“Dignity isn’t going to keep your ass warm tonight, move it.” Sex Piston took her hand, dragging her inside the house. They were almost out the door when Sex Piston changed her mind and turned towards her bedroom.

“You can’t go on a manhunt wearing that shit you got on.” She went to her closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and jerked a top off the hanger. “Get dressed.”

Diamond looked down at herself. She was wearing the dark blue suit she’d been in all day, and for once, she agreed with her sister. Taking of the suit, she managed to squeeze herself into her sister’s jeans and pulled on the top. Her breasts were larger than Sex Piston’s and the top was low cut. The globes of her breasts were displayed to an extent that Diamond didn’t think was decent.

“Do you have another top I could borrow? This one is too tight.” Diamond looked at herself in her sister’s mirror. The top was practically indecent.

Sex Piston closed the closet door with a pair of high-heeled boots in her hand. She handed them to Diamond. “Put them on, and no I don’t have a bigger top. That’s the largest one I have,” she lied.

Diamond sat down on the side of the bed, putting the boots on. When she was done Sex Piston pushed her down at her dressing table and took down her hair, styling the thick mass until it was curled and fluffy.

“Now you’re done. Let’s go.”

Diamond followed behind her sister, her resolve weakening. “Sex Piston, I think I’m going to wait until I’ve thought this over a little more.”

“Think over what?” Crazy Bitch asked, coming out of the kitchen with Killyama and T.A..

“Damn, I forgot we were supposed to watch Stud’s kids tonight while they had their meeting,” Sex Piston said, coming to a halt.

“Stud has kids?” Diamond asked.

“Yeah, three kids from hell. Is Fat Louise here?” Sex Piston asked, thinking fast.

“She’s in the kitchen,” Crazy Bitch answered.

“Fat Louise!” Sex Piston yelled. Fat Louise came out of the kitchen, eating a Pop Tart.

“You go on to the club and watch Stud’s kids, we have somewhere we got to go.”

“I ain’t watching those monsters by myself,” Fat Louise argued back.

“If you do it, I’ll take you out to dinner, anywhere you want to go.”


Sex Piston hesitated. “Yes.”

“Even Popeye’s?” Fat Louise’s eyes lit up.

“Yes. We are going to The Last Riders’ clubhouse to get Knox for Diamond.”

“Why?” Fat Louise asked, confused. “We don’t like that asshole.”

“We don’t, but Diamond’s in love with the mother fucker, and what she wants, she’s going to get,” Sex Piston said resolutely. “Let’s go; time’s a-wastin’. It’s Friday night at that club; things will be getting freaky there.”

Diamond tried to interrupt Sex Piston, but found herself dragged outside by her and Crazy Bitch.

“My keys are in the house,” Diamond said.

“They can stay there, we’re taking my car.” Killyama opened the back door and Diamond barely had enough time to lower her head before she was shoved into the back seat.

“Scoot your ass over,” Killyama said, sliding in next to her.

Crazy Bitch got in the front seat with Sex Piston and T.A. grabbed the last seat, sliding in next to Diamond in the back seat.

Sex Piston put the car in gear, accelerating with a squeal of her tires. Driving like a bat out of hell, her sister drove towards Treepoint.

With each mile, the butterflies in Diamond’s stomach made her more and more nervous. Completely sure this was a terrible mistake, she attempted to get Sex Piston to turn around.

“Fuck, no, we ain’t turnin’ around,” Killyama said. “I’ve been dying to see one of their parties ever since Beth told us about them. Who knows, maybe we’ll like them more than the Blue Horseman and we’ll start hangin’ with them instead.”

Diamond stared at the grim-faced women in the car. The Last Riders had no idea what was headed their way. God help them.

Chapter Twenty

The Last Riders’ parking lot was filled with motorcycles and cars. It was the one day of the week that hanger-ons were allowed in the clubhouse. Diamond, Sex Piston and her crew got out of the car, staring up at the huge house. Music could be heard from where they were standing.

“Sex Piston, I’ve changed my mind.” Her sister glanced at her before walking over and taking her hand.

“You can do this, Diamond. I’ll be right there with you. I shouldn’t have butted in when I saw him at your office. Now, get your ass up those steps,” she said, giving Diamond a shove on her back.

“What if I see him with someone?”

“Beth caught Razer fucking Evie. She got over it.” She shrugged.

Diamond wasn’t so sure she would be able to get over seeing him with another woman.

When they walked up the steps, Diamond tried to hesitate at the door, but Killyama pushed her through. The sight that met Diamond’s eyes were her worst fears confirmed. The Last Riders were as Diamond had never seen them before.

Cash had Jewell on his lap, sucking her bare breast, while Train had a woman pressed against the wall with her skirt up around her waist as he was fucking her. Razer and Beth were sitting on the couch, necking, and while they were the most circumspect of the group with their clothes still on, Diamond wasn’t so sure what she would’ve found if they had come in a few minutes later.

“Do you see him?” Sex Piston asked.

“No, he’s not here.”

“He must be in his room. Where is it?” Sex Piston asked.

“Upstairs.” Diamond felt a hand on her back, pushing her towards the steps.

“Stop pushing me T.A.,” Diamond hissed, seeing Beth’s eyes widen and jerk from Razer’s arms before coming towards them.

“What are you doing here?” she asked as she drew close.

“Diamond is going to talk to Knox. He upstairs?” Sex Piston told Beth as if they stopped by for a visit regularly.

“I don’t know. We just got here. Go outside and wait. I’ll get Razer to go get him for you.”

“We can get him ourselves.” Sex Piston ignored her offer. Diamond felt herself move toward the steps and then up them. As Beth followed behind, she saw Razer get up, coming after them.

“Sex Piston, I really don’t think this is a good idea.” Beth tried again to stop them. The woman ignored her, reaching the top of the steps.

“Which one is it?” Sex Piston asked. Diamond almost didn’t tell her, but she knew that she would go

into each and every room until she found him.

Diamond took a step toward Knox’s door. She was going to knock, but Sex Piston opened the door before she could. The light from the bathroom shined into the bedroom, highlighting the people on the bed. There were four people on the bed.

Diamond took one look and then turned around, running into Sex Piston who knew the instant she saw Diamond’s face that she had made a mistake in making her confront Knox in his room.

“Mother. Fucker,” Sex Piston said angrily.

Diamond pushed through the group of women, her hand to her mouth. She got to the top of the steps before she stopped. Sex Piston, Killyama, Beth, Crazy Bitch and T.A. all came to a stop behind her as Razer stood at the top of the steps, watching the women. She saw the recognition in his eyes; he was aware of what she had encountered. Diamond turned around, unable to face the sympathy she saw in the hard ass biker.

Taking a deep breath, Diamond tried to breathe through the pain tearing her heart apart. She had seen the short blond hair on top of the man on the bed while Rider had Evie on the other side of the bed and was fucking the woman.

“Bliss is mine,” Diamond said, pissed off like she had never been before. Sex Piston and her crew all gave a grin.

“Let’s kick some ass.” Sex Piston let Diamond take the lead.

“What?” Wait!” Beth yelled.

Diamond rushed back into the bedroom before Beth or Razer could react, burying her hand in Bliss’s hair and jerking her off the cock she was riding. At the same time, Sex Piston went for Evie who was straddling Rider’s lap, pulling her off backwards to land on the floor. Through all of this, Crazy Bitch held Beth and Razer back at the doorway, threatening them with a lamp she had quickly picked up from the dresser.

“What in the fuck?” A man growled, though Diamond didn’t even pay attention to the male voice coming from the bed.

Bliss screamed, trying to get away, but Diamond had a good grip on her hair. Evie was doing better defending herself against Sex Piston, but not by much. As Rider tried to jerk Sex Piston off Evie, Razer finally managed to get by Crazy Bitch.

Diamond glared at him as he approached her. “You get away or I’m going to smash your nuts.”