And I know I wasn’t the only one who felt that way either. Men who’d worked in the vineyard for the previous owner’s family for years were incredibly thankful for Matt’s generosity as well. It’s why we all work so hard for him. He shows us respect, and we show it right back.

“That was a good thing my boy did,” Vinnie says with a firm nod. “Keeping you all here working for him. Everyone loves my Matthew. Every once in a while, he has a bit of goodness in his heart.”

“He’s a good boss,” I agree, wondering how his dad can both praise Matt and knock him down all in one sentence.

“Even though he don’t know shit about wine,” Vinnie mutters, making me stifle a laugh. “What? It’s true and you know it, girly. I bet he’s been scrambling since he bought this place trying to learn everything he can.”

His dad wasn’t too far off the mark with that assessment. “What he lacks in knowledge, he makes up for in enthusiasm.”

“Now that was a diplomatic answer.” Vinnie grins and points at me. “I can see why he kept you on. Not only do you look real good, you sound good too.”

“Thank you. I think.” I glance around, looking for Matt, and spot him standing with a group of people who seem to be enthusiastically chatting him up.

Good. He doesn’t need the stress his dad brings him while worrying if anyone is impressed with the wine. Not that I ever doubted he’d succeed, but he’s been on edge for days. Weeks. Months.

Probably why he kissed you. Needed an outlet for all that nervous energy and you were the perfect distraction.

The thought comes upon me so quickly, I go still as I turn it over again and again in my head. Could that really be the reason why he kissed me? A way to unleash all that edgy energy he’s been living on for the last few weeks?

God, I hope not.

“So can I ask you a question, pretty lady?”

Vinnie’s voice reminds me what I’m supposed to be doing, and I turn to look at him, a tentative smile on my face. “Sure. Go ahead.”

“Are you f**king my son?”

Chapter Eight


MY MOUTH IS completely dry as I gape at Matt’s father, shocked that he would say such a crude and horrible thing.

They have similar features, Vinnie and Matt. Same dark hair and brown eyes, though Matt’s are much kinder than Vinnie’s cold, almost mocking glare. His mouth is set in a firm line too, as if he doesn’t smile much.

I bet he doesn’t. It seems he’s got a mean streak in him a mile wide.

“Well? Cat got your tongue or what? I can only take your silence as confirmation that yes, indeedy, you’re f**king my son,” he says. “The lucky bastard.”

Swallowing hard, I search for composure. The very last thing I want him to believe is that Matt and I are having some sort of illicit affair. I wouldn’t put it past this man to sell the story to whoever would listen if it brought him any bit of attention.

“Your son is my boss,” I finally say, my voice raspy, and I clear my throat. “That’s it. There’s nothing between us except a working relationship.”

He casts a skeptical glance my way. “Uh huh. That’s why he looks at you like you’re his favorite dessert and he’s a starving man. I get it. Really I do. I never could keep my dick in my pants, you know, especially when faced with a gorgeous woman such as yourself. And neither can he.” Reaching out, he touches me, slides his fingers down my forearm. I yank my arm away, my skin literally crawling from his touch.

“There’s nothing going on between us,” I say, my voice firm, my insides anything but. I’m a nervous, quaking mess, afraid this man will somehow figure out that Matt and I have at least kissed.

His questions, his blunt wording, are tainting everything I’ve shared with Matt. Reminding me that I’m just the same ol’ girl from Cactus, Texas. The girl everyone chases after and expects sexual favors from, all because she has a pretty face and curvy figure.

That’s me. I’m that girl, the one that everyone makes feel like she’s a slut. A whore. I’ve slept with two men in my life. I could count the sexual experiences I’ve had on one hand. Nothing lasting, nothing good, and I always run before it can turn into anything more. I’m always too scared.

Yet I’m the shameless hussy who’s out to f**k around with every man I see. I’m a home wrecker. A man stealer. A girl who’s good for nothing but c**k sucking. A pervert’s dream. I’ve been told this time and again.

And I’m being told it right now.

“You keep on saying there’s nothing between you two but soon you’ll fall under the DeLuca charm. You all do. We’re irresistible. My son and I have both had plenty of women. I know when one’s interested. And you my girl, you are definitely interested.” Vinnie puts his hand over mine and holds firm, trapping it on the table. “If my son doesn’t take the bait, just know I’m always here waiting whenever you’re ready.”

Oh my God. Now he thinks they’re interchangeable? That I’ll just bounce from father to son? “You’re disgusting,” I say, my voice low as I finally snatch my hand back from beneath his.

He laughs, the sound so loud more than a few people turn and look in our direction, including Matt. He shoots me a look of concern, but I shake my head, offer him a quick smile. The last thing I want is him coming over here and discovering this particular conversation. I can handle this man on my own.