“You’re probably stressed out, worrying about coming up with the money for the computers. Let me know how much they cost and I’ll write you a check for two of them. I wish I could do more,” Lily said, not looking at the people sitting at the table.

“I’ll ask Lucky. If he doesn’t, then I’ll pay for them,” Viper conceded, taking Lily’s hand as she reached for his plate. “We’ll take care of it. Keep your money, Lily.” Lily gave his hand a squeeze before letting it go and picking up his plate then Winter’s.

“Okay, but if you decide you need it, let me know. I’m going to bed. I’m tired tonight. Goodnight, everyone.” Lily left everyone sitting at the table, carrying the dirty dishes to the sink.

Jewell was rinsing and stacking the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. Lily quietly helped her finish the dishes until Nickel showed up to help.

Wishing them goodnight, Lily went downstairs to Shade’s bedroom where she carried her pajamas to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and then took her time blow-drying her hair.

For once, she was glad she was downstairs as the wind howled from outside. She hated storms. She had noticed the storm was moving closer when she had been upstairs. The rain was beginning, and from the sounds of rumbling coming through the house, there was thunder starting.

She turned off the blow dryer and then went to the bedroom door where she paused at seeing Shade removing his t-shirt, having already taken his boots off.

Lily started to go to the corner.

“Bed, Lily.”


“You agreed when you chose your punishment last night,” Shade reminded her.

“I thought that was just for last night,” she protested.

“No. Go to bed. I’m going to take a shower.”

Lily was feeling too tired to argue tonight. She climbed into the bed and attempted not to play back the image of the expression on Bliss’s face when she thought she wasn’t looking.

Bliss was a very attractive woman with a sexuality that even she couldn’t help noticing. The men’s eyes were constantly on her and she wasn’t shy about returning their gaze.

Lily did what she always did; she locked it away where it wouldn’t bother her anymore, moving her mind toward the fantasy of traveling the many places she wanted to explore instead. Gradually, she fell asleep to the sound of the water from Shade’s shower.

Lily awoke later, surrounded in warmth with the blankets pulled snugly around her. She could hear the wind howling, sounding like screams in the night. Her eyes lifted open to complete darkness and she jerked straight up in the bed, screaming in terror.

“Lily.” She heard Shade’s voice next to her in the darkness. “The power went off. The generator will kick on in a minute. Just take a deep breath with me and let’s count.”

She couldn’t concentrate enough to count; the door was trying to open.

“Lily! Concentrate. Count with me. One… two… three…”

“Four… five...” Lily focused on the sound of Shade’s reassuring voice as she counted. She took a sobbing breath and resumed counting. “Six… seven…”

As the lights flickered briefly then came on, she turned to Shade, who was also sitting up, and lay her head on his shoulder, crying in relief.

“I have you, Sweetheart. Shh… I have you.”

The rocking motions of his body soothed her as her arms circled his neck and she burrowed closer to him, trying to get warm. She was always so cold. So cold.

Fine tremors shook her body while his firm hand stroked her back as he continued to rock her with his soothing words, repeating over and over that it was a storm. She gradually relaxed, exhausted, lying limply against him and falling back asleep.

A man stronger than the shadows of her memories had held her demons at bay.

Chapter 20

Lily woke the next day, feeling like she hadn’t slept. She glanced over at the clock, realizing it was going to be a rush getting ready for church. As she started to slide out of bed, she noticed Shade was lying on his stomach, where she could see his bare back covered in a large tattoo.

In the middle of his back was the Navy Seal emblem with a large snake coiled around it from top to bottom with the head actually appearing as if it was about to strike. At the base of the tattoo were two revolvers that had a chain wrapped around both barrels. To the side and higher up was a pair of brass knuckles. Lily also saw a hand of cards and a long-handled razor. The entire tattoo had a shaded appearance.

While the tats on the rest of his body were clustered together, he only had that single large one on his back. Lily had a sense of its importance to him.

Pulling her attention away from the tattoo, she got off the bed, rushing around the room to get ready for church. Sliding on a navy dress and flats, she brushed her hair, ready to leave.

“Ride in with Evie and Winter.” Shade didn’t rise, merely rolled over in the bed with his arm over his eyes.

It was then that Lily realized that not only had the overhead light been on but the two lamps on each bedside table and the bathroom light. She took the time to turn off the lights before leaving the room.

Pulling out her phone on the way upstairs, Lily saw that Evie had texted her that they were in the car with Bliss, Jewell and Raci all waiting for her. She rushed out and climbed into the backseat next to Bliss.

“The storm was terrible last night,” Evie remarked as she turned onto the road. Lily thought she must have slept through the storm.

“I didn’t notice,” Bliss said. “Train and Cash kept me too busy.” Lily saw Evie throw Bliss a warning glance in the rearview mirror.

The car grew uncomfortably quiet. When Winter looked over her shoulder at her, Lily turned to look out the window as they drove down the mountain. Gradually, conversation resumed with Raci breaking the silence, discussing the Halloween party for next week.

Lily tuned out the discussion, trying to remember back to the night before. Her head started aching, and she wished she had thought to put some ibuprofen in her purse.

The church was already filled when they walked through the door. Looking around, Lily saw Beth and Razer had saved her a spot next to them, so she slid onto their bench.

Beth searched her face, reaching for her hand. Lily—forgetting her resentments for a while—held her hand throughout the service, listening as Pastor Dean presented an eloquent sermon on giving to the community. He ended the service and went to the doorway as usual.

As everyone filed out the doors, Willa was in front of Lily, and she was glad to have the opportunity to speak with her.

“Thank you for the cupcakes yesterday.”

Willa smiled back as the line moved forward. “I enjoy baking.”

“Obviously,” Georgia said from behind Beth, making no effort to lower her voice.

Lily rushed to talk so that Willa wouldn’t overhear the rude woman, but she didn’t need to worry as the sound of several motorcycles coming from outside was loud.

“I hear your friends arriving at the diner. It’s nice to always have them save a table for you before church lets out,” Willa teased.

Lily laughed. “They usually beat us and get the biggest table. Would you like to join us? We could give you a ride home afterward.” The line moved forward and Willa reached out to shake Pastor Dean’s hand.

“Like her fat ass would fit on the back of a bike,” Georgia snidely commented.

When Willa’s face turned bright red, Lily had to give the embarrassed woman credit for not losing her composure. Pastor Dean started to speak to her, but with a quick word, Willa moved away, not letting him finish.

Lily bypassed her Pastor, quickly going after the humiliated woman. “Willa.”

She stopped, turning back to Lily. “I’m sorry, Lily. I didn’t mean to ignore your invitation, but I have an order to get out

. See you later.”

“That’s all right. Stop by the store next weekend if you get time.”

“I will.” With that, the woman rushed down the sidewalk toward her home.

Lily spun around, furious. Beth and Razer were waiting for her, but Lily walked back toward Georgia and her friends from work, who were just then leaving the church. She could tell that Pastor Dean had already said something from the expression on both of their faces. She had known he would. She admired and respected Pastor Dean for just that reason; he didn’t let acts of unkindness go by unnoticed.

“That was terrible.” Lily stepped in front of Georgia, blocking her path.

“What business is it of yours?”

“We were in God’s church, Georgia. Why do you go if not to be a better person?”

“I wouldn’t talk about people being in church who shouldn’t be there. Hell, half of the congregation is headed for God’s judgment and your sister is one of them.”

As soon as the words were out of Georgia’s mouth, Lily could see she realized she had gone too far. It was one thing to insult an acquaintance, but not the hand that pays the bills and puts food on the table. Razer was one of the owners of the factory who gave her a paycheck every week, and she had just insulted his wife.

“I’m sorry, Beth. I let my mouth run away with me,” Georgia said as Beth came up to stand next to Lily.

Beth nodded her head but refused to respond. On the other hand, Lily was happy to see Razer had no problem voicing his own displeasure.

“Georgia, no one cares about your bullshit apology. I would fire you here and now, but despite your ignorant belief that we’re all going to Hell, I’ll give you one more chance. If I hear your ugly-assed comments again, you’ll be on the unemployment line.” Razer’s harsh expression left no doubt he was delivering her a promise.

As Razer took Beth and Lily’s arms, leading them across the street, Lily was still simmering with anger at the woman. Willa hadn’t deserved her ugly comments. Georgia had wanted to humiliate her and she had succeeded; it had been completely uncalled for.

Lily took a seat next to Beth, avoiding Shade’s sharp gaze as the others talked about Lily confronting Georgia. His expression remained passive as he let Razer grumble about firing her.