“Damn, it must be my lawyer from the teacher’s union. I had an appointment with her last week and cancel

ed it. I forgot we had rescheduled it for today.” Angry with herself for forgetting such an important appointment, she hurried upstairs leaving Viper to his workout.

The lawyer was waiting for her in the front room. The woman was immaculate in a dress suit, just the way she used to dress for school. Winter didn’t miss that aspect of her job.

The woman extended her hand. “Ms. Simmons?” She was tall, and curvy, making Winter feel small beside her.

“Yes. Ms. Richards? I want to apologize for missing our meeting this morning.”

The woman smiled. “I should have called yesterday and confirmed the appointment. Let’s both admit we’re to blame and move on from there. Is there someplace we can sit and talk?”

Winter bit her lip. She didn’t want to take her upstairs to her and Viper’s room, which left only one place.

“Would the couch by the window be okay?” Winter pointed to a couch with a side table. It was at the end of the room so that if any of the members came in, they wouldn’t be able to hear their discussion.

“That would be fine.” Winter was nervous. None of members were working since Friday was their off day. With any luck, their meeting would be quick. Both women sat on the couch and Winter watched as Ms. Richards placed her briefcase between them.

“I requested your work record from the superintendent’s office and I was happy to see that during your employment you were an exemplary employee. That is going to help our case. I understand that they wanted you to resign and you refused.”

Winter explained about her attack and the following months of her recuperation. She didn’t hold back any information, well aware of how dirty some of these cases could become.

“Are you fully recovered?” Ms. Richards kept her face impassive throughout her explanation.

“Not fully. I still have several issues with my leg and back, but nothing that would prevent me from doing my job.”

“So, there aren’t any physical issues that would hinder you from moving back into your home?” She asked.

“No.” Winter refused to look away. “This is my home now. It will not affect how I do my job. I haven’t committed a crime. The school board might not approve of my living arrangements, but I do know that I haven’t been convicted of any crime.”

The lawyer nodded her head as she studied the paperwork. “I think we may be able to get your job back. Worst case scenario is they let you go with a damaging reference. I am going to try to set a date for a meeting with the school board as soon as possible, but they are going to try and delay it. I really don’t see you returning to school this year.”

“I expected that,” Winter acknowledged.

“I’ll call and make another appointment to go over a few other things after I hear back from the school’s attorney.”

“I promise not to forget it this time,” Winter stated. Ms. Richards was putting the papers back in her briefcase when Knox came down the stairs with Natasha and Jewell at his side as the women were laughing at something he said. The women were wearing t-shirts and panties and Knox had on just a pair of jeans. Winter wanted to sink through the floor.

Knox and Natasha sat at the bar as Jewell got them each a beer.

Ms. Richards rose to her feet with her briefcase. “It was nice meeting you, Ms. Simmons.”

“Please call me Winter.” The lawyer nodded, but didn’t extend the same courtesy. A shrill laugh sounded loud in the room, drawing their attention to see Knox rubbing his cold beer bottle against Natasha’s breast. Winter was just thankful that he hadn’t bared it first. “Let me show you to the door.” Winter hurried her to the door, trying to block her view of the three at the bar, but with her so much taller than Winter, it was useless. She didn’t need to bother; the woman didn’t glance in that direction again, no longer able to hide her contempt of the situation. Winter braced her shoulders following her to the door. It was no one’s business how she lived her private life. She didn’t worry about what skeletons were in everyone else’s closets. Winter knew it was a lost cause. If she lived in a larger city where she could remain fairly autonomous, the outcome might be different, but Treepoint residents judged with their own set of values.

Knox and the women finally noticed the stranger in the room and he removed his hand from Natasha’s ass, letting the t-shirt cover her flesh. He gave the woman a smile, but it was not returned. Ms. Richards turned her head away, flat out snubbing the man. Winter almost laughed at his expression.

“I will be talking to you soon.” Winter closed the door behind the lawyer, both hopeful and resigned as to what would happen.

Chapter 17

Winter slid her feet into the sandals she had purchased to match her outfit. She was dressed in a simple blue dress that paired with the flashy sandals which gave her a casual appearance. Brushing her hair, she decided to leave it loose since it had grown over the last two months and she was now able to pull it back. The noises coming from downstairs were getting more vocal; Beth’s bachelorette party had been looked forward to for the last week, building the women’s enthusiasm to a fever pitch.

Several of the women had gone to town for a new outfit, herself included. The apparel varied, from simple to the biker bitch. She had chosen simple, knowing Lily would be there and she would be nervous about sticking out among the women.

“Let’s go!” Natasha’s yell from downstairs had doors from the upstairs banging open as the women rushed to answer her summons. Winter grabbed her purse making sure her license was inside. She planned to be the designated driver, although she didn’t have high hopes of keeping the rowdy women’s drinking under control.

The women were all waiting at the bottom of the stairs while the men slung back beers at the bar, unhappily watching the women all decked out to party without them. Razer on the other hand, had his arm around Beth’s shoulder who was wearing a pink ‘Bride to be’ t-shirt and a modest blue jean skirt. She was a knockout in her outfit and the happiness shining from her eyes caught Winter in the throat.

“What are you thinking about?” Viper asked, coming to her side.

“They are perfect together.” Winter nodded toward the engaged couple.

Viper smiled at her pulling her to his side. “You look pretty tonight.”

“You’re not disappointed?” Viper frowned at her answer.

“Why would I be disappointed in the way you’re dressed?”

“I am not dressed like the others.” She couldn’t even wear high heels because of her back. She stared enviously at Evie’s high heeled biker bitch boots.

“Winter, you look beautiful. I don’t care what you’re wearing, but if you want to borrow those boots for later, I’m all for it. There won’t be much walking involved.” She laughed at his reply. She had learned over the last two months that he had a fetish for high heels. She couldn’t walk in them for more than a few minutes before Viper would drag her into his arms and show her his appreciation.

“Let’s go or Bliss is going to miss the party.” Evie nudged everyone out the door. As Winter took a step forward, Viper swept her up into his arms.

“There is no way you’re going down those steps in the dark.” Winter circled his neck with her arms and let him carry her to the vehicle. They had decided to take Beth’s SUV because it would hold almost everyone. Evie would drive her car with the rest, but if she planned to drink, Mick would drive them home and the men would pick up the car tomorrow.

The women broke into a chorus of raunchy songs on the way to Rosie’s. Winter couldn’t help but laugh at their antics, enjoying camaraderie among the friends. Lily was already at the bar waiting for them to arrive. Beth had dropped her off there before going to the clubhouse to get dressed. Winter had been surprised, but Beth had explained that Lily had wanted to decorate the tables. Mick had promised to keep the doors locked until they returned; she had felt safe leaving her with the burly bartender. Lily had gone to church with Mick for years and was not frightened or intimidated by his huge frame.


p; The women arrived at the bar and at their knock, Mick unlocked the doors and the group of women entered, ready to party. Lily had done a good job decorating. There were balloons everywhere and bride to be banners. Winter couldn’t help but smile as Lily anxiously waited for her sister’s reaction. Beth caught her close for a hug, pulling her into the large group at the table. Lily had pushed several tables together so they could all sit together.

Mick brought a huge tray of drinks. Winter watched as everyone grabbed a glass.

“What did you fix for us this time?” Evie asked. Mick liked to pride himself on the drinks he made. He could serve beer and whiskey all day, but he liked to surprise the women with the girly girl drinks they liked occasionally.

“Pixie stix martinis.”

“Whoop, Whoop!” The women yelled.

“Damn Mick, you outdid yourself this time,” Evie complimented him after taking a drink. Winter could have sworn the hard ass bartender blushed bright red. He set a drink in front of Lily and Winter with a wink. Fixed you two girls some designated tinis.”

The whole table laughed, including Lily. Mick turned on the sound system and several of the women began to dance together on the dance floor. There was a metal pole in the middle and several took turns dancing around it erotically. Winter’s eyes narrowed remembering the pole in the basement of the clubhouse, which had seemed out of place. The women were just too good for not having much practice.

Bliss smilingly took her turn wrapping a leg around the pole giving a performance that had the women members yelling their encouragement, while Winter, Beth, and Lily sat with their mouths open. Viper was fucking never going into the basement again, Winter thought, watching Bliss finish sliding down the pole with one leg from the top to the bottom. Everyone clapped, with Ember moving forward to take her turn. Winter moved her chair so that she didn’t have a view of them exhibiting a skill she had been unaware they possessed.