Stump remained silent, as had the rest of the bikers behind Grace’s husband.

Marc stood, releasing her hands. “I should have sent you ahead and checked for you.”

“You were being smart. Don’t ever fault yourself for that,” she reassured him. “I twisted my knee coming down the steps. Would you mind helping me to the ambulance?”

At being asked for his assistance, he eagerly took her arm and helped her to her feet.

Wincing with each excruciating movement, she leaned against him, letting him take her weight.

His whole face lit up, the conscience-stricken expression fading.

“I didn’t want to bother anyone by asking, but I knew I could count on you.” She built his ego as they walked to the ambulance that was getting ready to leave.

When he would have waited until she was checked out, she told him to go ahead and that she would call him later. She just wanted to lay down and his hovering was making her uncomfortable. Plus, the quicker she was treated, the quicker she could go home and soak in a hot bath.

Stifling a moan when the paramedic prodded her tender flesh, she remembered the appointments that were scheduled for the rest of the day. She had forgotten her phone in her office, so she couldn’t cancel them right now. She wished she had asked Marc to retrieve it for her.

She looked over and saw Ice and Grace a few feet away, watching the paramedic work on her.

Zoey cleared her throat at the pain that was clogging it. “Grace? I left my phone in my office. Would you…?”

“I’ll take care of it.” Ice gestured for someone out of her sight.

Zoey leaned back on the gurney, feeling grateful for his help, even if he was sending someone else to get her phone. Her relief was short-lived, however, when she saw Ice talking to Stump. She would rather keep the appointments than ask Stump to do something for her.

“Never mind. It isn’t important,” Zoey raised her voice, stopping Stump before he went on the errand.

The dislikable man ignored her, other than to complain to Grace that he didn’t care if she didn’t want a favor from him; she was stuck letting him.

“Your knee is going to need X-rays,” the paramedic told her as he began strapping her to the gurney.

“Wait. I need to wait for my phone.”

“Take her,” Ice instructed as he moved closer. “I’ll text Stump to leave a note on your door, and Grace can bring your phone to the ER.”

From his stern expression, Zoey could see that any argument would be useless.

“Just ask one of the nurses to give it to me,” she told Grace. “There’s no need for you to have wait around.”

“Would you leave me in an ER without making sure I’m okay?” From the twinkle in her eyes, Grace already knew the answer.

Giving in to the inevitable, she stared up at the roof of the ambulance. Her optimism kicked in, telling her that everyone in the building had gotten out safely, even the person who caused her injury. Wondering if it was the same person that pulled the alarm, she decided not to tell anyone that she had been pushed.

Whoever had done it would be caught and charged, and she didn’t want to have to take part in the court proceedings.

As the ambulance driver was about to close the door, Penni jumped inside, giving them no choice but to let her go.

“I can go by myself—”

Penni waved Zoey’s argument away as the ambulance began moving. “I need a quick piece of advice.”

Pain was beginning to cloud her mind, but she made the effort to raise her head to listen attentively.

“I have a close friend who doesn’t know how important she is to me, and I want to be with her. Could you tell me a polite way to tell her to shut up?”

Zoey’s head fell back on the gurney. “Point taken.”


When Zoey heard the telltale sound of a picture being taken, she raised her head to see Penni lowering her phone.

“What did you just take a picture of?” she asked suspiciously.

“Of you. Just think about how many likes you’ll get.”

Zoey’s head fell back again, her eyes going to the sympathetic paramedic. “If you turn the lights and sirens on, will we get to the hospital faster?”

“Yes,” he answered.

“Do it.”


Stump steered around the crowd as he went inside the building where he noticed two firefighters and a cop inspecting one of the doors in the lobby.

When he rudely used his body to cut through the line at the elevator, several people gave him irritated glances, which he ignored. Then he unapologetically pushed his way inside the elevator when it opened.

Pressing the button, he impatiently waited for the doors to close. Then he continued to wait as the doors glided open and close on each level. It had him drumming his fingers on the side of his jeans.