“I’ll be quiet. I’ll make sure I won’t wake anyone.”

“It’s not that—”

Zoey took off from the elevator, walking toward her car as Jackal tried to catch up.

“Wait, Zoey!”

She got in her car, slamming and locking the door before he could reach her. When he tried to open the car door, she started the car.

“Sorry!” She took off, leaving him no choice but to jump back.

Turning her music on to give her courage, she gunned her tiny car, afraid he would stop her before she could get to the clubhouse.

She ran three red lights, and her car went on two wheels when she turned sharply into the parking lot. Looking over her shoulder, she couldn’t see Jackal, yet she didn’t slow down.

Chanting for courage, she tried the door, relieved it was open.

It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the dark room. Trying to remember the room she was in last night, she took a step toward the hall that led to Stump’s room.

A loud grunt came from the floor when her foot came into contact with someone’s back.

“Excuse me!” she whispered loudly.

“What the fuck! Watch where you’re going!”

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. It’s so dark. I can’t see.”

“Then turn on the fucking light!”

“I don’t want to wake anyone else up. Go back to sleep. I won’t bother you again.”

Zoey gingerly slid her foot forward, hoping she wouldn’t step on anyone else. She carefully moved another step, cringing when she heard glass breaking.

“What the hell!”

The angry voice had her freezing in place. If she didn’t hurry and find Stump, Jackal would get there and toss her out.

She heard movement and several more grunts before she was blinded by the overhead light. Blinking, she saw a half-naked man furiously glaring at her from the other side of the room.

Licking her lips, she started wringing her hands when the mass of men lying on the floor raised onto their elbows, staring at her.

She began looking away from the bare-chested man that she had woken. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“I heard. Can you see where you’re going now so we can get some sleep? Or do you want to stand there, apologizing until you wake up everyone in the bedrooms, too?”

“Yes—I mean, no. Thank you.”

Rushing down the hallway, she found Stump’s door. She was about to knock when she saw the club door open and Jackal come in.

“Zoey, dammit! Wait!”

Not listening, she jerked the door open, running inside and throwing her back against the door so Jackal couldn’t come in.

“Stump!” she called out as she brought her hand to the wall, looking for the light switch. “Stump! Wake up!”

A light from the side of Stump’s bed came on, and Zoey owlishly stared as Stump half-raised up on the mattress, his hand still on the light switch.

“Zoey, what…?”

“Stump, turn the light back off. I’m not ready to get up.” A feminine hand came out from underneath the covers as a woman raised her head to rest her chin on his shoulder while sliding her arm across his waist to lay intimately on his abs.

“Cool it, Crush. We have company.” Stump flipped the blanket off to get out of bed.

Zoey turned to press her forehead against the door. She then pressed her hands into the wood to hold herself from slipping to the floor.

Shuffling movements told her that he was getting dressed, but she wasn’t brave enough to turn around, nor did she want to answer Jackal’s knocks.

“You can turn around.”

Zoey turned to face Stump, seeing he had his jeans on and was putting on his T-shirt. Her eyes moved away from him toward the woman who sat up in bed. Her breasts were bare while her bottom half was covered by the blanket.

Zoey’s eyes flew toward Stump. “You slept with her?” she whispered accusingly. “In front of Hannibal?”

“Is she fucking serious?” The woman sat up farther in the bed to lean back against the headboard.

“Leave, Crush,” Stump ordered, sitting down to put his boots on.

“I was here first! Why are you putting your boots on? We have all day to hang together since you quit.”

“Crush! Out! Whoever’s knocking, stop!” Stump roared.

“It’s Jackal.” Zoey kept her hands on the door, afraid Jackal would open it and drag her out before she got her explanation.

The woman rose angrily from the bed then bent down to grab her clothes off the floor. She didn’t bother to dress, stomping across the room. Zoey helpfully held the door open for her, seeing Jackal’s startled face when she jerked the door wide open.

“Sorry, brother.”

“It’s cool. Can you close the door?”

“No problem.” Jackal gave Zoey a hard glance as he closed the door.

“Why are you here, Zoey?”

“I wanted to ask why you didn’t go running with me.”

“Jackal didn’t tell you?”

“He said you had a job to do for Ice, but when we were at the office, I asked him if he called you when he saw me speeding, and he said you were sleeping. If you were sleeping, why didn’t you go running with me?” She lowered her eyes as he stood to his full height, overwhelming the room with his size. She pressed back against the closed door, wanting to run, but she wanted to hear his explanation more.