* * *

The wedding was being held at her father’s motorcycle club where he used to be president. Diamond pulled into the parking lot, surprised at the number of bikes in front of the small building, wondering who they belonged to. The Destructors’ members would never be able to afford the bikes she was staring at and they sure as hell had never had more than twenty members. She was looking at more than sixty bikes.

Curious, Diamond parked her car and climbed out. She once again studied the bikes as she went inside the club where she came to a stop when recognizing a few of the jackets of the men inside the club. The Blue Horsemen were inside, mingling with the Destructors.

Diamond tried not to let her mouth drop open, but was unable to prevent the surprised expression on her face.

Startled, she managed to squeeze through the crowd, searching for her mother. She finally located her in one of the rooms at the back of the club. She was dressed in a cream dress that made her look pretty and carefree, which exemplified her mother. Her sister looked gorgeous as well. The pale yellow dress really went well with her hair and gave her a maturity and sophistication that Diamond had never noticed before.

“You look beautiful,” Diamond said, going to stand by her mother’s side.

Her mother and Sex Piston both turned at her voice.

“You look beautiful, Diamond.” Her mother grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

Sex Piston didn’t say anything, studying her sister’s face with tight lips.

“What’s with all the Blue Horsemen?” Diamond asked.

“The Destructors have merged with them. We’re a big family now.”

“What?” Diamond asked, confused.

“If you ever happened to answer your phone, you would know shit,” Sex Piston said snidely.

Diamond avoided her sister’s eyes, going to her mother for an explanation as she started to pull her hair up off her neck.

“I was doing that,” Sex Piston snapped. Diamond’s hands dropped away and she went to sit on a chair as Sex Piston resumed fixing their mother’s hair.

Silence filled the room as Sex Piston worked her mother’s hair until it was on the top of her head and fell in curls against the back of her neck.

“Why did they merge?” Diamond asked.

“Because Joker and Ace can’t handle the club. They had a couple of fights three months ago and several of the members were seriously hurt. They can’t handle the club without your father and your father doesn’t want the responsibility of the club every day anymore. His heart isn’t as strong as it used to be; the doctors said, if he doesn’t take better care of himself, he’s headed for a heart attack.” Her mother’s voice wobbled on her last words.

“Stud and your pops have been friends for years, and he asked him if they were interested in merging. He said no, but he took the Destructors on as a charter of the Blue Horsemen.”

“So basically the Destructors are no more?” Diamond couldn’t believe it. She had thought they would be like cockroaches who could survive a nuclear blast.

Her mother looked close to tears. “It’s for everyone’s safety. If Joker and Ace can’t protect the club, then someone could get killed with their attitude. They can’t back up their brothers.”

Diamond had known all along that the younger members weren’t up to the standard her father had expected, although she had, of course, kept that knowledge to herself.

“How do the Destructors feel about the change?”

“Oh, I think the men are all happy with the change. Most of them are followers, not leaders,” her mom said, her smile returning as she put on lipstick.

“The women?” Diamond questioned, but she didn’t need to really. Sex Piston’s face said it all. She was the leader of the women. If she wasn’t happy then her crew sure as shit wasn’t.

“They’ll adjust.” Her optimistic mom said, picking up her bouquet from the dresser. Diamond couldn’t help the smile curving her lips at her sister’s mutinous face. “The Blue Horsemen don’t let their women become involved in club business and usually, uh...” Her mother’s face turned red. “They don’t talk back to the men with disrespect.” Her mother cast Sex Piston a censorious look.

Diamond could just bet the hostilities between the women of the Destructors and the Blue Horsemen was quickly becoming legendary. With their father the President of the Destructors since their birth, Sex Piston had pretty much been allowed to do anything she wanted and her crew were just as bad.

Having met the Blue Horsemen when she was investigating Knox’s case, she didn’t think the arrogant bikers were going to tolerate the attitude of the women. It was going to be interesting to see who would win the forthcoming battle. As much as she hated to admit it, from firsthand experience, the Blue Horsemen wouldn’t be able to deal with Sex Piston, Crazy Bitch and they sure as hell wouldn’t be able to deal with Killyama.

A knock sounded at the door.

“Don’t take all fucking day, I got shit to do.” Killyama’s voice on the other side of the door only reinforced her thoughts.

“I’m ready.” Her mother smiled, taking each daughter by the arm. Diamond opened the door, walking slowly down the hallway into the crowded room where one of her father’s friends was going to marry them. Diamond couldn’t help wondering exactly how legal the ceremony they were participating in was; she hoped the man had done the necessary paperwork. Pushing those thoughts away, her eyes drifted to her father as he turned around and Diamond’s breath caught at the expression on his face. All the love he felt for her mother was there for everyone to see.

When they drew near, her mother moved forward to stand beside her father. He turned, hugging Sex Piston as Diamond drew away to go sit down. Her father grabbed her hand, stopping her as Sex Piston stepped away. He pulled her close and Diamond stood stiffly in his embrace before he released her.

“I love you, Diamond.” Her father’s voice sounded strained with emotion. Tears filled her eyes as memories from her childhood surged through her mind, reminding her of the special bond they had once shared.

Diamond didn’t say anything as she stepped back to watch the ceremony.

It was short and sweet, and when it was over, they kissed like they had never kissed before with cheers and raucous comments from the audience. Her parents broke apart with a raucous comment themselves.

Diamond winced, going to get a beer from the coolers set up on tables against the wall. Pulling one from the ice, she noticed Crazy Bitch already had one as she stared back at her.

“You look all choked up with emotion, Diamond,” she said sarcastically.

“Kiss my ass,” Diamond snapped.

“Looks like there’s more of it, that’s for fucking sure.” Crazy Bitch stared pointedly at her ass.

Diamond blushed, she had become best friends with Chunky Monkey ice cream the last several weeks and her dress had become tight across her butt. She hadn’t been raised in the Destructors without being able to handle herself, though. “How’s it going with the Blue Horsemen?”

Crazy Bitch’s mouth snapped closed as several of them came to take beer from the cooler. Diamond threw her a satisfied smile before moving away from the table because she was also not stupid; she knew that Crazy Bitch would beat the shit out of her if she pressed too hard. Diamond wasn’t afraid of her, but she didn’t want to ruin the wedding day her mother had waited years for, either.

She found a couple of older members that she knew and stood talking with them about their children now grown when the President of the Blue Horsemen walked by.

“Diamond, have you met Stud?”

Diamond stared at the biker. “We’ve met,” she said with a quirk of her lips.

Stud paused, looking her over. “You look different without your suit.”

Diamond shrugged. “The Destructors don’t mind my suits when I’m bailing them out of jail.”

Stud’s mouth twisted. “Good to know that we have a lawyer in the family, could come in h


“I don’t belong to my parent’s club,” Diamond said hastily.

“Don’t matter if you are or not. If you’re Skulls’s kid, we’ll watch out for you.”

“You’ll do well if you can keep Sex Piston out of trouble without worrying about me.”

At the mention of Sex Piston’s name, his facial expression changed. “Your sister isn’t going to get in trouble anymore.”

Diamond laughed in his face. “Good luck with that.”

His face darkened, not appreciating her humor. “You doubt that we can control her?”

“I know so. Sex Piston and her crew are going to drive you and your men nuts. But don’t worry, maybe I’m wrong.” Diamond doubted it, though hey, miracles could happen.

“What did you just call me?” A loud roar sounded from across the room where the biker that had offered Diamond his lap was arguing with Killyama.

Diamond started laughing when a fuming looking Stud moved toward the table where the argument was going on between the two. Diamond saw her mother and father standing together and walked toward them.

“I’m going to go. Congratulations.” Diamond brushed a kiss across her mother’s face and then turned to say goodbye to her father. He was looking younger than his years; obviously having the weight of the club off his shoulders was beneficial to his health.

“Can’t you stay a little longer?” he asked.

“I have some work that I need to do. I’ve been busy.”

“So I’ve heard,” he said, searching her eyes.

Diamond should have known that Sex Piston wouldn’t keep her mouth shut.

“I heard that the charges were dropped against him.”

Diamond nodded.