Stump and Ice moved closer to look inside as Jackal pulled it open.

“It’s just a teapot, a burner, and a few cleaning supplies.” Jackal closed the doors and stood. As he did, Stump saw his eyes go to the couch.

“Ice and I both looked in the couch for the phone.”

Jackal went to the couch, bending down to pull an iPad out from underneath.

“She must have dropped it when the alarm went off.” Jackal lay on the floor to look again. “The phone isn’t under there,” he said, getting back to his feet and giving the iPad to Ice.

Ice looked down at it and then placed it on the table. “Let’s go. I need to meet Creed. You and Stump go to the hospital and see what you can find out.”

Going out the door, Jackal shut and locked it.

“Let’s go down the stairs; it’s quicker.” Stump motioned toward the exit sign next to Zoey’s office.

The two men didn’t argue, following him through the door. They had gone down two floors when he saw a cell phone on the landing. It was the same color as the tiles and could have easily been missed if the tip of his boot hadn’t sent it scuttling across the tiles.

“Well, we have one problem solved,” Stump said, picking it up.

“How did she drop it here on the top of the stairs instead of the one below when she fell?” Jackal asked from behind him as they continued down the two more flights of stairs.

“She probably dropped it before she fell, trying to hurry, instead of after she fell.”

Stump didn’t think it was a big deal until they went down the last flight coming to the door and it wouldn’t open when he pushed on the handle.

“What’s the holdup?” Ice tried to reach around him to open the door himself.

“It’s locked.” Stump moved aside so Ice could try. “It shouldn’t be locked. I saw one of the firefighters coming out of it as we were walking to where Penni, Grace, and Zoey were sitting.”

“You remember what he looked like?” Jackal asked when he couldn’t open it either.

“No, he had the helmet over his face and was carrying a sledgehammer.”

“I think….” The enforcer’s scar became more prominent as he exchanged glances with Ice.

“I’m thinking the same thing. The fire alarm was set to lure Zoey out of her office. I have another question I want answered by her.”

“How she fell?”

“Exactly.” Ice went to the door that led into the lobby. “I’m going to be late meeting Creed. Before you go to the hospital, call the owner of the building and tell him you want a copy of the security footage that the fire department would have asked for.”

“I already did that. It should be in my email when I get back to the club.”

“When you watch it, I want to be there. After I finish with Creed, I’ll meet you there.”

The three men got on their bikes that now stood alone. Ice had ordered the other brothers back to the clubhouse once he had realized it was a false alarm.

Stump rode next to Jackal to the hospital, while Ice went in the other direction to meet Creed.

At the hospital, Jackal asked for Zoey at the front desk, and they were informed she was still being treated in the emergency room. Going through the maze of corridors, they found Penni and Grace sitting off to the side.

Jackal took a seat next to Penni, and Stump took the one next to Grace so he could hear the conversation going on between the couple.

“How’s Zoey?”

“They haven’t told us yet. They’re x-raying her now. They said they’d let one of us go in with her when she’s finished. Did you find Zoey’s cell phone?”

“Yes.” Jackal didn’t make any movement to hand it to her.

“Aren’t you going to give it to me?” Penni held her hand out for the phone.

“Stump wants to give it to her.”

Penni and Grace turned to look at him.

With Jackal giving him a warning glare, it took a second to think of an excuse.

“I want to apologize to her. I figured now would be as good a time as any.”

“Give it to me. The last thing she needs right now is to see you.” Grace held out her hand, then narrowed her eyes at him when he didn’t budge. “Okay, what aren’t you guys telling us?”

“Look, after Ice found out she didn’t want to leave the building until she knew you were safe, he told me to make nice with her, okay? Jesus, when Max does something nice, do you question him the way you girls do me?”

“No, but you aren’t Max.” Grace twirled her fingers to let him know she wanted the phone. “I’m not letting you near Zoey. She’s pretending she’s not in pain with us, but if you’re there, she would let them cut her leg off and still not complain.”