“Help yourself; I don’t mind sharing,” Kaden groaned.

Kaden turned off the water before stepping out of the shower. Drying off, he slung the towel towards the laundry basket before returning to the bedroom.

Sawyer was sleeping deeply. She had since he had let her roll away from his body. He had held her most of the night, waiting for her to fall asleep. It was only when he had loosened his hold, that she had managed to attain it.

He had left her body unfulfilled last night. She had been so primed he could have slid his dick into her with no foreplay. Her mind was fighting their attraction, but her body was more than willing to concede to his demands.

Her beautiful face looked tranquil in sleep, disguising the usually cautious way she watched him. He watched as her arm fell to her side, exposing the tattoo she had on the back of her wrist.


Sawyer reminded him of a fragile bird who constantly struggled against a gilded cage. Kaden had never seen anyone—male or female—so unaffected by wealth. The clothes that R.J. had purchased from a local discount store were the ones she constantly wore, ignoring the expensive ones in her closet. Even the extra cash she had that he had wanted to make sure she kept on her, she had donated to the less fortunate. The woman had no self-preservation instinct. Sawyer hated to be waited on and cared for, preferring to do it herself. The only thing he could see she enjoyed was fucking bath bombs.

Kaden sat down on the mattress beside her hip. He couldn’t tie her to him emotionally; she was too guarded for that. He wondered, not for the first time, if it was something from her past or her kidnapping by Redman that was responsible for her behavior. Sexually, he could reach her, but if he attempted to draw her emotionally closer, she shut him out. Sadly for her, he had no compunction using his more experienced skills against her. He wanted her that badly.

He lowered the sheet, exposing her body before sliding between her thighs. He eased his cock into her tight pussy as her thighs rose, clamping against his hips as he thrust in and out of her.

“Fuck me,” he whispered into her ear.

Her hips began thrusting back against him, giving them both what they needed. When her eyes sleepily opened, the clear, golden depths stared up at him, making no effort to hide her arousal.

His hand reached down between her thighs, finding her clit before rubbing the delicate bud until he had her arching and thrusting up harder against him. “This is my cunt.”

Pounding inside her, his hand left her clit to raise both of her thighs higher, spreading her wider. He leaned to his side and then reached for the tiny rings on the nightstand he had placed there last night. He laid one on her nipple, tightening it until she gasped before doing the same to her other breast.

“These are my tits.” He leaned down, licking the nubs being pinched by the nipple rings. “Next month, we’re passing through a town where I know someone who pierces. You’re going to let him pierce them for me.”

Sawyer groaned at the way he was talking to her.

Her hands came to his side, grasping him as her legs slid up even higher with his hands pushing them up. Kaden rose above her as his cock moved in and out, with a driving need to climax. Kaden gritted his teeth, not wanting to come yet. He wanted to prolong the pleasure of taking her.

His mouth returned to her nipple, biting down, smiling when her scream filled the air. His mouth then went to her other nipple, and she was so primed that she screamed at the first brush of his lips against the red bud. No sooner had the scream ended than he rose up, pulling his cock from her pussy. Her whimpers of need almost had him giving in and returning to the silky depths.

“No, Kaden, don’t stop.” Sawyer reached out to him, but he forestalled her by flipping her onto her belly and sliding back between her thighs. He used his knees to separate her thighs wider before he raised her to her knees.

He reached for the last item on the nightstand. He opened the tube, smearing a generous amount on his cock before placing it back on the nightstand. He placed his cock against the tiny rosette peeking between the globes of her ass as his hand rubbed the still faintly pink globes.

“This is my ass.”

Sawyer jumped, but he held her steady as he began to fuck her.

“Kaden!” Sawyer’s voice sounded loud in the quiet room.

“Hush, Sawyer. You can take me.” Kaden saw her hands grip the sheets beneath him as she struggled to do just that. Using steady pressure, he managed to slide his cock inside her.

“That’s it; fuck back against me, Sawyer,” Kaden coached her.

The timid movements of her hips spoke to her newness of the experience. Reaching around her, his fingers found her clit again, stroking her until she began to move back against him more forcefully.

“There is no part of your body that isn’t mine to take anytime I want.” Sawyer’s only answer was to groan as he thrust his remaining length deep inside her ass.

Kaden reached over to the nightstand, knowing what she needed to bring her over the edge she was clinging to. The paddle came down on one pinked cheek, letting it linger before raising the paddle and coming down again even harder as he watched her ass clench on his cock. Her screams filled the room.

Kaden dropped the paddle to the floor, his hands going to her breasts to remove the nipple rings, tossing them to the nightstand before his hand returned to her breasts, rubbing them. He enjoyed her screams of pleasure as he drew out her climax to a torturous level. When she would have dropped to the mattress in exhaustion, he held her still.

“Only one of us is done, Sawyer.” His hands tugged her backward onto him, using her tender breasts. When she was finally able to crawl out of this bed, there would be no doubt in her mind and body who she belonged to.

Kaden finally allowed his restraint to loosen, thrusting against her as he enjoyed the pleasure of having her beneath his body. Leaning backwards onto his calves, he pulled her back until she was against his chest.

His mouth to her ear, he said, “You are mine.”

His fingers gently twisted her nipples until she gasped and repeated, “I’m yours.”

“I’m yours,” Kaden stated firmly.

“You are mine,” she repeated, this time without his encouragement.

At her words, Kaden finally allowed himself to climax deep within her. When he finished, he reluctantly pulled out of her before helping her to lie down on the bed. He went to the bathroom and ran the bathtub full of hot water, throwing one of her bath bombs in before he returned to the bedroom and gently picked her up, carrying her to the tub. Carefully, he stepped in, holding her as he sat down and placed her between his thighs. She leaned back against him, groaning.

Kaden laughed, his hand skimming through the thick foam, massaging it into her skin.


He leaned ba

ck against the side of the tub, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment with her. “Hmm?” he said, stroking her back.

“I’m going to kill you.”

Chapter Sixteen

I am on the edge of death, and death is taking over me.

Resuscitate me, I wanna breathe you in.

Resuscitate me, I wanna live again.

I am filled with a darkness. My veins now run black,

And only you can change that.

Resuscitate me, I wanna breathe you in.

Resuscitate me, I wanna live again.

Let your light take hold of me.

Get rid of this misery.

Time’s running out. Give me one last shot.

Resuscitate me, I gotta breathe you in.

Resuscitate me, I gotta live again.

Sawyer stood behind the curtain as she listened to the song, grinning as Kaden turned to flash her a smile. The weeks on the road had been tiring, but she also had to admit that they had been the happiest of her life.

The only part that had kept her worried was Vida. Kaden hadn’t heard anything about her friend, but had confided that the FBI had warned Alec to add additional security measures. Alec had, and he had also remained by her side until she entered her bedroom on the bus.

The song ended, and another one started with Alyce walking seductively onto the stage. Her loose t-shirt hung low, exposing her black bra along with the areolas of her nipples. Her skintight booty shorts and thigh-high boots made Sawyer regret her decision yet again to remain in her own jeans and shirt. Each night she saw them together, she swore she wouldn’t put herself through it again.

Tonight, they were in Michigan, and the band had been eyeing each other warily. When she had asked Kaden if anything was wrong, he had denied the way everyone was acting.

The performance finally over, Kaden and the band exited the stage. They had planned on spending the night in a hotel, but Kaden had insisted they push through to the next concert.

The VIP room was packed to capacity with several of the local contest winners still there. Sawyer leaned back against the wall, watching Kaden take several pictures with the local personalities when R.J. interrupted him, pulling him to the side.