“You have a whole club of women to haul around, don’t touch me again or the only thing you’re going to be able to touch them with are your damn fingers.”

Taking a deep breath, she turned to Diamond. “Now, can you help Dustin or not?”

“Yes,” Diamond said softly, seeing the fear for her brother behind the bravado. “I’ll go with him to the sheriff’s office to make a statement. I’ll talk to the Commonwealth’s Attorney to try to work out a deal, but he knows he doesn’t have much of a case. I sent for the coroner’s report from Frankfort; Samantha Bedford was in bad shape. She needed a kidney transplant and wasn’t even aware she had a problem. I talked to her grandmother; it could have possibly been what killed her mother. It was a genetic condition that the family was unaware of.”

“Could my kid have it?” Dustin asked.

“Possibly. Dustin, right now we have to deal with Samantha’s death. I’ll do what I can to see how I can get more help for you to find your child, okay?” Diamond meant it, she would try. Dustin deserved to know what had happened to his child.

“All right. I don’t have a choice, do I?” Dustin said unhappily.

“No. I’m sorry, you don’t. Samantha made several bad decisions, but I do think she cared about you, Dustin, and if she did, she would have seen your child was taken care of. You have to hold on to that hope.”

Dustin nodded his head.

“Let’s get this over with.”

“Wait a minute, who planted the jewelry in my bedroom?” Knox asked

The Porters stopped, looking at each other.

Greer faced Knox. “I paid Tara and Stacy to plant it for me. I gave them a month’s supply of pot for doing it and then to tell me which room was yours. Then I called the state police.”

“Who are Tara and Stacy?” Diamond asked, confused.

“They’re twins that are hanger-ons. They come to the clubhouse every Friday,” Viper explained, not able to look her in the eyes.

Diamond really wanted out of the house before she made a fool of herself. She walked toward the door, keeping her face averted from Knox and The Last Riders.

The Porters started to follow her until Knox took a step forward and punched Greer in the face. Tate managed to catch his brother before he fell to the floor then Tate started to move towards Knox, but Viper’s words stopped him.

“If it wasn’t for Diamond and Rachel, we would have had a different outcome tonight. Don’t press your luck. Get your asses to the car before I change my mind and don’t care if they see us get even.”

The Porters didn’t hesitate, going out to the front yard which was also full of The Last Riders.

Diamond went to her car, ignoring Knox who was watching her.

“I’ll meet you at the sheriff’s office,” she told the Porters. She looked towards Viper who had come out of the house and was standing by Knox. They stared at each other, both knowing that despite her taking up for the Porters, it could have been a dangerous situation if they hadn’t shown up.

Viper silently acknowledged her thanks with nod of his head.

Diamond got in her car, carefully turning it around and once again going down the treacherous driveway until she was on the road leading into town with The Last Riders following. Diamond had hoped she wouldn’t see them again that night. She had wanted to avoid seeing Knox, however Diamond was not going to get another of her prayers answered that evening.

Chapter Eighteen

She was at the sheriff’s office for several hours. David Thurman made an appearance as Diamond sat by Dustin’s side while he retold his story. Afterward, Diamond and Commonwealth’s Attorney went out into the hallway.

“Well?” Diamond asked.

“I’m not going to press charges. No jury is going to convict him after he tells that story. I’ve been trying to get the Porters in jail for the last two years, but that man’s being punished enough. He has no idea where his child is?”

“No. Samantha and her father covered their tracks,” Diamond explained.

“I’ll see what I can do in the morning,” David offered. He started to leave, but paused. “That was good work, Di. You ever want a job in my office, let me know.”

“Thanks, David.” Diamond went back into the room to give Dustin the good news.

It was another hour before Diamond made it back to her apartment. Exhausted, she went to the refrigerator to get a drink when a knock on her door startled her. She went to the door, looking out the peephole to see Knox on the other side.

“Go away, Knox.”

“Let me in, Diamond.”

Diamond’s head fell against the door. She knew what would happen if she let him in. It wouldn’t matter that she hadn’t seen or heard from him for the last two months. Where Knox was concerned, she knew her weakness.

“Diamond.” Knox’s cajoling voice almost had her weakening.

“Knox, if I let you in, we both know what will happen; that’s why you’re here.”

Silence from the other side of the door.

“I want you, Knox, so bad. You know I do.”

“Let me in then.” His voice turned seductive.

“I care about you, Knox, but us in my bed wouldn’t mean anything to you. The saddest part is, I don’t even care that you’ll leave here and be in someone else’s bed. I want you that bad. I’ll open the door if you can tell me you care about me. I have to know that much at least. That’s all I’m asking, Knox, please.”

Without even a pause to show he’d thought about it, Diamond heard the sound of his boots walking away then the loud sound of him riding out of the parking lot. She slid down the door until she sat on the floor, leaning against the door, crying.

She had taken a leap and had asked little in return. She hadn’t asked for commitment, love or even fidelity. The only thing she had wanted was to know that, when they were having sex, he cared about her. He hadn’t been able to give it to her. She didn’t know why her heart was breaking over a man like Knox, yet something inside her told her she was losing a prize worth fighting for.

* * *

Diamond closed the folder, stacking it with the others she had just updated.

“Ms. Richards?” Holly said, sticking her head in the doorway of her office.

“Yes, Holly.”

“There’s someone here to see you; they don’t have an appointment.”

“Who is it?” Diamond was about to leave for the day, but she didn’t have anyone to rush home to, so a few extra minutes at the office wasn?

?t really going to make a difference.

“Pastor Dean. His church is the one across the street.”

“Show him in, Holly.” Holly disappeared for a minute before her door reopened. Pastor Dean walked in, giving Holly a smile that had her blushing and smiling back.

“Ms. Richards, my name is Pastor Dean. I wanted to introduce myself and see what it would take for you to give my church a visit.”

Diamond smiled at his forthright approach. “I’m afraid you have an uphill battle there, Pastor. I’m not much for going to church.” Diamond rose from her desk to greet the Pastor, extending her hand to shake his. Diamond was surprised how rough and calloused his hand was, expecting a smooth one. This man was used to doing labor.

“I’m sorry to hear that. If not church service, then on Wednesday we have a potluck dinner that everyone in the community is invited to. It would give you an opportunity to become more familiar with the townspeople and build your client base.”

“Pastor Dean, you’re not trying to bribe me with potential clients to get me inside your church, are you?”

“All roads lead to God, Ms. Richards,” he said, not denying his attempt at coercion.

Diamond couldn’t help laugher laughter at that. It didn’t take him long before he’d turned the humor into finagling a clothing donation out of her, and changing her firm no at attending church services to a maybe.

“You’re a very convincing man, Pastor Dean. I’m willing to bet you give an excellent sermon.”

“I try.” He tried to appear humble, though somehow Diamond had a feeling this man had plenty of confidence.

Diamond motioned for him to have a seat on the chair by the window as she walked over to take the other one. Pastor Dean followed her to the seating area, pausing before he sat down to look out the window.

“You have quite a view of my church.”

Diamond nodded. “It can be a pain sometimes when I’m thinking of billing my customers for an extra hour and look outside to see the church; keeps me from padding the bills,” Diamond said wryly.