“You can’t hurt her until I get paid.” The man across from them looked to where they were staring, his eyes narrowing on them. “After that, you can do what…”

Stump saw Greer’s face grow dark with anger as Penni took Cole’s arm to lead him toward them.

“Never mind. You can hurt her now. If she were a man, I would do it for you.”

“Greer, I want you to meet a friend of mine. His name is Cole, and he’s Casey’s brother.”

As Cole raised his hand to shake his, Greer scooted his chair backward so fast that he almost toppled it over. Righting himself, he hastily moved out of Cole’s reach.

Hurt at Greer’s reaction, Cole looked as if he was about to cry.

“Greer, please!” Penni called out to Greer’s back as he maneuvered his way down the table.

Stump saw a red-haired woman stand up at the end of table, giving Penni an angry look.

Penni gave Zoey a pleading glance. “Please help me, Zoey. Please!”

After he had read her letters, Stump knew she wouldn’t be able to refuse her pleas. When she rose to go after Greer, he let her.

Why would Penni want Greer to meet Colt badly enough to pay for his way? He didn’t want to interfere until he knew why. Penni’s methods of reaching her goals were often strong when she wanted her way, but her intentions were never meant to hurt anyone. In fact, she went overboard trying to help.

Colt was a boy trapped in a man’s body. If he was in that position and needed someone with determination and spunk to take his back, it wouldn’t be one of the Predators; it would be Penni.

Zoey would baby him, like Casey and Max did. No, Cole needed a fighter, and as crazy as she drove Jackal, she was the best in the club.


“Wait, Greer!” Zoey dodged around Vida’s chair, catching him behind Gianna’s. Grabbing his arm, she pulled him to a halt.

“Let me go!”

Zoey’s eyes widened in shock at the impact storming through her body from the sudden contact. She hastily dropped his arm, darting in front of him before he could move away. “Wow, you’re very powerful, aren’t you?”

Greer tried to sidle by her without touching her body. “I don’t know what you mean.”

She blocked him again. “Oh yes, you do. You know exactly what I’m talking about. No one with your kind of energy doesn’t know it exists. That’s why Penni has been so determined for you to meet Cole, isn’t it?”

“You’re as looney as she is. Move or I’ll move you myself.”

Zoey shook her head at him. “You won’t touch me. That’s why you act the way you do—to make people keep their distance. It almost worked with me, and I think I’m fairly good at spotting auras. I thought yours was a muddy orange, but it isn’t, is it?” She was tempted to reach out and touch him again, but she didn’t. “It’s gold. You’ve been in the presence of the Divine One, haven’t you? What’s it like?” she asked in awe. “I used to have a friend like you. He’s moved on, but he didn’t try to hide his colors. How do you do it?”

“Woman, you’re nuts. I’ve got squirrels in my backyard with more sense than you!” He tried to barge past her again, but she stepped closer, forcing him to stop.

“You were the reason Penni wanted to take Cole on vacation with them. I blame myself…. I’ve been distracted. I should have asked Penni about the conversation she had with Casey. She must have said no; that’s why Penni tricked you into coming here. Can you help Cole?”

“No!” he hissed, looking around to see who was watching and giving Gianna a baleful glare that had her turning around in her chair.

Zoey tilted her head to the side. “Why, because you can’t heal him or because you don’t want to?”

“I can’t help him!”

“You’re lying. Your aura is going muddy again.”

“Stop it!”

“Then tell the truth, and I’ll leave you alone.”

“I don’t know if I can help him, and I don’t want to know,” he muttered, looking away.

“Cole is a very sweet man. I would help him if I could,” she said matter-of-factly. “Did Penni tell you what happened to him?”

“No, and I. Don’t. Want. To. Know!”

“His stepfather almost bashed his head in.”

Greer winced. “How long ago?”

“I don’t know exactly, but I assume it’s been several years.”

“Then I can’t help. Move.”

“Don’t lie—”

“I ain’t lying.” He spoke so low his lips didn’t move. “I’ve never tried to heal someone who’s had an injury that old.”

“But you can make it better, can’t you? He might not be the same, but can you heal him enough that he wouldn’t be like a child anymore.”

“I don’t know.” Doubt began to ease into his tone.

“Then try.”



“I have a family to protect. If I use my strength on him, it’ll take me months to recuperate. I won’t endanger my family to help someone else. I’m sure he’s a sweet kid, but I have one of my own now.”