Winter buried her face in her hands. The image of Viper’s bike wouldn’t leave, all the implications flowing through her mind. Her phone rang next to her, she didn’t answer. Twice more within the hour the phone rang. Finally coming to a decision, she picked up her phone. It had been Beth who had called, and when she couldn’t reach Winter, she had become concerned and called Viper. The last two calls had been from him.

She couldn’t talk to him yet. Winter sent a text saying what she couldn’t bring herself to say face to face.

“We’re over.”

Chapter 16

Winter hadn’t moved since she had sent the text. The chair faced the window and she could see the sun going down. The party would be getting started and Viper would be there alone, angry at her text. She knew without a doubt in her mind how he would react. The only question in her mind was which woman would he pick first.

She wasn’t aware of when she started to cry, hadn’t even noticed the wetness on her cheeks. Winter was too focused on the pain coming from her chest, afraid she couldn’t catch her next breath. The hiccupping cry that left her throat was her first realization that she had been sitting there for a length of time quietly sobbing. Her hands smoothed away the tears from her cheeks; she was about to get up to go to her bedroom when inside the quietness of the house she heard the loud motors coming down the street. It sounded loud in the quietness of the neighborhood filled mainly with elderly homeowners.

Winter sat still, unsure what to do. She hadn’t turned on the lights when it had become dark, preferring to sit in the darkness. Now the whole room was being flooded with lights from the outside. A knock on the door had her rising, reluctantly accepting the inevitable. She was going to have to face Viper. Opening the door, she took a step back as he walked angrily into the room.

“Why are all the lights off?” He came to a sudden stop. Without waiting for her reply, he found the switch and flipped the lights. The room flooded with light, showing the devastation on her face the crying had caused. Viper stared at her quietly, taking in her puffy pain bruised eyes.

“What’s going on, Winter? Why did you send me that text?” Viper asked gently.

Winter turned her back, moving towards the living room further away from his intimidating presence.

Viper followed her, concerned.

“I think it should be self-explanatory. We’re over. I am moving back into my home, something I should have done long ago.”

“You could have moved back anytime Winter, why now? You were fine when you left the clubhouse this morning. What changed between then and now?”

“I went to Ton’s this morning.”

“I know, you told me this morning that you were going. Did he say something to you?” He asked angrily

“No, but you shouldn’t stay mad at him Viper.”

“My father is my business,” Viper said in a hard voice.

“There it is,” Winter is softly.

“What in the fuck are you talking about?”

“I saw your bike there Viper. You trashed it, the day you found out about my attack didn’t you?”

Viper stiffened, sensing a trap.

“If you didn’t feel guilty, then why did you trash your bike? All this time during the last few months, you have just been soothing your conscious Viper. You told yourself and me that you didn’t feel guilty, but I think inside you did and that’s why you were determined to take care of me when I came out of the hospital.”

“You came up with this just from seeing my fucking bike?”

“Not only that Viper. Let’s be honest, why would you quit having sex with the other women? It had to be your guilty conscious.” She turned, giving him her back while she tried to get control of herself. Her hands clenched, her nails biting into the flesh of her palms as she turned back to face him.

“Why would you pick me over them. Look at me. I’m not even pretty.” Drawing back her bangs, she pointed to the ragged scar on her forehead. “I don’t have a gorgeous body. Mine has scars from the surgery on my back.”

Winter’s legs were trembling as she sank down onto the sofa, burying her face in her hands.

“You’ll get tired of me one day when a new prospect or hanger on walks in the clubhouse door and you’ll leave me again. That’s what you always did Loker, you left me for other women before and you’ll do it again.”

“Winter, look at me,” Viper said gently.

Winter reluctantly looked up. He was staring back at her with tears in his eyes. “Pretty girl, this time it’s not me leaving, it’s you.”

“I’m still in love with you Loker,” she heart wrenchingly confessed as tears slid from the corner of her eyes.

“I know, Winter. I’ve known all along you never stopped loving me. I knew when you stayed at the clubhouse, when you started helping me with my work, and when you decided to become a member of The Last Riders.” The only one Winter had managed to fool was herself, she thought in self-contempt.

“It was the only thing I had to hold onto to make the nightmare of almost losing you bearable. I believed that once you found out who I was, you wouldn’t be able to accept that and I wanted you to have the choice. The accident did change my feelings, I agree with you there, but not the way you think Winter,” Viper saw the resignation in her eyes. “My feelings changed because I was no longer going to give you a choice in the matter. I pretended I was, even to myself. Right up to the point you sent me that text. You’re mine, regardless of whether you want to be or not. If you even think of looking at another man, I will kill the motherfucker. If you try to leave me again, I will lock you in my room. And if you ever, and I mean ever, tell me you’re not pretty again I will beat your ass until you can’t sit for a week. Do you understand me?”

Winter didn’t know a man could yell and cry at the same time. For the first time, Winter ran into his open arms.

Viper’s arm’s closed tightly around her, burying his face in her neck “I was so fucking stupid, I almost lost you. That punk ever gets out of prison, I’m going to kill him.”

“You kind of have a violent streak, do you know that?” Winter informed him. “I saw Carmen the other day and she doesn’t think Jake was the one who hurt me. She said he only confessed because of the plea he was offered.”

“He took a plea deal because he was guilty as hell. Cash is the one who tracked him into the mountains,” he said unsympathetically.

“She seemed pretty convinced, Viper.”

“I’ll talk to Cash.”

She nodded her head against his chest.

“Can we go home now? Your neighbors will probably start calling the Sheriff’s office and there is no reason to ruin his Friday night.”

Winter lifted her head. “Is that all you guys look forward to is Friday?” She teased.

“With you in my bed, it’s Friday all week.” Blushing at his compliment, she stepped away from him to get her purse and phone. They went to the door and Viper flipped off the lights, making sure the door was locked and they went to his bike. Winter kept her head lowered, embarrassed that the whole club was on her doorstep.

Winter climbed on the huge bike behind Viper and two by two they pulled out with Viper in the lead and Razer bringing up the rear. She tightened her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his back as they flew through the night.


Winter folded the clothes and put the laundry basket on the table in the laundry room for the members to come and get their clothes. She was humming as she put the clothes in the dryer.

“There is someone here to see you.”

Winter turned in surprise to see Viper standing in the doorway.

Winter was surprised. No one had visited her since her return. “Who is it?”

“Don’t know. She said you had an appointment with her this morning and you missed it.” He looked at her quizzically.