“You’re so tight your squeezing my tongue.” One of his hands went to her pussy, his fingers rubbing in her wetness before sliding one finger deeply into her warmth. Diamond moaned, helpless underneath him. “How long has it been since you’ve been fucked? As fucking tight and wound up as you are, I bet it’s been a while.”

“Go to hell!”

“Be careful, Diamond, or I won’t give you my tongue back.” Diamond opened her mouth to blast him before closing it with a snap.

“Smart woman.” Knox removed his finger, bringing his mouth back to her pussy as he gave her what she needed.

The damn tongue ring was putting pressure against her clit, and with a hard push of the metal ball against the bundle of nerves, Diamond stiffened into an orgasm that had her hands smothering the scream she couldn’t prevent.

Knox lowered her legs until they hung off the side of the bed. Diamond looked up to see Knox standing smugly over her satisfied body.

“You know where to find me if you want more.” She then watched as he left her bedroom.

Rolling to her side when she heard the front door open and close, her hand that she had used to smother the sound of her climax curled into a ball as she bit her hand in a storm of regret.

He had just shoved her insults down her throat. She had never felt fear that he wouldn’t stop, although she had been unable to make herself utter the words. The bastard had proved, without a doubt, that she had wanted him.

Diamond learned a hard lesson about challenging Knox. The next time she had a point to prove, she wouldn’t do it in a bedroom.

Chapter Ten

Knox sat on his bike in the parking lot, trying to get his cock back under control. He was tempted to go back up the steps to her apartment and finish what he’d started. The only thing stopping him was the certainty that she would fight her desire tooth and nail.

Knox started his bike, going for a ride to clear his thoughts before heading back to the clubhouse. It didn’t take a brilliant mind to know that Diamond was fighting her attraction to him. Knox was aware that the buttoned up lawyer was convinced she knew what kind of man he was. Besides that, both times she had come to the clubhouse hadn’t helped in her low opinion of him.

Knox gunned his motor, taking the bike wide fucking open as he flew down the back county roads. His mind went back to the first time he had seen the luscious redhead at the clubhouse, interviewing Winter on her case against the school board. He’d had Natasha and Jewell at the bar, coming down from the upstairs. He was sure the activities they had participated in had been obvious.

Yesterday morning hadn’t been any better. She had looked through the doorway to spy him with only a sheet around his hips and two women along with Rider in his bed. It had been disgusting to her and she had made no effort to hide it.

Knox smiled to himself. Two members of The Last Riders had just left his room. She would have really gotten an eyeful if they had all arrived just ten minutes earlier. He had nights like that often and didn’t intend to apologize for his lifestyle.

“Fuck her,” Knox said, the wind throwing his words back at him.

He could tell just from a distance that Diamond had issues going on with her family, and from the look of her biker father, he was going to get tarnished with whatever bullshit she had going on with him.

Slowing down, Knox turned around before he could reach the county line, bringing his bike back up to a speed he was comfortable with on the winding road. His thoughts went back to the woman lying on her bed with her spread legs and warm pussy. The desire burning his body had him actually considering making a play for the bitchy woman. Knox knew the woman would need careful handling to get her in his bed, although he wondered if it would be worth the effort.

“Dammit.” Going through town, he slowed his speed and headed towards the clubhouse.

He needed a shower and to get caught up on some work, both would take his mind off the redhead that didn’t know she had aroused a part of him he’d long since thought had disappeared. If he did decide to pursue the woman, he had to keep it in mind that she was only a fuck. He wasn’t about to distract her from proving his innocence nor was he going to become too involved with a woman who obviously thought he was beneath her.

Knox bet the woman was angry; her body wanted him while she despised everything else about him.

* * *

It took Diamond two days to feel better. Thankfully, her secretary called to say that her case in court was delayed; Judge Creech having the same virus that she and everyone in town seemed to be suffering from. I hope I gave it to Knox, she thought vindictively. She hadn’t seen him since he had left her apartment. Diamond, contrarily, didn’t want to think of the number of women available at the clubhouse to tend to the sick man or to provide for his other needs if he wasn’t.

With time on her hands, she decided to clean her apartment and wash clothes. She was folding the last few items when her doorbell rang.

She almost didn’t open her door when she looked through the peephole and saw who was outside. Only the drama that would unfold in front of her neighbors had her unlocking her door.

“What do you want, Sex Piston?” Her sister and crew looked pityingly at her jeans and old t-shirt.

“Girl, you look like shit,” her sister responded to her unwelcome response at seeing her.

“Thanks,” Diamond responded casually, eyeing her sister’s black booty shorts and thigh high boots, wondering how she wore the clothing with the cold weather outside. She had completed her outfit with a dark red t-shirt and leather fringe jacket. Her red hair should have clashed with her red top, but instead it made her look sexy and sassy, both of which Diamond was not.

Sex Piston brushed by her sister with her crew of bitches following her lead.

“Beth said you weren’t feeling well, so I thought I’d swing by and check on you.” Diamond looked outside to see her sister’s green car that they drove themselves in when they weren’t on the back of someone’s bike.

“I’m fine,” Diamond said, standing by the door while hoping Sex Piston would get her message.

“Damn girl, this apartment is white,” Crazy Bitch remarked, sinking down on Diamond’s sofa.

Diamond sighed. Closing the door, she came back into the living room and sat down to finish folding her clothes, knowing that the women would soon grow bored with her ignoring them and leave.

Sex Piston leaned forward, digging through her freshly washed, clothes and pulled out a bright pink pair of thong underwear and matching pink bra. “Can I borrow these?”

“No,” snapped Diamond, taking them from her and placing them back in the laundry basket.

“Get out of the kitchen, Louise.” Diamond refused to call her fat; the woman didn’t weigh a hundred freaking pounds. The only thing big about her was her ass, which she was determined to put on display in the tightest pants imaginable.

“Why don’t you have anything to fucking snack on?” Louise said, coming out of the kitchen.

“I’m on a diet.”

“What for?” Sex Piston asked. “It’s not like you care what anyone thinks.”

“I don’t.” Diamond wasn’t really, however she was well aware that she was much larger than her voluptuous sister, who was small with curves in all the right places, not the flabby ass and tummy Diamond had to deal with constantly.

“Ma wants you to come to dinner on Friday.”

“I’m busy.”

“Then get un-busy and get your ass there. She’s cooking.” Damn, her mom never cooked, and it showed with how terrible she was at it, but she always did it when she had bad news to impart. The last time she had cooked, she had told them her annual mammogram had shown a spot. Thankfully after a biopsy, it had proven to be nothing to worry about, yet Diamond’s body tautened, knowing she wouldn’t be able to miss the dinner.

“I’ll be there.”

Sex Piston nodded. “Heard you got a new case defending that fucker Knox. He kill the bitc


“No,” Diamond replied irritably at the same time she took her red thong away from Crazy Bitch. Jerking her laundry basket away from the women, she carried it into her bedroom.

She knew it had been a mistake leaving the women alone when she returned to find them in her kitchen fixing themselves lunch. Giving in, she helped them to save her clean kitchen from being destroyed. Fixing sandwiches, they sat at her table, drinking the last of her wine she kept in the fridge.

“So why you so sure he didn’t kill that bitch?” Sex Piston asked.

“Because I am.” She refused to discuss Knox’s case with her sister, instead she took her dirty plate to the sink.

Sex Piston narrowed her eyes at her sister. “Don’t get attached to that fuckwad, Diamond. Beth told me what went on in that clubhouse before she married Razer. Now she doesn’t tell me shit except that those parties and sex swapping are still going strong.”

“I don’t know or care what goes on in that clubhouse,” Diamond answered, clearing the dishes from the table.

“Good. Because, if you can’t handle what goes down with the Destructors, you sure as shit can’t handle The Last Riders. And from what Beth said, Knox is the worst one. Says he goes at the women for hours.”

“No shit?” Crazy Bitch asked, setting down her glass of wine.

“No shit,” Sex Piston answered.

“Damn, the Destructors need to get some of that shit going on. Too bad that they don’t look like The Last Riders,” Crazy Bitch said wishfully.

“You’re telling me; Ace and the rest of them all need to lose that spare their carrying around their middle.”

“What’s it matter? You’ve never let it bug you before?” Diamond said, picking up her empty wine glass. If Diamond hadn’t been looking at her sister, she would have missed the hurt look before her sister managed to cover it with her usual blasé attitude.

“They broke up for good this time,” Killyama answered for her friend, throwing Sex Piston one of her pissed off glares.

“They never break up for good. They’ll be back together by Friday. He’ll have his ass sitting at Mom’s table before I get there.”

“Not unless that bitch he knocked up lets him loose.”