Zoey’s bottom lip began trembling, seeing he wasn’t going to help, and no amount of reasoning would talk him into it. Still, she had to try one last time.

“At least meet him before you decide what you can or won’t do to help. Don’t make a decision until you met him. Look at him, Greer. Cole’s crying because he thinks he did something wrong. Please… at least make him stop crying. It’s breaking my heart.” She had to blink back her own tears while watching Cole sob into his sister’s shoulder.

“Dammit!” Greer turned on his heels, making his way back to Cole.

Zoey moved back to her chair, sitting down next to Stump.

“Is everything okay?”

“Shh…,” she shushed him, waiting anxiously to see what was taking place in front of her. “Watch… I think we’re about to be blessed.”

Greer moved to stand in front of Cole and Casey. “Cole….”

Zoey gripped Stump’s hand at the sound of Greer’s voice. It wasn’t the obnoxious one he used when he had been talking to them. It was like soothing water flowing down a hillside to land in a smooth, calm stream.

Cole lifted his head from Casey’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry I ran off. I forgot my phone at another table.”

Zoey watched as a beautiful red-haired woman came to stand next to Greer, with a large man coming to stand behind her.

Greer gave the redhead a searching look before turning back to Cole at her encouraging nod.

“My sister would like to meet you, too, if that’s okay?”

Beaming now, Cole gave his hand to Greer again. Greer slowly took it as “Lovely” began playing in the background. The redhead then reached out to take Greer’s other hand as the man behind her took her other one.

Penni pulled Casey from Cole, murmuring something Zoey couldn’t hear.

Holding her breath, Zoey watched as Greer lowered his head, seeing Cole was becoming frightened and was about to cry again.

Zoey jumped out of her seat to go around the table to take Cole’s free hand.

“I’m here with you, Cole.” She pressed it tightly between hers, allowing her energy’s warmth to soak into his.

She saw the toll it was taking on Greer as his color gradually began to drain. She was about to tell him to stop when Penni moved between her and Cole, taking one of her hands. Then she turned and took Casey’s hand. When Lily stood, taking Casey’s hand, one by one, The Last Riders stood up, forming a chain as they all linked hands until they reached the other side of the table. That was when the Predators stood up, surrounding Cole and Greer in the circle, hiding them away from prying eyes.

Zoey raised tear-filled eyes to Stump, who stood, holding hands with Colton and Max, seeing the same sense of wonderment in his that was filling her.

“Thank you.” Greer released Cole’s hand then shakenly grabbed the table.

The red-headed woman didn’t seem to be in any better shape as the man behind her helped her into a chair.

Zoey was feeling woozy herself as she reached out to help steady Greer.

“How can I help?” Becoming alarmed at how pale he was, she pulled one of the chairs under him, helping him sit down.

“Nothing. Give me a moment.”

“I’ve got him.”

Zoey moved to the side as a man whose aura frightened her raised Greer to his feet.

“I’ll take him to his room. He needs to lie down. Can you tell my wife we’re leaving?”

“Yes. What’s her name?”

“Lily. She’s the one with the black hair.”

“I’ll do it now.”

Glad to be away from him, she went to the end of the table, telling Lily that her husband and Greer were leaving.

“I’ll get my purse and go with them.”

Zoey couldn’t believe the woman was married to the man who was helping Greer.

“I like your dress,” Zoey complimented her as she reached for her purse.

“I like yours, too. Pink is my favorite color.”

“Mine, too. I hope I can see you before you go back to Kentucky.”

“I hope so, too.” Lily gave her a friendly smile as she left to go after her husband.

Stump was talking to Colton and Vida when she returned to her seat.

“Where did Casey and Cole go?” She looked around, seeing Max had left, too.

“They left while you were talking to Lily,” Stump answered. “We were just sitting here, wondering what the hell happened.”

“We were blessed,” she said simply. “No one at the other tables saw, did they?” She glanced around worriedly.

“No. It just looked like we were praying over nachos.”

“Good. Greer doesn’t want anyone to know.”

“Know what?” Vida scooted her chair over to make room for Kaden and Sawyer.

“That he’s been touched by the Divine One.”

“The Divine One?” Sawyer repeated.

“The Divine One,” Zoey repeated in an awestruck voice. “Greer is truly powerful.”

“Are we talking about the same person you were about to strangle when he talked about his wife?” Stump asked in amusement.