Winter tactfully explained what had happened at the church picnic once both parents were present. Carmen’s parents were understandably upset when Winter explained what had occurred between the young couple. Winter left soon afterwards, feeling it best if she left the family to deal with Carmen privately, praying they would be more successful in convincing the girl that Jake had a serious problem.

Winter could only hope that the girl would wise up before someone was hurt.


Winter shut off the vacuum, pulling the plug from the wall. She was about to put it back in the closet when she heard the doorbell ring. She opened the door without thinking and was immediately sorry.

“Go away.” She tried to slam the door in Viper’s face, but his hand caught the door, forcing it to open wider and he brushed past her as he walked inside. Winter was getting tired of Viper thinking he could just barge his way into her home.

“Don’t you check before you open the door?”

“I will from now on. Get out.”

“I want to talk to you.”

“As I told you the last time, we have nothing to talk about.”

Viper’s face-hardened, he was angry already and she was making him angrier by refusing to listen to what he had to say.

“What were you thinking to confront that punk?”

“I was thinking I might save Lily from getting hurt.”

“He was never going to get a hand on Lily.”

“Really? I have news for you, tattoo guy wasn’t going to reach her in time. Jake was about to punch her for throwing that horseshoe and he didn’t care she was holding a baby.”


“Is he the one covered in tattoos?”


Winter shrugged, “Anyway, it worked out. I took Carmen home, had a talk with her parents who were unaware their sixteen year old daughter was dating a scumbag who lays his hands on her when he gets angry. It’s now their problem to solve. Now will you leave?”

“You’re wrong if you think it’s over. That punk has a real problem. Make sure you stay out of it and let the family deal with him.” Winter’s jaw tightened. Viper stood in her living room, ordering her around, and not listening, just like old times. She turned her back and went to the phone, dialing the Sheriff’s office.

“Maggie, this is Winter Simmons. I have an intruder at my home.”

Viper’s eyebrows rose as he listened. His arms folded across his chest.

“Thank you.” Winter hung up the phone. “Now will you leave?”

“What, and have the red lights chasing after me. No thanks.” Viper went to sit on the couch and came to a stop. Turning around in a circle, he noticed all the changes. Winter stood there silently, she had completely redecorated her home. The stiff formal living room furniture had been donated to charity and a large overstuffed tan sofa had replaced it. All the flowery prints were gone; they were instead replaced with neutral colors with hints of coral and turquoise. The hard wood floors had been covered in thick lush carpet and panels of white sheers fluttered in the early evening breeze.

Redecorating the house had given her something to occupy her mind and time the last few months, but more importantly, it had allowed her to erase all the memories of Viper being in her home. The memories of them sitting on the couch or having dinner at the table had been wiped clean with the precision of a surgeon using a scalpel. Now he was back inside her house, wearing sexy leather pants and a Harley t-shirt, stamping his presence in her memory with her new things.

He had to leave because she could not afford to redecorate again.

“What in the hell did you do to your house?”

“I redecorated.” Viper had not cared for the flowery furniture that Winter’s mother had obviously picked, but this was the complete opposite. Anything homey had been removed, all the personal touches, all the knick-knacks that she loved to collect, several of which he had bought her himself. It looked like it came out of a decorating magazine. Anyone could live here, no personal photographs of her growing up with her parents, or even the picture of her at an award banquet with him. That was when it hit him. She had cut anything that hurt her out of her life. She had made a sanctuary for herself. Viper felt his gut clench.

“I can fucking see that.” That wasn’t all he was seeing. He became aware that she was standing there in blue jean shorts that barely covered her curvy ass he hadn’t been aware she had, and a pink top that showed her midriff that was toned and flat.

“I can understand you trashing my picture but Sue’s also, why?”

“Don’t you dare mention my mother. You are not allowed to have her name in your lying mouth.” Winter lost it. “Get out now.” She went to him and began shoving him toward the door. Viper didn’t move, instead taking her arms and pulling her towards him. Her shrieks of anger were going to draw every nosy neighbor in the neighborhood. Viper lowered his head and caught her mouth with his in an attempt to shut her up. It was as if lightning struck his balls, her mouth was open and sweet tasting like the strawberries and cream gum she loved to chew. Viper had made sure never to kiss her open mouthed while they had been seeing each other, but he gave himself leeway now that she knew exactly who he was. He kissed her, no holds barred, as her struggles ceased, letting him kiss her as she lay limply against his chest.

Winter felt overwhelmed as Viper kissed her as she had fantasied of him doing. Passionately and without restraint, his tongue explored her mouth, releasing her hands while his hand gripped her jaw, tilting her head to the side so that he could deepen the kiss. Winter tried to take a step back and break contact, but his other hand grabbed her ass, pulling her into his body. His fingers splayed out until they lay against the bottom flesh of her ass to hold her in place.

Fire raced through her as her bare belly came into contact with his cock behind his leather pants. He tightened his grip on her ass, fitting her snug against him. Winter moaned into his mouth as she felt him swell…

“Humph….” The clearing throat had her tearing out of Viper’s arms.

Before she could make explanations the Sheriff spoke. “I had a report of an intruder entering your home.”

“He was getting ready to enter something,” the deputy at his side said crudely.

“That was uncalled for,” Winter snapped, angry enough at herself without some jackass of a deputy making her feel worse.

The Sheriff frowned at his deputy. “Yes it was Deputy Moore. Apologize and wait in the car.” The Sheriff’s commanding tone left the deputy no choice but to do what he was told.

The deputy apologized, leaving without another word when Viper glared at the smug bastard.

“Sorry Winter, Viper. Mayor’s nephew, I am stuck with him until I can get enough write ups to fire his ass; this incident wi

ll go into my file. Now back to why I was called, what’s going on?”

“I told Viper not to come in and he forced his way in.”

The Sheriff’s brow rose. “That true, Viper?”

He shrugged. “Yes.”

“You want to press charges?” He turned back to Winter.

“Yes,” Winter answered.

“All right.” He pulled his notebook out of his pocket beginning to write. “Of course, it will make the newspaper. You’ll have to go to court and testify. I will have to testify that I walked in and found you two being intimate.”

Winter’s mouth dropped open. “Is this the good ole boy system at work?”

The Sheriff eyes grew cold. “Actually, I was trying to save you some embarrassment.”

“How exactly was that Sheriff? Your deputy comes in here, insults me to my face, gives a half-ass apology that he didn’t mean and didn’t care that I knew. To add insult to injury, you tell me that even though Viper admitted to coming in without my permission, I will be the one made a fool of, which was probably why he grabbed and kissed me. Why don’t you both just leave? Can you at least accomplish that for me?” Winter demanded.

“Yes I can. Let’s go Viper.”

Viper stared intently at Winter, but went out the door with the waiting Sheriff without an argument. Winter locked the door behind them before going into the kitchen to make a drink for herself. Pulling a soda out of the refrigerator, she went to the table and sat down, burying her face in her hands. Her mind kept replaying the kiss with Viper. After several minutes, she straightened her shoulders and dragged her mind back to the present, opening her computer to bury herself in work. Keeping busy was the only way she had learned to drive Viper out of her mind.


Viper slammed the door to the clubhouse; the members were sitting around the living room relaxing. Some were talking and a few were sitting back drinking a cold beer after being out in the hot sun of the picnic. He went to the bar, selected a glass, and poured himself a glass of whiskey before taking the bottle and sitting on one of the stools.