Lily didn’t say anything.

“Lily, have you kissed before?” His surprised eyes stared into her embarrassed ones.

“No,” Lily admitted.

“What about Charles?”

“Just on the cheek or a brief peck on the lips. I guess I could do that,” she said unenthusiastically.

“Don’t knock yourself out. I’ve been told I’m a good kisser. I could teach you how,” Shade offered, this time trying to appear innocent. Another not so good look for him.

“I bet you could,” she said sarcastically. Then, before she could help herself, she asked, “Who told you you’re a good kisser?”

“I don’t kiss and tell,” he said, grinning at her wickedly. Now that look worked for him.

Lily gritted her teeth in aggravation.

“Come on, Lily. What’s a little kiss between friends?” He rose to his feet and put his hands behind his back. “I won’t touch you with anything other than my mouth. You can experiment and see how you like kissing.”

Lily froze, tempted. She had never been kissed. She had been too afraid Charles wouldn’t stop when she wanted him to. Shade was more experienced and older. A simple kiss wouldn’t make him lose control, and she had no doubts he would stop when she wanted him to.

He was sinfully good looking, trying to appear like a mild-mannered sheep; however, she was well aware that she was in the room with a cunning wolf.

Lily took a timid step forward. Shade didn’t say anything, appearing bored. It took several seconds for her to take another step. Shade never became impatient as she steadily drew closer until a mere inch separated them.

She looked up into his cerulean blue eyes, feeling as if she was drowning in their clear depths. She cautiously raised herself onto her tiptoes and then her mouth briefly touched his before breaking away and taking a step back.

Like a moth to a flame, she fluttered closer again. This time, her hands rested on his chest as she touched her mouth to his, letting hers linger a mere breath of a second before leaning back to study his face. The impassiveness of his expression had her leaning forward again, pressing harder against his mouth before she lifted herself away, but she didn’t move away from his body this time. Her tongue licked her lips faintly, tasting him on her mouth. Her lashes lowered as she looked at the sensuous mouth he was letting her play with. She pressed her lips harder against his mouth until he opened to her slightly.

Lily jumped away.

“That’s enough for tonight. You’re not a fast learner. It may take weeks for you to catch on to how it’s done.” He stepped away, going back to his chair.

Lily felt frustrated, wanting to keep kissing him, but his attention had already been redirected to the television.

She turned away, going to the bed and sliding down underneath the covers. She then rolled onto her side, repeatedly thumping her pillow. She thought she heard Shade laughing, but when she jerked her head around, his attention was concentrated on the television screen.

He was probably regretting his decision to teach her how to kiss. His breathing hadn’t even changed. He had all but fallen asleep.

One thing was for certain: if he was going to teach her to kiss, the man was going to have to show more interest than if he was getting a dental exam.

* * *

Shade gritted his teeth trying to get his body back under control, forcing himself to keep his eyes on the television screen. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her hitting her pillow in frustration. His hands clenched by his side. The woman didn’t know the meaning of frustration, but he was about to show her if she threw him another one of her pissed-off looks.

He was trying to go slow, not frighten her away, but even he had his limits. That innocent kiss he had gotten from her had nearly been his undoing.

When he was sure she was asleep he got up, leaving the room. He didn’t trust himself to climb into bed with her now. He had to calm his body down.

Going upstairs, he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured himself a generous amount. His wall of patience was crumbling. It was time to heat up his efforts with Lily. He didn’t think it was fair he was the only one suffering. Lily needed to discover exactly what she was missing out on, which was him fucking her until she begged him for mercy.

Shade poured himself another whiskey, This time his hand shook as he picked up his glass.

* * *

Lily woke the next morning to an empty bed. She showered and dressed for work and was going out the bedroom door when Shade entered the room. His eyes were bloodshot. Lily took a step back from the stench of alcohol.

When she had fallen asleep, he had still been watching television. The way he looked now made it apparent he had been up all night drinking.

“You’ve been drinking!” she said accusingly.

“Don’t worry; I’m not drunk.” She paled at his words, flinching away as he brushed by her.

“Aren’t you going to work?”

“I’m taking the morning off. Rider is managing the factory until this afternoon.”

Shade went to the side of the bed, taking his shoes and t-shirt off. He started to take his pants off, obviously expecting her to leave the room so he could finish undressing. Lily didn’t leave, unsure why.

“Um… you must have started drinking after I went to sleep.” She didn’t know why she was pushing the issue.

Shade cocked an eyebrow at her question. “Yes, I went upstairs for another beer and Cash and Rider were having a card game, so I joined in. I wasn’t ready for bed as early as you.”

Lily fiddled with the rubber band on her wrist. “I didn’t expect you to be. I guess I’ll see you this afternoon.” She started out the doorway but turned at his next words.

“It was just us; none of the women were there.”

Relief flooded through her tense body.

“I didn’t ask.”

“You didn’t have to,” Shade mocked.

Lily fled out the door without bothering with breakfast, going straight to the factory. A few of the other workers were slowly trickling in. Georgia was already there, talking to Rider who didn’t look in much better shape than Shade. She figured he was the one who’d lost the card game.

Lily pulled a work order and got busy filling it. She worked rapidly throughout the morning, her mind kept occupied on filling orders, distracting herself from dwelling on the kisses she had shared with Shade the night before.

She touched her fingertip to her mouth, remembering the feel of his lips against hers before catching herself. She pulled another order, not even stopping for lunch.

When Shade came in that afternoon, Rider looked like he was going to be sick as he headed out.

Shade went inside his office, ignoring Georgia who was trailing after him and shutting the door in her face. Lily’s mouth twitched in amusement and Georgia saw it, giving her a vindictive glare.

Lily sucked in a sharp breath. The woman had never made a pretense of liking her, but the hatred she didn’t try to conceal in that moment concerned Lily.

Georgia walked toward her, coming to a stop at the table where she was working. “You think you’re hot shit, don’t you? Well, let me tell you something. I

don’t give a fuck how pretty you are, when Shade gets tired of fucking you, you’ll be just another worker like every other woman he’s laid.”

“Georgia, I haven’t done a thing to deserve—”

The hateful woman cut her off. “You want to know why I can’t stand you, Lily?”

Lily stiffened her shoulders. “Go ahead.”

“Don’t worry, I will. You pretend to be this helpless little girl so everyone takes care of you. You think that because you’re pretty everyone should jump through hoops to keep you happy.”

“That’s not true.” Lily tried not to let Georgia see how her cruel words hurt.

“It is true. I have two kids to support; I need this job. Every one of the workers here needs this job except you. You don’t need it and you’re taking it from someone who does. My brother was supposed to be the next one hired when a position opened. He’s been laid off from the mines for a year and has three kids and a mortgage. I bet you don’t even have a car payment for that fancy vehicle you drive.”

Lily paled. Her words brought back Beth’s words from the summer when Lily had first asked for a summer job, that it was unnecessary for her to work since Beth herself provided her with money. It was only after she had been hurt that the job at the factory had been offered.

She felt terrible, understanding Georgia’s predicament at wanting her brother to have a job he desperately needed. To then have to see Lily daily was understandably difficult.

“I’m sorry,” Lily said, miserable that a family was doing without because of her selfish desire for a job.

“I don’t need or want your pity, just stay out of my way. When you get bored with this job, my brother will get hired and I won’t have to see your sanctimonious face anymore.” Having said her piece, Georgia turned, giving Lily her back.

Lily went back to work, thinking on the altercation. If she mentioned this to Beth or Razer, she had no doubt after Razer’s warning that the woman would be fired. Lily didn’t want to be responsible for more kids losing their breadwinner.

Coming to a decision, she went to Shade’s office. She was going to get Georgia’s brother the job he needed. All she had to do was quit.