“Ms. Simmons, your job has already been filled by your vice-principal, Jeff Morgan.” Ben Stiles informed her with a frown. If the townspeople found out they didn’t get high paying jobs because of the school board, firing Winter could backfire on them. There wasn’t a person in the meeting room who didn’t know that, in their economically depressed area, money came before morality.

“I don’t want my job back at the high school. I want to be the principal at Riverview since Mr. Woods has long been overdue for retirement. The extremely high rate of drop outs exhibits that he is unable to understand his student’s needs. I feel, in all truthfulness, that I can make a change for the better at the alternative school. My records will show that Treepoint High School had the lowest drop out rates in twenty years during my years as a principal.”

The school board members stared back and forth among each other. Winter knew that Mr. Woods was heartily disliked. The only reason that he was still employed was because no one wanted the job. It was a punishment to be sent there. Mr. Woods also had an affair with the gym teacher and had been caught in the equipment room.

“The School Board will return to a closed session and take a vote. We will notify Ms. Richards within the next forty-eight hours of our decision.”

Winter sat back down in her chair.

“Is that three days?” Crazy Bitch asked.

“Yes,” answered T.A.

“Which one do you think Bliss is?” Sex Piston asked, getting to her feet.

“I bet it’s the sweet thing at the end of the row,” Killyama’s threatening voice lowered as they moved away.

Winter turned, glancing sideways. Bliss was sitting next to Beth. Winter had a feeling their appearance at today’s meeting wasn’t as altruistic as they had pretended.

The meeting closed, everyone filed into the hallway.

“Thank you Ms. Richards for your help.” Winter and Viper came to stand next to her lawyer.

“I will let you know as soon as they notify me,” Ms. Richards said.

Evie, Bliss, and Natasha interrupted.

“Winter, we’ll meet you at the diner. Bliss and Natasha want to get something to eat before we go to the tattoo shop.”

Ms. Richards paused before leaving, reaching into her purse, pulling out a card. “Which one is Bliss?”

“I am,” Bliss said, stepping forward.

Ms. Richards handed her a card. “Call me if you ever need legal representation, I handle personal injury cases also.”

“What was that about?” Viper questioned after the woman left.

“I have no idea,” Winter lied, winding her arm through Bliss’ as they walked toward the exit.

Chapter 19

Winter lay on the bed, pretending to read a book as Viper zipped his black jeans on before sitting down on the chair to put on his boots. His hair was still damp from the shower they had taken together. She had tried to lure him in to having sex before he began to get dressed, but he had subtly thwarted her attempts.

She had wanted to make sure he wasn’t horny before he went to Razer’s bachelor party. Evie had let it drop that Knox had hired a stripper. Her fingers tightened on the book as Viper put on a leather vest with no shirt, showing his tats. Winter swallowed hard, his sleeve never failing to draw a response from her body.

“When are you going to start getting ready?” Viper asked, sliding his keys into his pocket.

“Why should I get dressed to watch television alone?”

“Why would you be alone?”

“Because Beth is with Lily at her house and the rest of the women are going to Rosie’s with the men.”

“You don’t want to go?” Viper asked, trying to keep his lips straight.

Winter looked at him in surprise. “You never said anything, I assumed I wasn’t going.”

“You got our tat on you?”

“Yes.” Her first and last tat she was determined, but she hadn’t liked the look on Viper’s face when she had informed him of that decision.

Winter jumped off the bed, going through her clothes to find something to wear. “Jerk, you could have told me and I would have bought a new outfit,” she said, unhappily staring her choices available.

“There’s an outfit for you in the closest in the brown dress bag.”

Winter opened the closet door searching until she located the bag at the back of the closet. Pulling the bag out of the closet, she unzipped the garment bag. She pulled out a black leather skirt that she was sure would cover her without being too short. The top was black lace across the top, with no straps, with leather fringes that would both conceal and hint at her waist and abdomen. Winter loved it, they were perfect. There was even thigh high boots that were flat on the bottom. It was her first biker bitch outfit.

“Thank you Viper, I love it,” she said jumping into his arms and kissing him in thanks. He deepened the kiss until Winter thought he might change his mind about having sex before the party, but he released her.

“Thank Beth, she’s the one who bought it for your first party,” Viper told her with a smile.

“Where did the ugly outfit come from that I wore?” Winter asked with a suspicious glare.

Viper went through the door. “I bought it. Conner would never have chosen the other women if he had seen you in that getup.” He barely managed to shut the door before she threw one of her boots.

Razer pulled out a chair in front of Winter, with his back to the stripper swinging her body against the pole. He hadn’t let his eyes stray to the dance floor once. Winter herself wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t witnessed it herself, which Winter had finally deduced was why she was there. Razer had every intention of covering his ass. If Beth asked her, Winter would be able to tell her, in all honesty, that Razer hadn’t strayed.

Lifting her beer, she looked at Viper. Of course she couldn’t say the same, he was obviously enjoying the show.

“I’m getting ready to smash my beer bottle into that hard on your getting,” Winter threatened. Viper laughed, turning his chair to face her. Mollified, Winter put her beer back on the table. Viper and Razer began talking about a new method of growing plants. Winter zoned out, not in the least interested. The stripper finished with a flourish, putting on a silky pink rope that she didn’t bother tying. Several of the members followed her to the back of the bar.

Winter finished her beer, feeling the urgent need to use the bathroom and excusing herself to go to the restroom at the back of the bar. The restroom was empty. After using the toilet, Winter washed her hands, throwing away the towel as she left the restroom. She tried to keep her eyes forward, but her curiosity got the better of her and she looked over towards where she had seen the stripper go. She slowly came to a stop in the shadows of the long hallway.

The stripper was giving a lap dance to Shade who was sprawled on one of the chairs. He was wearing blue jeans and had pulled off his t-shirt. He was leaner than Viper and the rest of the members with perfectly cut abs. Both arms, neck, and chest were covered in a myriad of tattoos. His facial expression was fierce as he watched the woman shake her breasts an inch from his face. As she straddled his lap, she ground her pussy down onto a cock that Winter could see was huge even covered in his jeans. The woman obviously knew him. As she was grinding down on him, she was pleading.”

“God, please Shade, please.”

The woman’s face was a tortured mask.

“What you want bitch?”

“Your cock. Please Shade,” she whimpered.

“Where you want it?”

“My pussy.”

“Can’t give it to you now, you come back to the clubhouse, I’ll give it to you all night.” The woman nodded frantically.

“Go give my brothers their dances, if you want to give them anything else you can give them your mouth. Save your pussy for me.” The woman shakily moved off Shade, moving towards Knox who was eagerly waiting his turn.

Winter stayed to the shadows until she was able to get to her


“Where the fuck have you been, I was going to come looking for you?” Viper questioned her as soon as she sat back down.

“I had to use the restroom, the beer was making me sick. I stayed until I was sure I wasn’t going to vomit.”

“Eat some pretzels,” Viper said, noticing her flushed cheeks.

Razer’s speculative gaze wasn’t making her feel any calmer. Winter was having second thoughts about talking to Beth. Perhaps a slight warning wouldn’t hurt anyone and Lily would stand a fighting chance to….

“No, Winter. Leave it alone. You don’t want a mad Shade to deal with. I certainly don’t want to deal with him,” Razer warned her, reading her thoughts.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Winter replied using her fingernail to tear at the beer label.

“Leave it alone,” he said with finality.

Winter finally nodded her assent.

Winter almost spit out her beer when the bar door opened and Lily walked inside wearing jeans and a loose pale blue top that highlighted the darkness of her hair. Lily’s eyes searched the bar before finding Razer at the table. Her face was full of tension and you could see fear in the back of her eyes as she approached their table.

“Fuck, what’s she doing here?” Viper muttered under his breath.

“I don’t know,” Winter was also at a loss.

“May I join you?” Lily asked, trying to appear casual.