“There are no exceptions or exclu

sions on this paper. You should have made that clear.”

“I thought stuff like that would only count when it was worded like Jewell did. I didn’t…”

“Then you should have asked. Again, there are no exceptions. I won several hours of your time. Do you or do you not plan to keep your word?”

“Yes,” Lily finally answered.

“Good. Now take your clothes off.” When she didn’t move, only stared at him helplessly, he sighed. “Lily, do you trust me? I mean, really trust me?”

Lily thought over the time she had known him, how he had always been gentle and kind to her despite the suspicion she’d had that he wasn’t a kind man. In fact, she believed he was exactly the opposite. He hadn’t shown it to her even when he had threatened Beth and Razer’s home, yet he hadn’t taken advantage by making her have sex with him. He had made her sleep in the bed, and if she was honest, she had been pretty sick of the floor after two nights. She remembered the extra padding on the floor in her safe corner. At that, her thoughts snapped in place. She had a safe place in the room she could go. He had promised that he would never touch her there, and she’d believed him. She still did. She had her answer.

“Yes, I trust you.”

“Good, now take off your clothes. This time, I’ll let you leave your bra and panties on. Will that make you feel better?”

Lily nodded her head, relieved he had relented on her being naked. She undressed, pulling off her clothes and laying them on the chair.

As she undressed, she saw Shade pull off his t-shirt and remove his socks and boots. When she turned back to face him, the door to his closet was open and he was going through his items.

“Lay down on the bed.”

Lily climbed on the bed, sitting on her knees waiting. Shade turned on his stereo; the room filled with soft music. When Shade got on the bed beside her, his finger traced her cheek down to her throat. She swallowed as his hand lowered and he traced the edges of her bra above her breast. Her breathing escalated at his touch.

“You have beautiful breasts.” Shade’s lips traced the same path his fingers had followed, from her check to the flesh above her plain white bra. He lifted her hand and then Lily watched as he buckled a fur lined leather cuff onto her wrist. Her mouth opened to protest.

“No exclusions, Lily,” Shade reminded her once again.

She closed her mouth. Another leather cuff closed over her other wrist.

“Lay down.”

She lay down on the mattress as he reached for something else on the bedside table. He brought out chains, which he clicked into the side of the cuffs. One at a time, he locked each of the chains to a hook positioned on the bottom of the headboard that the mattress had kept hidden.

As Shade sat on his knees, looking down at her, Lily dreaded to see what he was reaching for on the nightstand this time. The plain silk scarf was anti-climatic and not as scary looking as the flogger she had thought he would have.

After Shade tied the silk scarf around her eyes, his hand slid across her stomach where her muscles quivered. He didn’t say anything as his hand traced over her body, lingering at her ankles before she felt the brush of his lips. His hand then traveled to her hips as his lips brushed where his hand had been. Over and over, he explored every area of her body with his hands and mouth.

When his hand slid to her panties, pulling them off, Lily tensed. His hand went between her thighs, exploring her as he slid easily across her damp flesh until her legs tried to close to press his hand harder against her. His light touch wasn’t going to be able to bring her over the edge to reach the climax she had been waiting for.

The music started getting louder, the beat faster, as she tried to catch that wisp of a touch that was about to drive her crazy.

“Shade, please…”

A sharp slap against her pussy had her almost climaxing. Lily shuddered.

“How are you supposed to address me when we’re in this bed?”


“Now ask me how you’re supposed to.”

“Sir, please, I want to come.”

His hand left her immediately and Lily wanted to ask what she had done wrong this time; however, his body moving between her legs forestalled her. With no warning, she felt his mouth on her pussy, his tongue finding and sliding between the lips to her clit, rubbing it into a frenzy that had her arching upwards. The wet warmth of his tongue moving on her was an unbearable pleasure. Lily couldn’t think of one thing that had ever felt as good or would ever feel as good as what she was experiencing now.

He first licked and then sucked her clit into spasms, which had her screaming her climax out as the music rose and then ended abruptly before going back to a soothing rhythm as he stroked her body, bringing her down from the orgasm while still leaving an ache. She wanted more inside of her. He rose over her, releasing the chains and taking the cuffs off before removing the blindfold.

“Thank you for trusting me, Lily.” He brushed a tender kiss against her cheek.

“You’re welcome, Sir.” Shade grinned at her, helping her off the bed and into her clothes. He dressed as she put her shoes back on before storing everything back in his cabinet, locking it and then leading her from the room with an arm around her shoulders to their room upstairs.

Lily changed into her pajamas, climbing into bed, drowsy but unable to fall asleep until Shade came to bed, pulling the covers over them both. She lay, staring up at the ceiling in the dark room, understanding how Bliss had become addicted to his games. She was terrified she would, too, and unlike Bliss, she would never recover from the loss once he was gone.

Chapter 32

Lily had to force herself out of bed Monday. In the two weeks since Thanksgiving, she had been working full-time at the factory and then on her days off, she’d worked at the church store.

Pastor Dean had tried three parishioners who he had thought would do well running the store, but they had proven either incapable of gossiping afterword about everyone’s income, or thought that what came out of the store would come out of their own back pockets, or they hadn’t been giving them enough aide. They even turned some in need away. Luckily, Pastor Dean had started each new prospective manager with either Lily or Rachel present and they were able to prevent all of the harm they could have caused the burgeoning program.

Lily carried her coffee cup to the factory. Opening the door, she was aware that she was ten minutes late when Georgia gave her a malicious smile as she placed a red mark on Lily’s time card. Ignoring her, Lily set her coffee cup on her worktable before going to the work board where she saw no orders posted. Everyone coming in had eagerly taken them with it being Monday. By Friday, the board would still be half-full. She went to the computer, pulling up the next order and making a copy.

With the order in hand, she began moving around the room, filling it. By midday, she had completed several orders. Lunch was spent with Shade on the phone most of the time, talking with a manufacturer.

She had been in an uncharacteristically bad mood this morning, and after lunch, it grew much worse. Since that night two weeks ago, Shade hadn’t touched her. She had begun wondering if he had cashed in his other IOUs, including Jewell’s, which was the only one she really cared about.

“Lily.” Shade came to the doorway of his office with a cell phone in his hand. “The coffee pot isn’t working; could you go to the house and get me a cup?”

“Get it yourself!” she snapped, slapping the tape dispenser down onto the worktable. The room went silent at her sharp remark.

“I’ll get it for you, boss,” Georgia offered with a fake, sweet smile.

“No, thanks, Georgia. I’ll take care of it. Lily, come here.” Lily started to refuse that request, too, but figured she had pushed her luck enough for the day.

She went into his office, closing the door behind her. Shade had resumed his seat behind the desk and swiveled his chair to face her in the doorway.

“Want to tell me what burr has crawled up you

r ass?”

“No, I don’t.”

Instead of him getting angry like any normal man, he gave her a grin that had a shiver running down her back. “Lock the door.”

“Fine.” Lily went to the door, about to make her escape.

“From the inside, Lily. And if you think to disobey me, have no doubt I will punish you in the other room in front of every man and woman busy working. We really don’t want to disturb their work even further, do we?”

“I don’t suppose so.” Lily reluctantly locked the door.

“When I asked you to close the door, you knew which side I wanted you on, didn’t you?”

“Yes.” Lily slowly turned back to face him.

“I see. You were being cute. I like cute; you being a smartass is not cute. For future reference, it pisses me off.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.” Lily thought to head his anger off, however she had a bad feeling it was too late.

“Good try, but I appreciate the effort.”

Yep, it’s too late, Lily thought when his hand went to the ruler he kept on his desk.

“Come here.” Her feet carried her around the desk, standing next to his chair. “Lean over my desk.” Lily was going to refuse him then remembered his words that he could handle it in the privacy of his office or on the work floor.

Lily leaned over his desk, which was almost empty since Shade kept the top immaculate. When he would come in after another member had been in the office and had made a mess, he had made them clean it before they left.

“Now, if you answer my question, you’ll get a pass. If not, well, your bottom will tell you that answer, won’t it?” Lily nodded her head. “Why were you snippy with me?”

“Because I didn’t want to get your coffee?” Lily couldn’t help the sarcastic reply.

When she felt his hand behind her back, raising the back of her skirt, Lily threw a glare in his direction.

Shade stood up, looking at what he had uncovered. Nothing happened. Lily turned her head to see his expression. She shot straight up, her skirt falling back in place before going to the corner of the room.

Shade burst out laughing. “Smart move.”

He sat back down at the desk, leaning back casually, linking his hands together over his flat stomach. “You’re quite a surprise with your sexy, little panties. Those red ones of yours always drove me crazy imagining them on you. Now that I’ve seen you in that pair of purple lace, I have a new favorite color.”