“Just ignore him,” Drake advised. “That’s what I do.”

Darcy went silent, staring morosely out the window.

Drake pulled into the driveway and ushered Bliss and Darcy inside.

“What’s the rush?”

“If we don’t get there early enough, the turkey will be all gone. Between all The Last Riders and the Porters, it’s already slim pickings.”

“There will be plenty of food. Rachel made an extra turkey, and Willa made an extra ham.”

“Cal and Jace will probably be there before it’s over.”

“We better hurry, then, because once those boys start eating, nothing will be left.” With that, Bliss ran up the steps. The sight almost had him agreeing with Darcy about staying home.

Darcy followed her mother upstairs more slowly, sending him a pleading look over her shoulder. Drake gave her an encouraging smile.

“I’ll make sure Logan behaves.”


Drake took his time getting dressed, knowing he would be ready well before his women. He wasn’t wrong. It took them a good hour longer than him before they were heading to Lucky’s church.

Darcy’s reservations about coming disappeared when John, Chance, Noah, and little Maggie came running to greet her. The children disappeared into the crowd. Drake didn’t worry, though. Each adult in the room would keep an eye on the children.

“I’m going to go help set the food up.” Bliss rose up on her toes to brush a kiss on his lips.

“Don’t be gone long.”

“I won’t,” she promised, giving him a bright smile before braving the huge crowd.

Drake found the punch bowl already surrounded by The Last Riders. He didn’t have to ask Rider if it was spiked since a smaller bowl had been set up at another table with Rachel pouring cups for the children.

He took a cup from Viper.

“Careful with that,” he warned. “Rider and Train made it this year.”

Drake took a small sip, nearly gagging. It was more liquor than fruit. At least the huge table of food should help with keeping the men relatively sober, if not from puking up the horrible concoction the two had made.

Shade caught his reaction. “It’s better than last year when Penni made it.”

“Or the year before when Greer did. The women didn’t even talk to any of us Christmas Day. That son of a bitch was responsible for all of us having to walk home in the freezing cold after the women left with the children,” Cash needlessly reminded them.

Drake had been one of them walking home. He had woken up the next morning with the worst hangover in history. He had waited for Bliss and Darcy to open their presents before driving to Greer’s house and beating the shit out of him. Drake was sure it was one Christmas present he would never forget.

“I’m going to tell my daddy!” Darcy’s tearful voice had Drake turning to seeing Logan standing next to his daughter. Her pretty green dress was drenched in punch. Darcy was holding an empty cup, the contents of which Drake assumed Logan had forced her to spill on herself.

Rachel had turned around to talk to Holly when she saw Darcy. She immediately began trying to wipe off her dress.

Drake was about to step forward when Greer came barreling toward his nephew, slapping him up against the back of his head.

“What’s wrong with you, boy? Porters never make a woman cry!”

Holly opened her mouth but snapped it closed when Greer shot her a do-not-interfere look.

Logan turned bright red from being the focus of so many adult stares.

“I couldn’t let her drink it, Uncle Greer.”

“Why not?” Holly asked before Greer could.

“Because Chance had switched that cup with one from the other table when no one was looking.”

The room went silent. The men went pale, and Razer went for Chance. Drake almost felt sorry for the young boy.

Chance and Noah were going through a mischievous phase, pulling jokes on each other when the opportunity was available.

“I’m sorry, Dad. I meant it for Noah.”

“Chance, you can spend the rest of the night by yourself in the corner, watching everyone else have fun.”

“I’m sorry, Dad.” Razer didn’t try to hide his disappointment in his son’s actions.

“Go, and don’t think that will be your only punishment. When Noah is unwrapping his Christmas presents in the morning, you will be writing letters of apology to both Darcy and her parents.”

“Yes, sir.” The dejected boy went to the corner where his furious mother had a chair waiting for him.

“That’s the last time you men get your own punch.” Winter picked up the big bowl, taking it into the church kitchen.

The men all glared at the boy while Drake burst out laughing, slapping Razer on the back.

“Don’t be too mad at him. He did us all a favor. That’s the worst punch we’ve had yet.”

The atmosphere lightened.

Greer ruffled Logan’s hair. “That’s the way you watch out for your cousin.”

Logan’s hand went to his hair to straighten it and he cast a shy glance at Darcy. “She’s not my cousin! We’re not kin.”