“Being worried doesn’t excuse you being a jerk.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

Uncertain that he really meant the apology, she nodded, accepting it. Despite years spent with her father, she believed in giving people the benefit of the doubt when it came to their behavior.

She could practically see the red aura surrounding him, sensing the power and passion within him. On the other hand, people with red auras tended to be narcissistic.

“Can I get you anything before I leave?”

“No thanks.”

Zoey watched his back as he finally left her alone. Her reprieve didn’t last long before Penni and Grace came in, their anxious faces showing relief when she told them she was about to be released.

“I’ll drive you home and make sure you’re settled before I leave.”

Zoey knew it would be useless to argue with Penni. Besides, she needed a ride home, since her car was still at the garage at work.

“I’m going home to get a change of clothes. I’m spending the night with you.”

“Thank you, Grace, but that won’t be necessary. I don’t have any steps in my home, and I’ll have crutches to get around with if I need to. I’m just going to bed. If I need any help, I promise I’ll text one of you.”

“I don’t want to leave you alone, in case you need something,” Grace protested.

“If I do, I won’t hesitate to let you know. I’ll be fine on my own. I can’t get in too much trouble just going to bed. Penni can make sure I have everything I need before she leaves. I’ve canceled my appointments for the rest of the week so I won’t have to go out until Monday. I do need one favor, though. If one of you could come by on Monday to give me a ride to work, that would be helpful.”

“I can. You live just a few minutes from me.” Penni stepped forward, taking the crutches from the nurse.

Thankfully, when the nurse handed over her clothes, the women returned to the waiting area. It had been claustrophobic with the two of them and the nurse crammed into the curtained-off area.

With the nurse’s help, she slid into the wheelchair and was wheeled into the waiting room. Zoey expected their husbands and Stump to be there, but they weren’t.

Her mood lightened leaving the hospital.

Grace stayed until Zoey was in Penni’s car.

On the drive home, she waited for Penni to mention the note that Stump had shown her. When she didn’t, Zoey’s stomach unknotted from the tension.

She didn’t want to talk about the mysterious note and the meaning of it. Nor did she want to think about the shove that sent her down the stairwell. The notes were creepy as heck, but until she knew the reasoning behind them, becoming worried would do little good. Falling down the steps could have been a complete accident, as well as the emergency door being locked.

Penni helped her inside after they got to her house. Zoey didn’t miss the startled surprise when she followed her toward her bedroom.

“I’m not much of a decorator.”

“It’s minimalist; that’s for sure. I kinda expected you to have pictures everywhere, like what you post to your followers.”

“That would be weird having pictures of myself in my own home.”

“If you need a television set, Jackal and I have a spare one we aren’t using.”

Zoey shook her head. “I don’t need one. I don’t watch much television. And if there’s a movie I want to watch, I have my iPad.”

She had never invited her friends over, nor had she ever accepted invitations to theirs. It had been ingrained since childhood not to, and despite being on her own, it wasn’t a habit she sought to break.

“Oh… I see.”

Zoey could tell Penni didn’t.

She hobbled to her dresser to get a nightgown. Usually, she preferred wearing a thin pajama short set, but the nightgown would be easier to manage with her knee.

Holding the gown, she used the crutches to walk to the bathroom.

“Do you need any help?”

“No. If I do, I’ll call out,” Zoey said, closing the bathroom door behind her.

The pain wasn’t too bad as she removed her clothes, simply sliding them over her head before putting the loose gown on. Looking in the mirror, she grimaced at the raccoon eyes staring back at her.

Washing her face to remove the mascara smudges that the product reviews said didn’t exist, Zoey planned to post her own review that it did.

“You handle crutches like a pro,” Penni remarked when Zoey came out of the bathroom.

“I twisted my ankle in high school, so I’ve had to use them before.” Zoey sank down onto the side of her bed, scooting upward as Penni slowly raised her leg to the bed and sliding a pillow underneath.

Penni cocked her head to the side, staring down at her. “That’s the first time you’ve ever mentioned something personal about yourself.”