“Oh yes. His sister has the same capabilities, but she’s not as strong. He said he has a younger brother… I wonder if he’s like Greer or his sister. I could take a few days off. Did Penni say when they were leaving?” Excited about meeting another powerful healer, she started to get up to look for Penni.

“You’re not going anywhere without me, and I’m not ready to take you yet.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re not. That’s why!”

“But, why? I really want to meet… Wasn’t his name Dustin?”

“I don’t remember. It could have been Wilber.”

“It wasn’t Wilber. I would have remembered that. Excuse me…” Zoey caught the attention of a man passing their table. “Are you a Last Rider?” She flushed, realizing it was the man she had accidentally kicked the day before.


“I’m sorry about yesterday,” she apologized.

“So you keep saying,” he mocked, his eyes flickering from hers to Stump’s, giving him a look that she couldn’t interpret.

“When do The Last Riders plan to leave?”

“Day after tomorrow. Name’s Moon if you want to go for a ride before I leave.”

“Thank you for the offer, but no. You have a very nice blue aura so I can be frank with you without hurting your feelings.”

“I do? That’s good to know. Here I thought mine was red. You sure you don’t want to go on that ride with me? I’m into auras, too.”

“Yours is going to be black and blue if you ask her one more time to go for a ride.” Stump stood, making his threat clear.

“Sorry. I couldn’t resist. Brother, be cool. I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

“I’m not down with you hitting on my old lady. I don’t know how The Last Riders react when you hit on their women, but the Predators will take you fucking out.”

“Nice meeting you.” Moon gave her a sensual smile before retreating into the milling crowd.

“Day after tomorrow… I was hoping they would stay longer. That doesn’t give me time to reschedule my appointments.”

“You’re not going to Kentucky to meet Dustin.”

“I don’t see why not.”

“You really want to go?”

She gave him a confused frown. “Isn’t that what I’ve been saying?”

“Fine.” He stood, pulling her to her feet.

“What…? Where are we going?”

“You want to go to Kentucky, you’re going to be married to me and pregnant before meeting Dustin. Walmart is open. We can buy your ring there. When the courthouse opens in the morning, we’ll get the license. We can start trying to get you pregnant after Walmart. No Kentucky boy is going to outdo me.”

Zoey looked at Vida and Colton to see if they heard the same words coming out of his mouth as she had. They looked just as shocked as she did.

“Don’t worry about the Porters outdoing you. You’re in a league of your own.”



I’ve tried to find you, and I can’t. I spent the last two years searching for you, even a teacher tried to help me until I was caught and brought back to the orphanage. I’m writing to you now because I’m planning on running away tonight. A girl from school let me give her money for a bus ticket. I’m writing the information on the back of this letter so you can find me. I want you to be there when I get off the bus, but if you’re not, then I have to move on. I can’t spend the rest of my life searching for someone who doesn’t want me. I really hope you will be in Queen City when I get there.


“I can’t believe you said that!”

He dodged another blow to his shoulder as he unlocked her front door, then swung it open.

“I was just joking,” he assured, dodging the wristlet she had taken off to dig for her key.

“And don’t forget the five dollars you owe me!”

“You better not!” he warned her when she took off her sandals and started aiming them at him.

“Everyone at that table heard you!”

He was able to duck the one that flew over his head.

“I’m warning you, Zoey. If you throw it, I’m going to pad—ouch!”

The sandal sailed over his shoulder, falling harmlessly to the floor.

“You better not!”

“What are you doing?” He watched as she braced her feet, putting her hands out in front of her.

“Preparing myself.”

“For what?”

“I know jiu-jitsu. I have a client who is an instructor. You still want to paddle me? Try me. Marc said I’m a natural.”

“Marc the wuss? The one who left you alone during the fire alarm? I’ll take my chances.” Taking his leather jacket off, he threw it toward the couch. “Oh… baby, I’m going to try you. I’m going to fuc—”

One second, he was moving to give her the paddling she deserved, and the next, she had gripped the front of his T-shirt, her foot buried in his stomach. He went sailing over her head, landing on the floor behind her.