“Yeah, it’s a classic. It’s sitting at Jo’s repair shop right now. The front passenger seat went through the floorboard. Jace sold it to me for fifty dollars two days ago.”

“Fifty dollars? He gave Crazy Bitch a thousand for it.”

“Lesson learned: never buy a car off a woman named Crazy Bitch.”

Chapter 19

“One, don’t make me come. Two, don’t make me come. Three—”

“Will you stop doing that?” Drake stopped sucking on the pebbled nipple long enough to raise himself on his arms and stare down at the woman wiggling on the dick he was thrusting inside her wet pussy. He was sore as hell from the fights the night before; he kept telling himself it was mind over matter when each thrust sent pain screaming through his body. The only thing that mattered was his aching dick. Bliss could get a rise from a man at death’s door.

“Then don’t make me come!” she panted. Her hands that had been gripping the sides of her pillow went to his chest, her thumbs playing with his nipples. The ring he had placed on her finger when they had gone to bed the night before flashed when the light from the bedside lamp hit the large, sparkling diamond.

Drake raised himself up higher, wanting to see the glide of his slick dick going in and out of the pussy stretched wide to take him.

“Don’t do that! It makes me want to come when you watch us fuck.”

Drake didn’t lift his eyes, holding back his climax. Each stroke dragged his cock across her clit, making her wetter for him.

His hand went down to her stomach, pressing down as he thrust upward. Her loud screams let him know he had rubbed the spot he was aiming for. Her pussy clenched then began a series of spasms that had his cock filling her as each thrust knocked the headboard against the wall.

He lowered his seriously aching body onto hers when he finished, watching every second of her climax.

“You’re going to have to come quieter from now on. Jace and Cal will be able to hear you from all the way upstairs in their bedrooms if you don’t.”

Bliss slid her arms around Drake until she could grip an ass cheek in both of her hands. “I told you I won’t move in until Jace leaves to join the service. I’m not going to have the gossips in town saying anything to hurt him.”

“That’s why you haven’t moved in?”

She had cared enough about the boys not to want them to think badly of her. Behind the naughty exterior Bliss projected to the town, Drake knew she was sensitive to what others thought about her; she had just learned to hide it, even from herself.

Bliss began massaging his ass cheeks, and Drake pulled out of her before she could get him hard again. He didn’t have time to fuck her again before Jace and Cal returned home to open their Christmas presents.

“Your ex-wife saw me at the grocery store and told me that everyone in school was teasing him about his dad’s hot girlfriend.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because, at one time, it was something I would have done myself. I figured I deserved it. Payback’s a bitch.”

“The only bitch was Stephanie for acting that way.” He made a mental note to call her the following day. When he finished with her, she would run across the street when she saw Bliss.

Drake let her doze back to sleep while he showered and shaved. He then tossed the covers off Bliss when he came out of the bathroom.

“Time to get up. Jace and Cal will be here any minute. It’s Christmas morning, so he won’t knock before coming in. Then he’ll see just how hot his soon-to-be stepmother really is,” Drake threatened.

Bliss squealed, jumping out of bed. The only thing Drake saw was a flash, and then she was gone, the bathroom door closing behind her.

“I was only teasing,” he called out, getting dressed and listening to her mumbling threats. “You’re not going to do anything,” Drake yelled back at her mumbling. “My dick is why you fell in love with me.”

“No, it isn’t. I fell in love with the way you fuck me,” she said, the bathroom door still firmly closed, the shower running.

“It’s the same thing.”

“No, it isn’t. That’s like saying, ‘which came first: the chicken or the egg.’”

“I’m never going to understand that logic.” Drake sat on the side of the bed, tugging on his boots. He was going to be prepared to ride when they went to see the motorcycle she had bought him for Christmas. Damn, he had wanted to make the holiday special for Bliss, and she had almost outdone him on presents. She thought she was wearing his gift to her when the best one was going to be there any second.