Looking toward the women, he saw them hastily lower their eyes, pretending to get to work, thinking he was angry at Zoey’s behavior. He wasn’t angry. He was impressed.

“It’s going to be a long day. Do you have anything to pass the time?”

The women started in surprise, giving each other a wondering look before Penni dubiously reached for a folder on the side of Grace’s desk.

“Do you know how to use a computer?”

Stump rolled his eyes. “Yes, I know how to use a computer.” Reaching for the folder, he took it out of her hand.

“Kaden and the other members of the band are tired of touring. They want to perform for six months and then be able to write and record in the studio the other six. We’ve been able to whittle it down to three venues that have offered enough money and perks to make it possible.” Penni nodded at the folder. “Those are the companies that are competing for the band to set up a permanent residency. One is a casino in Las Vegas; another is in Nashville—”

“Nashville?” Stump raised his brow.

“Nashville actually has a popular indie rock culture,” Penni confirmed. “The last one is in Miami. What I need you to do is research each locale and find the safest place to live and how close it would be to the venue they’ll be playing in. Also research the schools and access to parks. Kaden also wants pictures of the areas in and around those neighborhoods.”

“Okay, I can do that.” Stump looked around the small office. There was only one desk in the front office and another in Penni’s office behind Grace’s.

“That’s the first thing you’ll have to take care of. Order a desk, chair, and computer for yourself. Kaden gave me a budget for the office. Just don’t go crazy, and Kaden will foot the bill without complaining too much.”

“Cool. I’ll take care of it.” Stump gave the office a critical glance. “You mind if I rearrange the furniture so my desk faces Zoey’s office, and if I leave the office door open so I can see who goes in and out?”

“Leave it open. We usually do anyway. I can see Zoey’s door from my desk, too.”

Stump shook his head at the thought of women watching the male eye candy that came and went from Zoey’s office.

“It’ll be a tight squeeze with two desks in here. We can move Grace’s desk into mine. We usually work together anyway.”

The three of them spent most of the morning moving Grace’s desk, arranging the new office furniture, and deciding which computer to buy. They were waiting for the delivery of the furniture when Penni and Grace decided to go to lunch.

“You want us to bring you something back?” Grace offered as they were about to leave.

“I’ll take a burger and fries. You going to ask Zoey if she wants something?”

“I always text her when we’re almost finished,” Penni told him. “Usually, she doesn’t want anything when she has clients so close together, which seems to be what’s happening today.”

“Is she always so busy?”

“It’s been getting busier each month since she’s rented her office. She used to have several breaks, could take lunch with us, and get off around four. Lately, she doesn’t get any breaks, rarely goes out to lunch, and works until six. She’s a busy girl.”

“I see that. She hasn’t had a break this morning.”

He had only caught brief glimpses of her as she had opened her office door to let her clients enter and exit.

After the women left, he called Ice, filling him in on what had happened that morning.

“Damn, you serious?”

“Yeah, Zoey accomplished what you and Jackal couldn’t.”

“If I suggested putting you in their office, Grace would have handed me my ass on a plate instead of giving me dessert.”

“Brother, I hate to tell you, but you and Jackal are letting your old ladies wear the pants. If they were mine, I would lay down the law right on their ass.”

“When you can keep one longer than a couple of months, I’ll take your advice. Until then, shut the fuck up.”

“How’s Hannibal? Make sure you use the leash when you take him out,” Stump warned.

“Who in the fuck do you think you’re talking to? I have two of these little shits myself. My backyard is fenced; he’s not going anywhere.”

“Hannibal’s small enough that he can wiggle underneath—”

Stump removed the phone from his ear when Ice hung up on him.

“Cold bastard,” he muttered, seeing a middle-aged woman staring at him from the hallway.


“Hi.” Stump felt like a side of beef from the way the woman was staring at him.

“You want to grab a drink?” The inviting tone of her voice left no doubt she was offering more than a drink.

“No,” he replied curtly, trying not to make an excuse as to why he wasn’t interested.