“You almost got me fired. If my dad hadn’t used his connections, I would have been. Of course, the old bastard warned me he would disown me if I got in trouble again.” He said slamming the butt of his flashlight into Winter’s stomach as the air rushed out of her. She fell to her knees gasping for a breath as he slung Lily hard into the SUV door.

“Get in there and turn off the lights and motor,” he yelled. “Now!”

Winter watched as Lily’s fingers tried to open the door, but they were shaking so badly, they couldn’t grasp the handle. Winter managed to get to her feet. Seeing her move, Deputy Moore released Lily’s hair long enough to grab Winter’s arm. Winter tried to break free, struggling against his hold.

“Lily, run…” Winter screamed. Lily hesitated. Winter could tell she did not want to leave her behind.

“Go get help. Run…!”

“I’ll kill her if you move.” Deputy Moore tried to drag Winter closer to Lily so that he could grab her, but Winter struggled desperately against his hold, trying to give Lily time to get away. Frustrated, the deputy quit trying to reach Lily, pulling out his gun. Lily ran. She started running on the road, but the sound of a gunshot had her veering off into the wooded hillside. Deputy Moore fired another shot at her. He tried to adjust to a better position to shoot at Lily, but Winter kept striking him, using her nails to dig into the flesh of his arm.

“You stupid bitch, I’m going to put a bullet through your head if you don’t stop,” he screamed at her.

Lights suddenly hit them from an oncoming car, highlighting their struggling figures in the darkness of the night. The car slowed before pulling to the side of the road. The car doors opened and women began climbing out of the car.

“If you say one word to them, I will kill you and then kill them.” Deputy Moore warned her. Winter stopped struggling. The pain in her back was excruciating and her legs were trying to give way, making her hang limp in his brutal grip.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Winter looked at the women recognizing them from the night at the Pink Slipper. Winter realized the woman demanding an explanation from the deputy was Crazy Bitch and that Sex Piston was the one crossing the road coming towards Winter and the deputy.

“Get back in your car. This is none of your business, I pulled her over for driving under the influence and she is resisting arrest.” His harsh voice didn’t stop the women moving forward.

“Why do you have Beth’s ride?” Sex Piston asked Winter.

Winter knew she had a choice. She could tell Deputy Moore wasn’t going to let any of them go. They would be able to identify him when she turned up missing, he only had one option, but Winter didn’t.

“Get help, help from Beth. Tell her to get Razer. Run!” Winter screamed at the biker women as she resumed her struggles to get away from the deranged deputy.

“Stop it!” He lifted his gun towards Winter, but before he could fire it he found himself under attack from Sex Piston and Crazy Bitch. Trying to protect himself from the two women, he was forced to release Winter. Losing her balance, she was knocked to the ground from the struggling trio. Winter watched as Crazy Bitch tore the gun from his grasp while Sex Piston was trying to rip out his hair. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the remaining biker women running towards them, except one who was reaching back inside the bright green car and brought out a baseball bat. Running towards them, Killyama came up behind the struggling deputy.

“Get out of the fucking way.” The bitches moved aside, leaving him to Killyama. Winter had no sympathy for the man as she watched her bring the bat across his back, knocking him into the SUV. Giving him another hard whack between his shoulder blades had him falling to the ground beside Winter.

One of the women knelt down beside Winter. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” Get my phone out of the car and call Viper.” T.A. got to her feet going to the SUV and she placed the call.

Killyama was finally satisfied that the deputy wasn’t going to move with her standing over him with a bat and Crazy Bitch pointing the gun at his head.

“What in the fuck was going down?” Sex Piston asked.

“He was trying to kill me. He attacked me once before, but he wasn’t identified. He knew I recognized him and he was going to kill Lily and me.” Winter’s almost incoherent explanation had Lily’s predicament flooding into her mind.

“Oh God, Lily,” Winter moaned. “She took off running into the woods,” Winter screamed, trying to get T.A to help her to her feet.

“We need to find her!” Winter screamed again. “She may be hurt, he shot at her twice.”

“Calm the fuck down,” Killyama said. “We’re not going to run around these woods in the dark. Wait for the men.” Deputy Moore started moving. “What did he do to you?” She asked with a mean glint in her eye.

Winter stared at the woman holding the bat. “He almost beat me to death, left me outside all night on the ground. He didn’t finish the job so he was going to kill Lily and me.” Winter was shaking so badly, she had to hold on to T.A. to prevent herself from falling.

“You a friend of Beth’s?” Crazy Bitch asked.

Winter nodded, “I’m one of her bridesmaids.”

“We are too,” she said absently, staring down at the deputy who had managed to get to his knees. Shoving the gun into the waistband of her jeans, she held out her hand.

“I’m going to see that you all are arrested, assaulting a police officer…” Deputy Moore tried to put the fear of the law into the biker woman.

Killyama handed the bat to Crazy Bitch. “I’m going to show you assault mother fucker….” Crazy Bitch brought down the bat this time over his shoulder.

“I… am… going… to…. beat… the… shit…” each word was timed with a hit by the bat. The sounds of the bat striking flesh was drowned out by motorcycles. The loud sounds could be heard before they saw the lights turn the corner. Crazy Bitch stopped hitting the unconscious man to watch The Last Riders park their bikes close to Beth’s vehicle.

Viper got off his bike, running directly to Winter.

“What happened?” Trying not to let her hysteria get the better of her, she tried to remain calm enough to explain what had happened, then losing it completely when she told him about Lily.

Viper took command. “Sex Piston, take Winter and Beth’s vehicle back to Rosie’s. Don’t open your mouths about what happened. You never stopped. You came directly to Rosie’s after you left your home. Understand me?”

“You going to finish this mother fucker or do you need me to stay and help?” Killyama asked sincerely.

“I think we can handle this piece of shit from here. Go on to the bar, get drunk and have some fun, forget this happened.” Viper’s eyes bore into the biker bitches faces. Getting the message, they climbed back in their car, the tires screeched as Crazy Bitch floored the gas pedal.

“Razer call Beth, tell her what happened and not to tell anyone. You tell her we’ll find Lily. Winter, get in the SUV and go with Sex Piston, you need to keep Beth calm.” Sex Piston was behind the whe

el before Viper finished talking. Winter shakily walked to the passenger door getting inside with Viper’s help.

“Find her, Viper,” Winter begged.

“Bet on it, pretty girl,” he said grimly. “You sure he’s the one who almost killed you?”

Winter didn’t hesitate, “Yes, I’m sure,” she said, closing the door without a glance at the man surrounded by The Last Riders.

Sex Piston did a U-turn before driving off in the direction of the bar.

“Cash, Shade, Rider, find Lily”. The men moved, each going to their bikes, pulling out what they needed before disappearing into the dark woods.

“Razer, Knox, Train, you’re with me.”

Viper walked over to the deputy who had wet himself when Killyama had started beating him. Viper squatted down next him.

“Call the Sheriff, tell him those women attacked me,” Deputy Moore cried, lying on the ground, staring up into a face staring stonily back at him.

“That was my woman you almost beat to death. She laid in a back brace for weeks having to have pads under her to take a piss. You left her on the fucking ground in fucking agony for hours, she had weeks of rehab just to move from the bed to her wheelchair.”

The deputy was now sobbing for mercy, Viper showed him none.

“You’ve just lived your last day…”


Cash, Shade, and Rider moved silently across the hillside, looking for a sign of which direction Lily went to give them a clue where she had run. Expertly, Cash shone his flashlight back and forth across the ground. They were lucky it took them less than fifteen minutes to find her first track. Moving apart a few feet, they began a search grid steadily working their way closer to her. Cash was familiar with the mountain, searching for areas it would be easier for her to run. It was Shade who found a ripped portion of her dress with blood on it. As he gripped it tightly in his hand, they moved forward, changing direction just slightly.

“We’re fucked,” Cash said, recognizing a marker.

“What?” Shade snarled.