She was on her own, though. Neither the men nor the women talked to her anymore. Bliss knew it was because of her own behavior, but it still fucking hurt. They could have stuck a knife in her stomach, and she would have remained loyal to them.

Her mom had always told her to obey the rules of whatever house they lived in, because it wasn’t their home and they could be thrown out. Her mother had been right.

She had learned a lot of hard lessons in her life, but leaving The Last Riders had been the hardest of all.

Chapter 3

Bliss sat on the bleachers next to Ginny, surveying the large crowd. She had accepted Ginny’s invitation to go to the basketball game in hope of seeing a few of The Last Riders. They loved sports and supported the school activities, thanks to Viper’s wife, Winter, who was the principal of the local alternative school. She really left them no choice.

“I’m going to get some popcorn. Want some?”

“Yes, please.” Ginny reached for her purse.

“My treat.” Bliss stood, taking off down the long flight of steps then walking in front of the crowded bleachers to the concession stand. She felt several eyes on her as she went. Bliss knew it was the wives of The Last Riders’ watching her.

She was glad she had taken extra care with her appearance that night. Her leather leggings clung to her ass, and the black jersey sweatshirt had silver studs that flashed as she walked past.

She breezed past Rider and Train, not giving them a second glance as she got in line behind Shade.

“I’ll take a medium with two bottled waters.” His deep voice brought an ache to her heart.

“No butter?” She took a step forward so he could hear her over the roars coming from inside the gym. “You love butter.”

Shade turned his head, his cold blue gaze making her take a step back.

Turning back around, he paid then moved to the side to wait as the kid behind the counter rushed to fill his order.

“It’s not for me, it’s for Viper and Winter.”

“Lily’s not here with you tonight?”

“No, she’s home with John. He has a cold.”

Bliss paled at the reminder of Shade’s child. It never failed to thrust a blade through her heart.

“I hope he feels better soon,” she said sincerely.

“Do you?” He took the bag of popcorn and waters from the kid before turning to face her.

Bliss paled even more. “Of course. I wouldn’t wish anything bad on your child, Shade.”

Shade ran his eyes over her body critically.

Bliss had never been self-conscious, but she had noticed the dark circles under her eyes, and if she had seen them, Shade would. No detail, however small, ever got past him.

“You’ve lost weight.”

“Shade, please—”

“Don’t ask. You already know the answer.”

“I’d do anything if you could talk Viper into letting me come back,” Bliss pleaded.

“There’s nothing I can do to convince Viper of that, and I don’t want to. You pushed our friendship too far. Even when I kept telling you to stop being a bitch to the women, you kept pushing.”

Bliss avoided his perceptive gaze, looking away and pretending she was interested in the basketball game. She noticed Drake Hall was in the gymnasium doorway, watching her and Shade instead of the game.

“Why couldn’t you love me?” Bliss whispered to Shade’s retreating back.

He stiffened yet didn’t turn back.

“Can I help you?” the kid at the concession stand asked.

“I’ll take a popcorn.”

“With or without butter?”

Bliss choked back a sob, unable to answer the simple question.

“With,” a male voice answered for her. “She’ll take a soda, too.”

Drake moved forward, handing the kid a ten.

“How do you know I want butter?” she asked, thinking it was better to project anger than hurt.

“Don’t really care if you do or don’t. I just want to watch you eat it.” There was a tone to his voice that made a shiver run down her back to the base of her spine.

The student behind the counter turned bright red as he shoved popcorn into the cup and poured her soda. Reaching out, she took them, trying to ignore the part of herself that, so far, only one other man had managed to stir to life.

“Jace is hanging out with his friends tonight. Want to grab a burger at the diner after the game?”

Bliss watched Shade through the open doorway as he climbed back up the steps of the bleachers. Anything would be better than spending the rest of the night moping about what she didn’t have anymore. Drake was a handsome man, and he might be just the distraction she needed for a couple of hours.

“Sure, I’m not doing anything. I’ll meet you there. I came with my roommate, so I’ll have to drop her off first.”

“See you there in twenty minutes, then.”


Bliss was aware of him watching her as she returned to her seat next to Ginny. He stood in the doorway, not taking his eyes off her as she ate the popcorn he had bought her. Teasingly, she licked the butter off her bottom lip before sliding the tip of the straw into her mouth.