“I won’t be the one in danger. Kaden will be.”

“Nothing gets by Kaden’s security force. Others, more powerful than the man who attacked you last night, have tried and didn’t succeed. No one will get close to Ginny either. She’s under the protection of The Last Riders. They’ll be at the concert, too.”

Zoey stared out of the window. Despite their assurances, she had a feeling of dread that Ginny’s life was about to change, and it wasn’t because she was going to be performing in front of hundreds of onlookers, but because of a man who had a manic fixation on her.

“Stump, promise me one thing?” she asked, turning away from the window.

“What is it?”

“That no one is wearing a uniform.”


“Do you see anyone who looks like him?”

Zoey shook her head.

Stump had memorized the picture of Zoey’s sketch. Now he was scanning members of the audience within eyesight, going row by row. He easily recognized several of The Last Riders in the first three rows, all within distance of being able to jump on stage when Ginny was singing if anything went wrong.

He glanced away from the crowd as Ginny came out to stand behind the curtain next to Zoey. Ginny didn’t look at the audience. She stared at the stage as Kaden performed in front of the massive crowd. Pretending his attention was diverted, he gave the women their privacy while staying within hearing distance.

“It’s not too late, Ginny. You don’t have to do this.”

“Yes, I do. I’m not going to run. I’m not afraid.”

Stump could see she wasn’t. Not until she looked toward the stage did fear edge into her eyes.

“Why did you agree to take lessons with Kaden?”

“Because of something you said.”

“Because of something I said?”

“You asked me if you didn’t like my cooking, would I keep doing it.”

“You said yes.”

Ginny nodded. “That’s why. I love singing just as much as cooking. The only way to overcome singing in public is to get better at it.”

“Like cooking lessons.” Zoey nodded in understanding.

“Willa taught me how to love cooking. I hoped Kaden could teach me the same thing about music.”

“Did he?”

“We’re about to find out,” Ginny said starkly, her face pinched in fear. “I signed a contract that I’ll open twelve shows for him. When I’m done, I’ll have enough to go home and buy a house. I’ll be able to pay cash for it, and it’ll be mine. I wish you could come with me. Even with the lessons Kaden gave me, and him singing the duet with me, it would be easier with you there.”

Zoey hugged Ginny close. “You don’t need for me to sing with you to give you courage. I know what it’s like to want your own home. I found mine, but it wasn’t a house; it was a person. You’ll find yours, too.”

The song that Kaden was singing ended, sending applause roaring through the stands.

“I guess this is it then. There is no going back.” Ginny stepped closer to the edge of the curtain as Kaden lifted a hand in the air to quiet the audience.

Ginny turned to look over her shoulder when Zoey softly called her name at the same time Kaden started introducing her to sing the duet with him.

“Ginny, you have always been a star. You just let clouds keep you from shining brightly. I found my way home from a map; you never needed one. You know exactly where you want to be. Make it happen!”

Seeing that Ginny was about to step onto the stage, he moved to another section of the curtain, closer to the end where she would be seen as she stepped out onto the portion she had to walk to reach Kaden.

Ginny nodded, straightening her shoulders before she walked out into the limelight. Zoey didn’t take her eyes off her friend. Neither did he.

Penni had told him that Sawyer helped Ginny choose what to wear for her debut. The midnight blue jumpsuit left her shoulders bare, the material then popping out to conceal her breasts before flaring out in loose, flowing pants. He was in love with Zoey, but from a man’s point of view, Ginny was stunning in that outfit. Combined with the sexy, new bob she had also been talked into, Ginny looked like the star Zoey called her.

Parting the curtain a tiny crack, Stump resumed his searching of the crowd.

“You braided your hair with my headband.”

His lips curled into a smile. “You said I could have it.”

“I didn’t know you would cut the top off and used the leather to braid it into your hair.”

“Now you know.” He gave an offhand shrug, knowing it would irritate her.

“See if I give you another one.”

“I don’t want another one. They all have flowers on them.”

Zoey peeked out the hole he created between the curtains. “He’s not there, is he?”