“Bliss, hurry.”

She came out dripping wet, giving him a fuming glare. “I would have already been dressed if you hadn’t dragged me back to bed after my first shower.”

Drake laughed. “I told you I had a special present for you.”

“You gave me several presents last night. They were all special.” She put an extra bounce into her ass as she wiggled into her jeans.

“I’ll go make us some hot chocolate. Don’t take long.”

“I’m almost ready. Don’t forget the marshmallows.”

“I won’t. I bought extra.”

* * *

Bliss stared after Drake, wondering about the cryptic comment. Then the doorbell rang as she was choosing a green sweater to wear with her black jeans. She put on a pair of warm boots, wanting to be prepared to ride when she took the men to see their new bikes. Opening the bedroom door, she hurried out to see Jace and Cal.

She turned the corner of the hallway, coming to a stop when she saw the Christmas tree. Santa had come the night before, and he hadn’t forgotten her that year. At least a dozen presents that hadn’t been there before were shoved under the bulging tree. He seemed to have made up for every year he had missed with her.

On the chair beside the Christmas tree was a cream-colored coat with fur cuffs and a fur hood, carefully arranged with a red bow. Next to the coat was a little girl dressed in a red velvet dress with a tiny red ribbon dangling from her hair. Her feet were in shiny black shoes that were swinging back and forth.

“Darcy!” Bliss couldn’t hold back her sobs as she ran into the room.

The little girl excitedly jumped up and ran to her, holding out her arms. Bliss reached down, lifting the slight bundle into her arms.

“I thought you couldn’t get the court date approved until after Christmas?” Bliss looked at Cal who was standing next to Jace and Drake. His eyes were brimming with tears.

“Drake hired Diamond to push it through for me. They gave me custody of her yesterday. She’s mine now.” His hand tightened on the yellow envelope in his hand before he reached out to hand it to her.

Bliss shifted Darcy to her hip as she opened the large envelope. She stared down uncomprehendingly as she flipped through and read the official papers.

“The first one is my dad’s legal document giving up his parental rights. The second one is my custody papers, giving me legal custody of Darcy.” Cal’s voice broke, but he continued. “The third paper is me giving up Darcy for adoption to you and Drake. The fourth one is giving you and Drake permission to care for her and the medical releases while I’m in the service until the adoption goes through. If you want her, she’s yours.”

Bliss buried her face in Darcy’s sweet smelling hair. “I want her more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life.” She felt the little girl’s arms circle her neck as she laid her head on her shoulder.

Bliss carried her to Cal, who was manfully trying not to cry. “Are you sure?”

“I can’t offer her what you and Drake can. I can’t give her the forever home she needs. I wish I could, but I can’t. It’s not fair to make her wait.”

She turned to her fiancé. “Are you sure, Drake? We never talked about children.” She held her breath, waiting for his answer. Please, God, just this once, don’t let the happiness slip through my grasp.

“I knew I wasn’t capable of raising Darcy by myself, or I would have taken her when she went into foster care. I don’t know a thing about raising little girls. I thought you could help me with that part.” He wrapped his arms around both of them. “I’m going to enjoy having two pretty girls to come home to.”

Darcy raised her head from Bliss’s shoulder. “Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?”

“Yes, Darcy, I did.” Bliss placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Did you?”

“Yes. Bubby told me I’m going to stay with you and Drake.” Bliss laughed when Darcy reached out to pat Drake’s cheek.

“Is that okay with you?”

The girl nodded happily then frowned. “You won’t try to take my blanket away?” Darcy clutched it to her tightly.

“No,” Bliss reassured her through her tears of happiness.

“Then it’s okay. All the kids at school are going to want to come home with you, too, but I’m going to tell them you’re all mine.”

“You’re going to share her with me, aren’t you, Darcy?” Drake asked with mock worry.

“I can share with you, not them. She’s going to be my mama, not theirs.”

“No, I won’t be theirs.” Bliss’s voice wobbled. “Do you want to open our presents now?” Bliss had wrapped Darcy’s presents the day before. Cal was supposed to have taken them to her at her foster home after dinner. The men had planned the Christmas surprise so she could see Darcy open her presents.