“How is the store coming along?” Beth asked, growing tired of the guys’ shop talk.

“Good. Now that Rachel and I are working on it an extra day, we’re hoping to open it in a couple of weeks. We talked to Pastor Dean; he’s going to start searching for someone to manage it for the church.”

“It’s going to be hard to find someone who will give it the commitment it needs without pay,” Beth remarked.

“I don’t know why. Think of how much good it’s going to do. The items are going to be free. I suggested he do it based on income to those in need to keep out those that would take advantage of the generosity of the church.”

“I agree, so it needs to be someone familiar with the community. That way, they won’t be too embarrassed to ask for what they need. A lot of the people who will need the store won’t even use it because their pride will stand in the way.”

Lily nodded in agreement. “They’ll have to be completely trustworthy, also. You wouldn’t believe some of the items donated. Rachel found a diamond ring and I found cash in several pockets. We always check if we know where the items come from to make sure that it wasn’t a mistake. Mrs. Graver’s ring had fallen off when she had bagged the clothes.”

“I didn’t think of that.”

“We were glad we found it for her.” Lily unconsciously relaxed back against Shade as they talked, enjoying the warmth of him at her back.

It wasn’t long before Train and Jewell came downstairs and started dancing alongside Viper and Winter. Train wasn’t wearing a shirt, but he had on a bandana over his hair and a patch over one eye. Jewell was wearing a pirate wench outfit, which left most of her breasts bare, and the short skirt showed the long length of her shapely legs.

As the song changed, Razer got to his feet. “Let’s dance.” With that, Beth and Razer joined the couples dancing.

Halfway through the song, Evie came downstairs dressed as a French maid with Cash dressed as himself.

Lily laughed, looking into Shade’s eyes. “Train is the only one who dressed up?”

Shade shook his head. “Rider dressed as Tarzan, but I threatened to kick his ass if he came down here.”

Lily’s giggles were cut off as Shade got up, setting Lily on her feet before taking her to the dance floor. She tried to get away, but he snagged her around the waist, pulling her close.

“Dance with me, Lily.”

“I don’t know how,” she protested.

“That’s okay. They don’t either.” Shade pointed his hand at Evie and Cash.

Lily watched the others. They were all just having a good time. They had come down here to make her feel more comfortable while, even over the music, she could hear the sounds of the others partying upstairs.

She began moving, trying not to feel self-conscious about her awkwardness. By the third dance, she was relaxed and moving much more comfortably. The other members came and went, moving back and forth between the two floors, everyone seemingly enjoying themselves.

Shade had pulled her closer and someone had turned off a couple of the lamps, dimming the room without making it too dark. Beth, Razer, Winter and Viper had gone upstairs while Cash, Evie, Train and Jewell were still dancing.

“Are you having a good time?”

Lily smiled up at Shade. “Yes, I am.”

“Don’t seem so surprised,” Shade said, his thigh sliding between her legs as his hand dropped to circle her waist.

“I just thought it would be wilder.”

“It is, upstairs.”

She blushed, turning her eyes away. “If you want to go upstairs, I won’t mind.”

“Shut up. I’m exactly where I want to be.”

Lily smiled, relieved that he didn’t feel like he was missing out.

When Shade lowered his head, his lips briefly touching hers, Lily didn’t move away from the brief encounter. The seductive movements of his body and the music heightened her awareness of him.

As Shade’s mouth lowered again, lingering against hers, Lily felt the pressure of his lips, enjoying the feel of them. When his tongue then slid along the seam of her lips, she gasped. Shade took advantage, sliding his tongue inside of her mouth.

Lily’s hands grabbed his t-shirt, but she didn’t push him away. She thought the tangy flavor of the beer he had drunk would repulse her, but it didn’t. The silky warmth of his tongue against hers had her indecisive about what to do next. Before she could decide, Shade lifted his head, continuing to dance as if nothing had happened.

She didn’t know what to think or feel; she then decided she didn’t have to do either. She had to learn to not over-think everything. She should take Rachel’s advice and roll with whatever happened between her and Shade. It had just been a kiss, something girls her age did every day without even thinking anything about it.

It was just a kiss, she kept telling herself. Then why does it feel like so much more? she asked herself. Why did it feel like a tiny seed of desire had been planted and was waiting to grow into a special something? It was miraculous that she had believed herself incapable of ever wanting or needing something like that.

The music ended and Shade stepped back. “Want to get something to drink?”

“Yes.” It was becoming hot downstairs all of a sudden.

As Lily moved off the dance floor, Evie plopped down on the couch out of breath next to Jewell.

“I love your outfit, Lily. It looks all demur; then when you move, it shows that rockin’ body of yours. I might need to borrow it for the next party,” Jewell complimented.

Lily’s mouth dropped open. Now she understood that look on her sister’s face and Shade getting her to get up and get him a drink. Lily glared at Shade.

“The drinks are all gone. I’ll go get some more,” Shade said, the coward making his escape.

As Train and Cash both went upstairs, saying they were going to grab some pizza, Jewell got up from the couch, going to the floor, and began dancing. When she twirled on the pole, Lily realized the women did use it to pole dance.

Evie glanced at her when Jewell really got going, sliding up and down the pole.

“I bet the men miss that with me living down here now,” Lily remarked ruefully.

“Forget the men. The women miss it. It’s great exercise for us. It’ll take me months to get rid of the inch I’ve gained on my thighs.

“I’m used to exercising on one, too. I might use it when no one is around. I know a great exercise that will take that inch off in no time.”

“Really? What is it?” Evie’s interest was sparked and she urged Lily to show her the exercise.

Since all of the men were out of the room, Lily got up, going to the stripper pole. Jewell moved back a step, watching curiously.

Lily started spinning, wrapping her leg around it. Not lifting it high, just winding her leg around it. Carefully tucking in her loose skirt, she leaned backwards, arching her back as she let her thigh hold her weight. Rising up unconsciously, she timed her movements with the beat of the music then leaned back again.

“It’s great not only for the thighs but your stomach muscles, as well. Just don’t let your arms do the work for you; let your tummy and thigh muscles do it,” Lily informed Evie. When she didn’t make a remark, Lily rose up, noticing her eyes were on the foot of the steps.

She turned to see what Ev

ie was staring at. Shade stood there with his hands full of beer and sodas while Cash had a plate of pizza that was about to slide off with his mouth hanging open, and Train was right behind them, crushing a bag of chips in his hands.

“I was just showing Evie an exercise I learned in my pole class,” Lily said, jerking her leg down from the pole and straightening her skirt.

“Could you show me that move again? I have a few pounds I need to lose,” Train asked seriously.

Lily didn’t miss the threatening glare Shade gave him as he set the drinks down on the side table.

She went to get one, picking an orange soda. Before she could take a seat, Shade pulled her back down on his lap. This time she didn’t try to wiggle away, afraid she would spill her drink.

As she got settled, Stori came down the stairs dressed in a bunny outfit that was even more suggestive than Jewell’s. She began dancing with a member from Ohio—who Lily wasn’t really familiar with—and the biker put his hand on her butt, grinding her closer to his hips.

Lily looked away, seeing Jewell and Train resuming their dancing. Evie and Cash also started dancing.

“You never told me you knew how to pole dance.”

Lily turned bright red. “My gym at college taught an exercise class using the pole.”

“Lord have mercy,” Shade muttered.

Lily couldn’t help herself, laughing at his expression as she playfully hit his chest. Shade’s hand went to the back of her neck, tugging her head down to his and catching her mouth. She relaxed against him, letting him have it. When his tongue slid between her lips, her head fell to his shoulder; Shade moved slightly until he leaned her backward against the arm of the couch and he was above her.

Her arms slid around his neck as she thought about the fact she was actually kissing him with the other couples in the room. They were in a dark corner and no one was paying attention; nothing more was happening than what she had seen at the few parties she had attended. This time, however, she was part of the couple necking in the corner.

Before she had time to think any further about it, Shade’s hand flattened against her flat stomach then slid up to her shoulder, raising her back up to a sitting position. “Let’s dance.”