Not waiting for her to come down from the ecstasy he had expertly drove her to, he flipped her to her stomach, sliding her down the length of the bed until he was able to stand. Viper maneuvered Winter to her knees. Her body was still giving her tiny shudders from her orgasm when he drove his large cock into her with a series of hard pumps.

“Bed or couch.” Winter heard Cash’s voice from behind Viper. Winter started to scramble forward, but a hard hand in her hair stopped her, holding her head down on the mattress, her face turned toward the sitting area. Knox’s eyes were trained on them as Jewell jacked him off. Winter’s eyes moved toward Cash who had taken a seat on the chair with Natasha between his sprawled thighs, whose experienced fingers released his cock before eagerly taking him into her mouth. Cash’s eyes were on Viper pounding his cock into her pussy. Winter closed her eyes.

“Open your eyes, pretty girl.”

Winter opened her eyes to see Knox was getting close, she could tell from his expression. He jerked a condom from his pocket and handed it to Jewell who carefully rolled it onto Knox’s pierced cock. Jewell moaned as she lifted her skirt and Knox circled her waist with his strong hands, held her in the air and turned her until she faced Winter. Knox impaled her on his cock, Jewell cried out as he lifted her up and down his cock, his strong arms holding her entire weight. Winter shoved her ass back harder onto Viper’s cock.

“Want me to stop?” Viper’s hand caressed her tattoo on her back, on the exact spot that had almost made her a cripple, before sliding forward to tightly pinch her nipple.

‘No...” moaned Winter.

“You going to give me any shit for fucking you in front of them?”

Winter didn’t answer, Viper pinched her nipple harder. Her pussy was boiling, she wanted to come so badly. She had never felt so needy of his cock, as if she would die if he didn’t keep going at her.

“You going to give me shit….” Viper repeated his question.

“No….” Winter screamed as he released her nipple. Winter lost track of time as his thrusts intensified while he continued holding her still, pumping inside of her. Her orgasm had her screaming until she shoved her hand over her mouth.

“Move your fucking hand,” Viper snarled, trying to keep himself from coming. The feel of her tight pussy on his naked cock was a feeling he had never experienced. They had only received their medical forms this morning, giving them the all clear and Winter had already seen to birth control.

“I want to hear you scream, let’s me know you want my cock in your needy pussy.” Winter just held on to the side of the bed as he continued to fuck her. She was expecting him to come, surely he couldn’t last much longer but he did, merely keeping at her with a steady pace.

“Viper, you need to come,” Winter pleaded.

Viper looked down at his cock sliding in and out of her pussy. “Pretty girl, I’m not going to come for a while,” he warned.

Winter’s screams could be heard down the hall, begging him to come, sweat glistening on her skin. Knox and Jewell left to find a bed of their own. Evie came in alone to sit on the couch, watching Viper fuck Winter. Natasha had finished off Cash and was lying on his lap with his hand buried in her panties. Evie rose from the couch, going to Natasha, pulling off her panties, and providing everyone in the room with a view of Cash with his fingers fucking the woman into an organism. When Natasha lay still, Cash got up from the chair carrying Natasha to the couch, sitting her on the end. Turning, he quickly shoved Evie over the couch arm, keeping her legs together with his on the outside, he quickly thrust his cock into her pussy.

Viper was still playing with Winter.

“I know what I want for my birthday. You’re going to get this little tidbit pierced for me.”

“No,” Winter wailed, not letting a needle anywhere near the sensitive flesh he was stroking.

“But it’s what I want for my birthday and Winter just think how I can play with it when I go down on you,” he cajoled.

“When’s your birthday?”

“A couple months away,” Viper answered.

“I’ll think about it,” Winter stalled.

“Then I’ll think about going down on you until you have it done. I plan on playing with it a lot, if that makes you feel better,” he threatened, increasing the strength of his thrusts.

Viper hit her high in her sheathe, drawing her away from the conversation and back to his plunging cock, forcing another orgasm from her spasming pussy.

“Think I have been fucking you longer than ten minutes, Winter?”

“Yes…” Winter orgasm overtook her mind, body, and soul leaving her exhausted. Viper taking in her shattered expression finally allowed himself his aching cock release.

Leaning over and kissing her neck, he trailed his finger down her spine before circling her waist and lifting her into his arms. Carrying her to the couch, he sat down placing her on his lap. Softly teasing her breast with his fingertips, they watched Cash fuck Evie into an orgasm.

“I’m hungry, let’s go raid the kitchen,” Cash said.

Cash zipped up his jeans pulling Natasha to her feet. “I’ll fix you a sandwich Natasha,” he offered.

Winter saw something flash in Natasha’s eyes, as Evie finally had enough strength to walk to the door.

“Raci.” Winter told them.

“What?” Cash asked, Evie hesitated at the door with a smile.

“Raci, her nickname is Raci.” Winter looked at Natasha who was beaming with happiness that they all were to see.

“Let’s go, Raci,” Cash said taking her hand.

“Close the door.” Viper ordered.

Cash closed the door as they filed out.

“I’m proud of you, I thought you would have been screaming hysterically by now.” Viper was waiting for her reaction.

Surprised at herself, Winter agreed. The dignified woman who was always so cautious of every move she made was gone. The night she had been attacked, she had laid on that ground wanting to give up. The only thing that had given her strength was the courage her mother had used to fight her breast cancer, Winter couldn’t do any less. The other reason was Viper, every time she had closed her eyes that night, she thought for the last time she had seen his face. Afterward, the time in the hospital and rehab center had been humiliating, her body no longer her own, with different aides seeing to her physical needs caused her natural shyness to be ripped away. Her attempts at escape from the clubhouse had been half-hearted at best. She admitted to herself she needed Viper and The Last Riders to make her whole again.

“I guess watching them the last few months, I realized that they all are very respectful of each other, it isn’t a dirty thing with them Viper.”

“No, it isn’t,” he agreed. “So has your curiosity been satisfied?”

“Yes, it has.” Winter buried her red face in the curve of his warm shoulder.

“Ready for bed?” Viper brushed his cheek against the top of her head.

“More than ready,” Winter groaned.

Viper carried her to the shower, gently moving the showerhead of hot water over her body in a steady stream. Her eyes were closing as he dried her off, helping her to slide under the covers.

“Good night, Winter,” he said tenderly, pulling her close.

“Goodnight, Loker.”

Chapter 21

The Last Riders were gathered into the hallway, ready to leave for Beth and Razer’s wedding, waiting for Razer. Winter and Evie admired each other in their peach dresses.

“Ready?” Viper asked Winter as Razer came downstairs dressed in his tuxedo.

Winter turned at Viper’s question, admiring him in his suit, nervously plucking at a crease in her dress.

“We’re ready,” she answered. Viper lifted her up into his arms.

“Viper, I don’t need you to carry me anymore,” she protested.

He stopped. “There’s no reason to tire yourself going down those steps.” The only obvious result left of her attack wa