minutes, Knox moved to the side, letting Diamond free. Everyone stared at her accusingly.

“Sorry.” Diamond felt terrible about the commotion she had caused.

“You two need to get your shit straight,” Viper said, turning back to his bedroom.

Knox took Diamond’s hand, leading her back to the hallway and going into the room across the hall from his.

Chapter Twenty-one

“Why do you have a different bedroom?” Diamond asked. The room was half the size of his previous room. His blanket that had once lain on a huge, king-sized bed now lay across a full bed. She couldn’t believe he even fit on the bed.

“I didn’t need the big bed anymore.”

“You didn’t? Why?” Diamond asked, studying his face.

Knox didn’t answer, instead he asked a question of his own. “Why all the hurry to see me? It would have been easier to open your door last night. Nothing’s changed, Diamond.”

Diamond stood there, wanting to be the woman that could let him have it while he stood arrogantly with his arms crossed over his chest as if he held all the cards. To be the type that had more respect for herself than to be humiliated in front of a man, however Diamond wanted Knox. If she took a chance, she might win him, and having him meant everything.

“I’ve decided it doesn’t matter if you care about me or not.”

“It doesn’t?” Surprised, his arms dropped to his side.

“No, I was wrong. Just because I care about you, doesn’t mean that you have to return my feelings.”

“What feelings?” Knox asked, going still.

“I’m in love with you,” Diamond confessed, staring him straight in the eyes.

“No, you’re not.”

Diamond nodded her head. “I am. You know I am, that’s why you left that day. I bet you were relieved that Sex Piston gave you an out.”

“I didn’t need Sex Piston to give me an out. I was done,” Knox said emotionlessly.

Diamond’s heart plunged, although there was something that was hiding in his eyes that gave her a spark of hope. It was a tiny spark, but Diamond was going to play the hand of her life and that didn’t mean folding.

“What were you done with, Knox?” Diamond walked to stand beside the bed. Taking off her top, she managed to unsnap her bra, letting her breasts free. She then sat down on the side of the bed, pulling off the boots before she stood back up, unsnapping the tight jeans she had to wiggle out of. Kicking them away, she remained standing in nothing more than a tiny pair of black panties, which she slowly slipped her finger under the sides of before she slid them off, now naked before him.

Her eyes went to the front of his jeans where his erection was thrusting against the front of them. Feeling a rise in her confidence, she walked towards him, making sure she put an extra swing into her hips. Her hands went to the bottom of his t-shirt, raising it up his chest. She didn’t try to take it off the man standing as still as a statue. Instead, she leaned toward his chest, taking one of his nipples between her teeth and biting gently before letting her tongue lave the tightening nipple.

“I’m surprised that, as much as you like piercings, you didn’t pierce your nipples.”

“I get in too many fights for a nipple piercing. Did you see what Killyama did with that poor bastard’s ear?”

“Ouch,” Diamond murmured, moving to his other nipple. “I want you so bad, Knox.”

His hands went to her waist, lifting her up to meet his eyes. “If I fuck you, it doesn’t mean I care about you. It doesn’t mean I’m ever going to care about you. You’re just another pussy to me.” His stern face didn’t soften.

Tears filled Diamond’s eyes at his harsh words. “Okay.”

“Dammit to hell.” Knox’s face broke into a tortured mask that made her cry even harder, feeling his conflicting emotions. He dropped her onto the bed, jerking off his t-shirt before he lay down between her legs.

“You’re too much, Diamond. You’re too sweet, too beautiful and you mean too fucking much to me.” When Knox’s head nuzzled her neck, his body shuddered against her. “Quit crying.”


His lips found hers, giving her everything she wanted and more. The passion they had always shared was still there except now it was heightened because they hadn’t been together. The pain of neither one getting what they needed from the other tore at their emotions.

“I can’t not love you, Knox. I know you need me to only have sex with you, though; to be just another in a long line. I don’t need the words from you anymore, Knox. That’s what I was calling to tell you. I simply need you.” Her hands looped around his neck, cupping his head to her.

Knox’s hand went to her breast, lifting it to his mouth. Finding her nipple, he sucked it into his mouth, making Diamond’s hips arch upwards to rub her mound against his hard length behind his jeans. Her hands went to unsnap his jeans then to pull down his zipper at the same time that Knox’s hand went between her thighs. Finding the wet warmth waiting for him, his finger plunged within her.

“I’ve missed you so much,” Diamond whispered into his neck, her hands sliding upwards to his shaven head, stroking the smooth flesh as he teased her nipple with his tongue ring.

Knox raised his head to stare into her eyes. Lifting himself slightly away, he maneuvered his cock from his jeans then his hand moved to her thigh to spread her wider. When his cock brushed against her opening, the naked, silky skin had Diamond freezing in place as he pushed himself into her pussy. The unbelievably erotic feel of his flesh without the condom was something Diamond had never experienced before. The piercings on his cock rubbed against her, causing her to shudder.

Staring up at him, she opened her heart and soul to a man who’d had his ripped out time and time again until he had nothing left for her. Diamond took the only thing he had left to give, his body. In return, she gave him everything she was without regret or recriminations, letting her love surround them until she felt as if she’d touched his soul.

Knox’s head dropped to her shoulder as his hips thrust into her, burying his cock over and over into her silky pussy that grasped him tightly.

“This is what I want from you, Diamond.”

“It’s yours, Knox. Take me.” Her words lit a storm within him that had his strokes becoming rougher as his control began to loosen at the feel of her surrounding him.

“If I take you the way I want to, you’ll be sore tomorrow,” Knox warned.

“There’s always the hot tub,” Diamond tempted as her hand went to his back, scoring him with her fingernails.

At those words, Knox lost his restraint to the point that his strokes became hard enough to send the bed slamming against the wall. Diamond’s hips thrust back against his, coming as his piercing found a spot that had her screaming. Knox’s cock jerked within her as he climaxed at the same time, finally bringing both of them down from the torturous need that had been driving them.

When he moved to her side, pulling her onto him, Diamond lay relaxed and drained on his chest. His hands stroked her hair, straightening the tangled mess. The calming movement made her drowsy since she hadn’t slept well last night.

Diamond woke sometime later when Knox rolled her to the side, getting out of bed. Lifting her, he carried her into the bathroom before turning on the shower. Opening the shower door, he pulled her inside under the warm water where his hands picked up the soap and washed her slick body.

“Open your legs.” Knox gently commanded.

When Knox rose, Diamond took the soap, putting a generous amount on the palm of her hand. She began washing him. The muscled smoothness had Diamond grinning up at him. “I think you’ve lost a little weight.”

Knox looked disgruntled. “Maybe a few pounds.”

“You need to eat more.”

“My appetite may be coming back. Let’s go raid the kitchen.”

“Sounds good to me.” The thought that she might have been the reason he had lost a few pounds had her stomach doing fl


They dried off and Knox put on a pair of sweats before giving her a large t-shirt that fell to her knees. Searching through his drawers, he then managed to find a robe that fell to her feet.

“I didn’t think you would own a robe,” Diamond joked.

Knox grinned back. “It was a Christmas present last year from Beth. She gave all the brothers one.” Diamond laughed.

She had expected the party to be over, but there were still several members and hanger-ons downstairs.

Heading towards the kitchen, Rider gave her a sideways grin when he saw how she was dressed. Blushing, she went into the kitchen to see Evie and Cash sitting at the table eating a sandwich.

“Take a seat, I’ll fix us something,” Knox said.

As Diamond took a seat next to Evie, the silence at the table was uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, Evie. I lost my temper when I went in the bedroom and thought Knox was there, which is no excuse, but I’m sorry.”

“Your sister is a bitch,” Evie retorted, not ready to accept her apology.

“I know, but to be fair, she was going to walk away. I’m the one that egged it on.” Diamond accepted full responsibility for the fiasco upstairs.

“You did?”

Diamond nodded. “I didn’t know I could get that angry,” she confessed.

“That kind of happens when you care about someone, don’t you think?” Evie probed.

“Yes, but I still had no right. Knox hasn’t made any promises and I was wrong to take it out on the women. I should have just kicked his ass.”

Cash and Evie both shared a glance. Evie started to say something, but was cut off by Knox setting a sandwich down in front of Diamond then sitting down with a plate for himself.

They obviously didn’t want to continue the conversation with Knox there, so the topic switched to a big order The Last Riders had going out next week and how much the new employees hired from Treepoint helped with the grueling schedule.

“When did the Blue Horsemen start caring about what Sex Piston and her crazy assed friends did?” Cash asked, changing the subject again.

“The Destructors became a charter of the Blue Horsemen. I think Sex Piston and her crew are going to be in trouble for helping me get in to see Knox. Stud didn’t look too happy with them.”