Dropping her hand from Penni’s arm, she held it out to Stump. At first, she thought he wouldn’t take the peace offering, but then he finally reached out to take her hand. Instead of releasing his hand when he tried to take it back after shaking hers, she laid her other hand on top, squeezing his between both of hers.

“I’m sorry.” She raised her lashes, staring deep into his eyes to get the message across that she was sincere.

“The job sucked anyway, and I have Hannibal back.”

Letting go of his hand, she sank to her knees to pat the dog that had created all the turmoil. “Yes, you do. If you ever need someone to dog-sit or take him for a walk, let me know.” Zoey lowered her face to let the dog give her kisses on her cheek. “Be a good boy for Stump.”

Emotion clogged her voice as she rose. “It was nice meeting you, gentlemen. Penni, would you like me to close your door?”

“Please,” she snapped, then gentled her tone. “I appreciate you being so understanding, Zoey. Our husbands aren’t usually so obnoxious. At least, not in front of us.”

Zoey reached into the pocket of her skirt, taking out a plastic baggy then giving it to Stump, who stared at it in confusion. “It’s a doggy bone I bought for Hannibal.”

Stump took it, looking down at the dog that jumped on his hind legs, trying to reach for the bone.

Fighting back tears, Zoey maneuvered her way out of the office, softly closing the door behind her. She should have known better than to fall in love with the dog. She had never been able to keep anything she loved.

I am not going to be sad, Zoey mentally told herself over and over again until the ache in her heart subsided to a manageable level. “It’s a beautiful day. I will let not let this get me down.”

She had learned a long time ago that meditating could calm the turmoil inside her, and it wouldn’t fail her now. She found it useful to remove negative blocks, and there was a six-foot, five-inch male named Stump who needed to be removed before she stooped to dognapping.


“Did I just meet Hannah Montana’s doppelganger?” Stump said, staring at the closed door.

“You just broke Zoey’s heart. You know that, right?”

Stump turned toward Grace, who was giving him a recriminating glare. “How’s it my fault? I didn’t tell her to get attached to my dog.”

“You’re such an ass! Why did you accuse her of dognapping?” Penni’s sarcastic tone had him looking to Ice and Jackal for help.

Jackal took the hit for the team. “You’re being overdramatic, as usual.”

“I’m going to show you overdramatic when you’re sleeping on the couch tonight,” she snarled. “I consider Zoey a good friend.”


Stump closed his eyes, unable to watch the brother step further into the shit he was piling on himself.

“What does that mean?” Penni narrowed her eyes at her husband.

“I can see why you’re both friends. You’re both fruitcakes.”

“I am not a fruitcake.”

Stump couldn’t listen to Jackal take the brunt of Penni’s anger any longer. “How did you become friends?”

“I met Zoey at my yoga class. I was the one who told her that the office across the hall was vacant.”

“What does she do?” he asked sarcastically, digging in deeper.

“She’s a life coach.”

“You called that one, Jackal.” Stump sealed his fate with the women who were looking at him as if he had just crawled out from under a rock.

“Zoey is not a fruitcake. She’s the most down to earth person you’ll ever be lucky to meet. Since when did you become such a big jerk? You used to at least try to be nice where women were concerned.”

“Casey wouldn’t agree with that statement.” Grace sat back down at her desk, her animosity just as palpable as Penni’s. “He’s trying to take the attention off Ice for not telling me that Hannibal was missing. Just so you know, it’s not working. Jackal won’t be the only one sleeping on the couch. And Stump, instead of making fun of Zoey, you should look into acquiring her services. You need all the help you can get.”

Ice leaned over his wife’s desk, his ice-blue eyes glaring back at her. “You want to have an argument, wait until we’re home—”

“That will have to wait.” Grace swung her chair back toward her desk. “I’m having dinner out tonight. I have a friend who needs some cheering up.” Grace gave her husband a haughty sniff of disdain.

“I’ll be late, too.” Penni folded her arms across her chest in a don’t-mess-with-me attitude toward Jackal. “Don’t wait up.”

“Is that so?” Jackal’s scarred lip twisted in a sinister curl.

“That’s so!” she snapped back. “Now, you three get lost. Grace and I have work to do.”

Stump was the first to move toward the door. He didn’t have to stand around, trying to kiss ass just to make up with the women. Thank God he had never lost his mind over a woman enough to put a ring on her finger.