“I know the difference between ow and wow.” Chuckling, he buried his face in her neck. “Relax, Zoey. You’re tensing, and it’s making it more painful for you.”

“I don’t mean to,” she panted out as he plunged again. “Are we done yet?”

“Baby, if you have to ask me that question, then no, we aren’t.”

“Is it in yet?”

“Almost.” Another thrust and she felt as if she was being torn in two.

“The worst is over.” He moved his hands between them as he rocked back and forth inside her, each glide of his penis moving easier within her until the burning sensation stopped, and then she began moving feverishly against him.

“More….” Twining her hands through his hair, she moved his mouth back to hers, needing another intimate connection to him.

She kissed him viciously, just as he pounded into her, both battling to outdo the other.

“You feeling better?”

She nodded, moaning into his mouth.

The battle between them was one she had no ability to win. She was too inexperienced to be the victor, yet she was a fast learner, and she was going to make sure that Crush had spent the last night in Stump’s bed she was ever going to. Zoey would make sure of that.

Jolting spasms began, like a fuse had been ignited inside. It had a scream building.

She tore her mouth away from his to bite down on his shoulder. In a haze, she wanted to break away from him, afraid that, if she didn’t, there would be no part of her left. She felt like she needed to keep a small part of her soul intact. What if Stump decided he wanted someone else? What if he grew tired of her?

As if sensing her intention, he pitched her over an edge that she was unaware was there until it was too late, sending her body hurtling into an overwhelming passion that she didn’t know existed.

When she came to awareness, Stump was lying on his back and she was draped over his chest, as he spoke in a hushed voice, telling her how beautiful she was.

She lifted tear-filled eyes. “You don’t have to keep saying that.”

“Do you believe me when I do?”

“Not really.”

“Then I’m going to keep saying it until you do. And even then, I probably won’t stop because you are.”

“You’re a very persistent man.” Her gaze skittered away from his. “I don’t imagine many women are able to resist you.”

“Zoey, I’ve dated a lot of women; probably too many considering your high standards. I’ve never been serious with a fucking one of them. I can’t say a few of them haven’t wanted more than I was willing to give, but I can say I never led them on to believe anything else. I’m being real with you. So, when I tell you I love you, believe it, because it’s the truth.”

Searching his eyes, she nodded. “Okay.”

She had never seen her father look at any woman the way Stump was staring at her.

“Good. I need a shower. Want to take one with me?”

She rolled off him, tugging the blanket over her. “You go first. I’ll take one when you’re done.”

Leaning over, he gave her a quick kiss before standing up brazenly.

When she made sure he was in the bathroom and the water was running, she giggled out loud, falling to the mattress. Stretching out her sore body, Zoey marveled at what had just happened. She wanted to do it again, but she didn’t want to appear too eager.

She didn’t know the etiquette of couples after they had sex. She could text Penni or Grace and ask them, but she wasn’t ready to open the door for them to discuss her private life. She knew girlfriends shared their secrets, but her father had drilled into her since childhood that she needed to keep her mouth shut about what happened behind closed doors.

Hearing the water shut off, she stuffed a pillow behind her back, sitting up straight in the bed while modestly covering her body.

Stump came into the bedroom with a towel tucked around his hips, drying his hair with another towel.

She swallowed at the newfound intimacy of the situation she found herself in.

When his teasing expression went grim, she bit her lip. Should she have gotten dressed when he had left the room?

“You should throw your dress back on. I ordered a pizza before I took a shower. I was getting hungry.”

“I could have fixed you something.” Not releasing the blanket, she slipped to the side of the bed as Stump tossed the towels aside before putting his clothes back on.

“I needed something more substantial than yogurt. Hurry up, it’ll be here any minute.”

“I’m hurrying.” Rushing, she maneuvered the dress over her head, still holding the blanket to cover her lower curves.

Laying the blanket back on the bed, she hurried toward the door as Stump was jerking his boots back on.