring her over.

He pulled his cock out so that only the tip was inside her. “You going to come by my office before you go to work Monday and give me this pussy?”

“Yes,” Lily screamed when he filled her again.

Diamond began screaming, clutching Lily’s hands. Lily grabbed her back as Shade’s fingers reached underneath her, taking a nipple in his hand.

He began squeezing her breast until she felt it become tender and sensitive. When his fingers finally reached her nipple again, he twisted the nub. A burst of painful pleasure had her forcing the scream back in her throat, afraid she would hurt Diamond’s ears.

Her control broke and she experienced her orgasm through a cloud of euphoria that held her senseless for several seconds. She came back into herself as Shade and Knox were unlocking the handcuffs.

Shade pulled off her blindfold, kissing her on her parted lips as her eyes opened. The love in his eyes had her raising her hand to touch his cheek.

“How do you keep your face so cleanly shaven?” The innocuous comment seemed normal to her.

“I shave a couple of times a day,” he answered, lifting her up into his arms.

“Why so often?” she asked, laying her head on his shoulder.

“Because you like to touch my face.” Shade carried her into the shower before setting her down.

“Why don’t you do that for me? “ Lily heard Diamond ask Knox.

She looked up to see they were in the big shower, but the only thing she could see was Shade’s shoulders and Knox’s back and head. Now she understood why the shower was so large. Lily was about to get out of the shower, but Shade turned the water on, handing her the soap.

Lily quickly washed then hurried out of the shower. Shade was right behind her, grinning as he dressed, watching Lily throw her own clothes on. She was about to rip a seam in her skirt when she realized Diamond and Knox were still in the shower.

Diamond was giving her the opportunity to get dressed. She’s probably as sensitive as I am, Lily thought. She didn’t seem to have much more experience at this than Lily did. Lily calmed down and finished dressing.

“Thirsty?” Shade asked.


Lily and Shade went back to the front of the basement. It was a while before Knox and Diamond came out. Knox threw himself down on the couch, pulling Diamond on his lap. Picking up his beer, he took a long drink.

“How is the new gismo Cash is working on?” Knox asked Shade.

“Waiting on the patent. As soon as it’s approved, we can start selling it,” Shade said, taking a drink of his own beer.

“Good. I need the cash. Diamond wants to turn our house into a fucking fortress.” Knox grinned at his wife who threw him a dirty look.

Shade answered Knox’s other questions on the factory, discussing several items that were making the highest sales.

Lily sat, sipping her now-flat soft drink, avoiding Diamond’s eyes. Eventually, their eyes met, though, and they smiled at each other, silently laughing at their embarrassment.

“So, can I borrow your sweater?” Diamond asked.


* * *

Lily was almost asleep when Shade slid under the covers, pulling them over their bodies. When he tugged her to him, she rolled over, burying her face in his neck as she lay against his chest.

“Shade…” Lily began.

“Knox will always be a brother, but being sheriff he has to keep a low profile. Diamond is a lawyer. She’s a good one. She’s going to move up.”

“I like to play; Knox likes to play. We all know how to keep our mouths shut. That’s why Viper and Razer talked club business in front of you. You kept Georgia’s secret even though that bitch trashed you all over town. The only time you talked was to protect someone else and to save Georgia’s life after she almost killed you.

“I think Diamond’s an attractive woman, but I don’t want to fuck her. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Yes,” Lily whispered.

She had briefly seen Knox naked. She thought he was handsome in a fierce kind of way, yet she would never be attracted to him.

“If you want to play sometimes with them and only them, we can. You don’t, we won’t. It’s your call.” Shade yawned, putting his arm behind his head. “I thought you and Diamond would get along since you’re not close friends, but you can become friends. You’re both kind of… sweet.”

Lily lifted her head. “That wasn’t what you were going to say.” She glared down at him. “I don’t know if you or Winter is the most devious.”

“I am, but she thinks she is,” Shade said smugly.

“Heaven help the person you two gang up on; they wouldn’t stand a chance.”

Chapter 38


Sawyer started the dishwasher, drying her hands on a dishcloth. The doorbell chimed and she laid the cloth down on the counter before going to the door. Her stomach sank at seeing Vida, Colton, Ice and Jackal.

She knew it was bad news when she saw their faces. Crossing her arms over her chest, she walked to the middle of her living room floor. She heard Kaden coming down the steps and turned to see him with an expression of worry on his face. He knew what they were going to tell her. She could see it in his face. Kaden came to her, standing behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Just tell me,” Sawyer ordered. Staring at Vida’s face, it was obvious she had been crying.

“Digger escaped,” Vida said gently, aware of how upset Sawyer was going to be that the man who had kidnapped her and dozens of other women had gotten away.

“How?” Sawyer asked in disbelief.

Ice explained, “They were in the State’s Attorney office. Digger had agreed to disclose the whereabouts of his houses, even tell where the women he had sold were at. He went to the bathroom before they started, and he managed to get away. Walked out the fucking front door. Both guards were killed. He had help.”

“Oh, my God.” Sawyer started crying.

Not only didn’t they know where those poor women were, but he was on the loose where he could continue somewhere else, kidnapping even more women.

“At least he doesn’t know about Callie.” Sawyer’s relief was cut short as Ice burst her bubble.

“He knows. When they checked his cell, they found information on Penni: where she lived, college, her half-brother. Digger had a complete dossier on her. The best we can figure out, he’s known since his arrest from the date on the file. We think he recognized Callie’s resemblance to King when he was in Penni’s hotel room.”

“We have to warn Callie,” Sawyer said.

“There’s more,” Jackal broke into the conversation. “Rip, who was keeping an eye on Callie, has disappeared. He was supposed to check in last night. He hasn’t. We will get our brother back.” His menace-filled eyes showed the shadows of death.

Vida turned into Colton’s chest.

“We can talk to Callie. They’ll let him go.” Vida tried to sound positive.

Ice took command. “This is what we’re going to do. We’re going to Treepoint to ask for a meet with The Last Riders and set everything straight. You can give the heads-up to Callie, offer to bring her bac

k here under our protection. Digger won’t touch her if we make a claim on her. If they give our man back, then we’ll all be cool and leave in peace. If our brother is dead, then it’s another matter. The brothers are on the way here. If you’re going, get ready to ride.”

Sawyer went upstairs to pack. She looked up when she saw Vida standing in the doorway.

“It’s going to be okay, isn’t it?” Her friend wanted reassurance.

“Pray, Vida. Pray hard. That’s what I’m doing.”

* * *

Jackal went to the door.

“Where are you going?” Ice asked, stopping him.

“I’ll keep about twenty minutes behind you,” Jackal told him with silent meaning in his eyes. “I’m going to get us some insurance.”

Ice nodded his head, giving the okay.

They were ready to leave in thirty.

Kaden was riding his bike beside Colton’s. Sawyer and Vida looked at each other, holding their husbands tight.

Kaden had called Alec; he was going to follow behind them in the Escalade. When the women needed breaks from the bikes, they could ride with him. They were going to drive straight through to Treepoint.